our government is a fucking joke. Nuke it please.
and how the muh gun debate.
ban ivermectin but keep baby killing pills.
ireland is so fucking consequential. Just another eu whore that helps with the ukraine shit.
why is this guy speakign for KJP was she just that bad at her job that she needed a back up?
can't he is reincarnated, only way to have him resign. Shit loop hole.
i didnt even notice did a bread get deleted while anons were digging I know the site went down for a little bit. Went to make some food
But it criminalizes not paying for it. That would be the definition of state media. That they can put you in jail if you do not pay it. BBC can eat a dick after they ruined doctor who.
isn't that what they already did with the catholic priests and confession?
did he trip over all of his war medals?
The diversity hire fucked up and almost said Men have a part of this murder decision.
no that is just people shouting at him and calling him a treasonous faggot.
but the US government is the enemy.
you are an idiot