so employing mentally ill people with multiple devices is fine?
those breads when 90 % of the posts are from is one person with five devices who is having all of his different skitzo personalities battle with each other . . .
you have incorrect answers, in my opinion, to the questions in the Q post.
you know when you see two different golden retriever pups, how they look almost identical?
people are like that too.
doppelgangers are far more common than most people realize.
? which democrat are you suggesting it was?
someone wants my attention but I've already filtered for that possible obsession.
I'm staying out of it this bread
I've seen him be mean and slanderous to an anon and . . . it's very sad.
why provoke a mentally ill person?
they needed a group to put the Nazis in that they brought over?
probably only some of it works.
they can still trigger people with colors and lights, but they can't get some of us to do the creepy evil stuff.
we have a 'night mare' thing that we are able to know that it's not real, and we just shut it off.
so they say 'crush, kill, destroy' and some people are like 'naah. I think I'll go play video games.'
warning doesn't actually produce any light.
may result in periods of darkness, and merky forgetfulness.
I bet there were some powerful senators from Ohio and they just wanted an Air Force so that they could be the kings.
everyone knows that all money flowed through Wright-Patterson.
and look where the Ukraine-a-karcs set up shop. Right near there.
the problem is . . .
if you have 'free energy' piggish people tend to burn themselves to smithereens.
you are the rock creature that looks like a granite mountain top?
those other ones didn't even know you were there!
I think that life is a bit more than just energy.
if you have 'grounds' and an electrical system and you try to move around large quantities of energy rapidly, you create all kinds of other effects with the magnetic fields that must also be produced by doing that.
and that's when things don't work as expected.
the idea of a 'ground' becomes much more complex. There is not electrical 'ground' then. you have charged things. And the charge is moving around.
stuff starts having a vandergraph generator effect.
things that are unexpected happen rather quickly.
static charge leap off of surfaces, not low power but high current.
the whole world become dangerous if you try to move to much electrical power at once.
Lightning doesn't like being in a bottle.
so suddenly the team is doing the 'show us your boobs bit.
what are they trying to stop us from discussing?
you need to provide sauce for your bold statement, anon, that women brewed Beer almost exclusively. I've never heard that one before.
you guys are arguing like ignorant bigots.
weak sauce, anon.
you took a quote, printed it, and then claimed it as sauce. That quote has no sauce, thus yours also is without it.
way to pass the buck.
fresh info about the leaker
this article agrees that in very ancient times the women were shown doing the brewing but goes on to say that it became a state industry presided over by men.
and that would thousands of years before our statement about modern beer mostly being brewed by women until very recently.
because that is the day that Jesus rose from the dead.
non sequetur