Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 8:09 a.m. No.18694060   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4067


my point is that when people claim ownership of it, and don't make is a generalized idea, like 'the people's' or 'American' or some other entity or governments citizens, then, in fact, it's code for oligarchy, as you say.

but to say it's specifically the group you mentioned is bigoted, and untrue.

Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 8:14 a.m. No.18694079   🗄️.is đź”—kun


It's OK, anon, it's a typical kind of bigotry.

you can get past it.

maybe if you do you won't be hungup and you can be come more effective.

but in the meantime to harp on one group, when there are so very very many, is damaging to you and dangerous as well, as that group doesn't take kindly to slander, as is their prerogative.

Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.18694144   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4153


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 10:55:48ed0049 (1) No.18693994



'our Democracy'

if they say that it means that it's theirs, not the people's

they don't say 'American democracy' they only say 'our democracy'


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 10:57:29ed0049 (2) No.18693999


I suppose to me clearer I could say somthing like

"you claiming ownership of democracy, that it is your democracy, is a threat to the American republic"



â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 10:59:25ed0049 (3) No.18694012



the Deep State may, in fact, be in a hot war.

they seem to be at war against anyone who isn't in their group.


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:00:41ed0049 (4) No.18694020



ya, like he doesn't lurk here and take the gems and run with them.

that's fine.

but don't diminish the anon.

some of us think this chap is effective and useful.


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:09:55ed0049 (5) No.18694060



my point is that when people claim ownership of it, and don't make is a generalized idea, like 'the people's' or 'American' or some other entity or governments citizens, then, in fact, it's code for oligarchy, as you say.

but to say it's specifically the group you mentioned is bigoted, and untrue.


â–¶ Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:14:03 ed0049 (6) No.18694079




It's OK, anon, it's a typical kind of bigotry.


you can get past it.


maybe if you do you won't be hungup and you can be come more effective.


but in the meantime to harp on one group, when there are so very very many, is damaging to you and dangerous as well, as that group doesn't take kindly to slander, as is their prerogative.



â–¶ Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:19:36 ed0049 (7) No.18694102



more bigotry

see, bigotry comes from anyone and everywhere.

when people don't face their own false assumptions, and presumptions of superiority, it rots their souls.

and then they post boasting crap like this one does as if it's something remarkable.

As if all of those in the identity group that they think is 'better than' all others agree, like they are some giant cult.

in fact, people do not agree. your own family won't agree.

they will just put you to the side, and deal with it.

oh, that smack talking uncle Bigot, the jerk who hates everyone who isn't of our group.


and then later in life they find out 'by the way, you were adopted. you're really <some other lineage>


oh boo hoo who

your identity? was just a lie?

I'm not really an ubbermenshce?

no, uncle biggot, you are not

you are an Ubberbigot


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:21:10ed0049 (8) No.18694113



do not tag me with your bullshit, gatekeeper.


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:21:40ed0049 (9) No.18694119



> cc794e

never tag me with your bullshit, gatekeeper.


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:27:44ed0049 (3) No.18694134>>18694139




aren't you the clever little censorious bitch


â–¶Anonymous (You) 04/14/23 (Fri) 11:28:17ed0049 (3) No.18694137


more proof that the crew here are not friends of the anon or the board.

Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 8:55 a.m. No.18694241   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4254 >>4295

anyone using this board should understand that the crew running it is not about anon, free speech, or Q.

they are gate keepers who try to control the messaging here.

it's also got an element of trying to brain wash people into being attracted to transexuals, the tranny baker.

that is all.

expect the censors to also remove this post.

Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 8:59 a.m. No.18694260   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4270 >>4363

>>18674830 (pb)

more gaslighting.

what is weak minded is you thinking that you can get away with your constant gaslighting.


>>18674838 (pb)

I'm fine.

I post as I do and when the team does there sick stuff I just flip into growl mode and remind them that everyone is on to their bullshit.



monster baker explaining the porn and how to be an effective creep to screw with people's sexuality and hook them on tranny porn right before bed:

>>18664239 (PB)

>>18664524 (PB)

>>18664521 (PB)

>>18664516 (PB)

>>18664507 (PB)

>>18664465 (PB)


here is the person in the next bread after it doxed itself.


>>18664899 (PB)

>>18664901 (PB)


and then the funny part, this after noon when someone basically admitted, by saying "I" when trying to gas light it all.


>>18673102 (pb)


this is where the porn/gore shill admitted that the tranny baker knew he was going to post.

the tranny baker was coaching the gore/porn shill

gore /porn shill said "I", admitting he was the one posting the gore/porn

>>18673009 (pb)

after this it went into a barrage of gaslighting. It tried to claim it was a bot.

that breat had a lot of havoc in it for other reasons too.

the conclusiong: BVs, Shills, Bakers, all colluding to screw with people's heads.

but the mess up.

Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 10:01 a.m. No.18694508   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4536 >>4563 >>4795


the situation is such:

if they don't like what you are saying some of them will delete all your posts.

I made 9 or more posts previous to what shows up as the first one with my id and they were deleted.

the tell is what the person who is BV will do a

@ <some post numberand then you will maybe be gone from the bread.


the person did this to me twice or three times in the bread.


it's fine because I'm here documenting what they do.

I kjnow that they are not friendly and are arogant, and mocking.

so I accept it.

the smugness of them? it doesn't bother me either. the reason is because they are horrid and eveyrone knows that they are horrid.

I do not accept the censorship though I do suggest that people just roll with it.

but when they mock by trying to quote back to an anon something said to an anon, it's them just being the beasts that they are.


anon have dealt with this. I was locked out for a year from breads for spurious reasons.

so now we have proof that the censorship is arbitrary and based on nothing more that they don't like your posts.

and that's good to document.

hopefully they will be held to account some day,

it is what it is.

the are essentially impotent and non substantial and just desk jockies.

and we do know that it's an active situation, so the idea that they act as tyrants is not surprising.

Anonymous ID: ed0049 April 14, 2023, 10:28 a.m. No.18694630   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4651 >>4669


the term for what they are is "petty tyrants"

I've never used pol.

years ago I would use Slash-dot (/.)

and I posted a real lot there in the 2000-ohs.


curious why I didn't get whacked out of the bread again. Maybe there is an adult in the room.

it doesn't matter what you say, if you talk about certain topics that is now censored.

if you talk sense, they don't care.

they just want no one but they and their teams doing it.

my guess is that they shill both sides of it and don't want anyone independent talking sense and asking for unity.

or trying to debunk racist and bigoted posters.

they don't want anyone who knows the score.

if you catch them at off hours they will boast about how they are here to stay, and no one cares about anyone's opinion.

we've heard it all before here, and thus it's only time passing that solves the problem.

and their assumption that anon take it personally is also curious.

if we stuck around for 5 years after all the attempts at humiliation and all the hazing, obviously we are here for reasons that they can not fathom.