jfk CP gets into toilet seat fight with hubbard's CP stealin fed CP frum hunter's CP computer
paul ryan still has not returned hunter's CP laptop
hillaryshittyjuwkilos.jpeg sting goes undercover cross dressing antichrist to catch jfk CP factory
jfk CP still mad at kamal riders ruining tranny fashions of pone show
rabbi joshua still does not want to talk about larping drumpf frum aunt wiff danfaggot
rabbi joshua and danfaggot would suck aunt's drumpf and try and get caught
jfk CP struggle to get double volcano moist waiting for paul ryan to return hunter;s CP laptop taht was getting doxxed by FIBtranny
>jfk CP struggle to get double volcano moist
jfk CP double volcano moist still waitin fo paul ryan call back bout hunter;s CP laptop getting doxxed by FIBtranny
>>jfk CP struggle to get double volcano moist
>jfk CP double volcano moist still waitin fo paul ryan call back bout hunter;s CP laptop getting doxxed by FIBtranny
jfk volcanos mount up fo lesbian toyota farts ride to yogurt dispensary to halp volcano joos
photocopied coke whore
all ltaht shit frum jfk volcano