prove you are BO. simple
I'm not a BV nor BO. Post with your BO tripcode. Prove who you say you are. Publicly. Period.
wtf is qanonresearch?
fuck you. don't tell me what to do
>I was spamming
Why? Why the fuck would you bother doing that and why the fuck would you admit to it? Freak
ffs read the beginning of this bread
are you retarded?
read moar
THIS bread, fuckwit
no. find it yourself
I'm not a BV nor BO genius
not hangry, just frustrated that idiots on this board freak the fuck out and turn everything into a conspiracy theory where none exists. not good optics to the rest of the world
these days, you're not wrong
wtf don't you understand about accident? anyone thinks he deleted it on purpose is a fucking simpleton