Deep Dream, Dragon Fly/Project Monarch/MkUltra
Google (Alphabet Agencies)
Q was Warning us that they were going after everybody with this "program".
Awaken Sleepers
Would this put 99% of people in the hospital?
Sadly this is a truth not a theory.
They are using silicone encased technology, smart dust and frequencies/signals to brain wash most people while they sleep, others get tortured 24/7 with extra technology like actual computer chips inserted into their bodies while sleeping in their homes.
The mechanisms they use are wifi, gwen towers, radio towers, and the electric grid.
Google "Deep Dreaming is the brain washing mechanism, cell phones and wifi are the delivery method.
Do you recall the man who set himself on fire in front of the White House, or the man who committed suicide in front of the White House after shooting his cell phone?
They were "Target Subjects", usually they prefer drug/alcohol addicts and people on psych meds and in "therapy".
Q, was warning the world of this program as it is run by certain rogue elements in our government and the technocracy.
This program was put into play decades ago by the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld triad, their protegees like BIll Clinton and Obama are their way to keep this program and their "16 year plan to destroy America" going.
This is why Joe Biden "won" the election, so they could finish this horrific program.
Remember the Q posts regarding Google North Korea and CHINA, CHINA, CHINA?
DARPA/Facebook (think VR), Microsoft and etc(think AI), and recall the Apple phone pics from Q as well.
All of these posts tie together.
Dog Comms
They call certain people dogs because they're on an electric lead.
>Does declaration of invasion place USA soil in a state of war? ( hint: yes)
I'm declaring there is an invasion right now
When you know you're surviving "suicide weekend" over & over again x's infinity.
Hey look it's my rapist.