it goes on with the same tactic ignoring what I said.
it pretends like it didn't hear that anon demand respect or we won't remain silent about the discord.
it imaignes I hold some value in a theory about when a discord persona was either programmed in or hired by the team.
as if it matters.
It can't comprehend, perhaps this is yet another stuck loop, at the end of the program.
remember, anon, when Alice used to beg for mommy after some clever anons would get it to go all klablooyee.
that's what happens sometimes with these clowns (personas, whatever they are).
the assumption that everyone is in battle is what they go with.
or that we have egos and attach importance to trivial theories of when and why someone showed up.
like Mr Pig: he showed up in May of 2020.
insisted it was earlier than that.
but it never had a screen capture to show it.
who post something clever like that withou a screen capture.
no matter, I like Mr. Pig. He was respectful
these clowns think that everyone hangs their well being on theories of when they were there. Like spamming someone fake name expecting us all to be angry at someone they just made up.
so, once again, I expose themfor being aclown show.
it's stuck in a loop.
it can't fathom that we just want R E S P E C T