The British lost the Revolution largely in part of refusal to give up on their traditional tactics and tradition to a army of Patriots willing to fight with Guerilla warfare and adapt to their opponents. Much in the same way the right needs to evolve and learn to meet the left on their terms with tactics such as marching and boycotts and protests etc.
Playing nice and comfy by expecting politicians who are compromised by their allegiance to their benefactors and peers without whom they would not have risen to their stature without cannot be counted on. It is what it is. Reality….
Imagine if entire cities or states refused to pay their mortgages until an arrest happened or the wall was built?
Think shit wouldn't get done?
One problem is that the Right and people (particularly white people) in general are more concerned with their credit score than sacrificing to promote change.
The People have always had the power. Just don't have the Balls. (YET)
This is what Q and Company have been trying to tell us.
The Fifty men that signed the Declaration of Independence would have been hung for Treason had we lost the American Revolution.
That type of determination and resolve must be found and utilized again if we are to return to our former glory. A
shot would not even have to be fired. It's simply about the money. One thing that makes even the most arrogant politician pay attention.
Think about it.
God Bless Patriots