Q+: "Liddle" Mick Mulvaney
Did Q+ just disclose Mulvaney is a pedo?
Well then I'm a retard.
Japan fluffer
Why are all the government (taxpayer actually) funded broadcasting stations all censoring themselves because their tweets are correct.y labelled?
Try Boward
You muhjoo shills are not posting 'jew truth', you're posting falsehoods by smearing an entire ethnicity.
You will never be censored if you post sauce on actions of an individual who happens to be Jewish.
Individuals are innocent until proven guilty of THEIR OWN actions.
INB4 stull guilty because innocent people are guilty for what the guilty did.
You have a problem, no jews living today were the authors of the 1939 European conflict, either kinetic or 'narrative'.
But how many unemployed welfare is there.