So are Greeks and Italians, but Greeks and Italians are considered to be White.
They are trying to gaslight the world by blaming Whites for all of their own crimes against humanity, and then exempt themselves by saying, "We're not White, we're Jewish." They want to blame all non-Jewish Whites for what they and their minions have done.
But they can't exempt themselves from their own color coding system.
40+ European Nationalities could claim they aren't White and fill in the blank.
I'm not White, I'm Italian
I'm not White, I'm Greek
But for some reason all non-Jewish Whites are labeled as just plain old White, while the Jews claim to not be White.
They try to exempt themselves and make themselves exclusive.
Really there are only 3 races:
Or a combination of 2 or 3 of these.
What does that have to do with skin color?
Jewish isn't a skin color, but they have put a color coded skin color label on everyone but themselves.
They think that they are exclusive.
Well, Jesus was a Jew.
He came from the line of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and David, just as it was prophesied that the Promised Messiah would be.
God revealed Himself to the Jewish people, and the Promised Messiah came from the line of Jewish people.
Many Jewish people became Christians and many non-Jewish people became Christians.
So the Jewish lineage didn't matter any more after Jesus showed up.
But Jewish people nowadays won't admit that. They think that they are still special even though they rejected the Promised Messiah that God sent.
Shame on them. They were God's Chosen people, but they rejected Him and continue to reject Him.
Don't blame God for the acts of Satan.
>didn’t God create Satan?
Yes, and He created you too.
Do you ever do anything wrong?
Is it God's fault when you do something wrong?