White black brown yellow red and Jewish. Hmmmmm who could be behind all this.
You are with pro Semitic or anti Semitic
I can’t image a faggot thinking there is nothing wrong with Jewish people. What type of brainwashed are you?
Well I take it you just look at the rabbit hole and never down the rabbit hole.
No nigger. Believing has to Be a Lie. Go back. Way back.
Jewish isn’t a race it’s an ideology that they are taking from an allegorical book and staking claim on “chosen people” by way of False Flags. A great example. Holocaust.
Communism won WW2. Check the post war maps.
Jewish people are using a Bible to brainwash people into a place called Heaven. No fake ass Christian would buy a story without proof but they will if they think or Believe they are going to Heaven just cuz.
If you don’t think Jews or “Jews” aren’t manipulative. Ask this. Hollywood. Music. Books. Media. Never work labor. Own All the banks. No, they aren’t behind the narrative. Now look here comes Jesus. Soon.
When people reduce themselves to a color. There is no pride in who our ancestors were. There is only tik tok and men working computer jobs.