>>18726710 lb
>>18726687 lb
Just asking, KMFAO:!
Gaybois from Hell fits better!
Ewww, kill it with fire!
There are a lot, I have thousands of books as pdf!
Yeah, think about it hooknosed fuckwit!
KMAO: nice meme, STOLLEN from me!
The clowns in the white BMW in front of my door have just left, all looked quite well trained. KMAO: no obstacle.
Maybe they come back later, I got a surprise present for them!
>Blaze it. Faggots.
Have not smoked for 2 weeks and become more belligerent by the day. The throat is getting thicker, let's see how long that goes well!
The Clowns in front of my door looked also Nato tranny soldiers!
That's really unfair, I haven't smoked for 2 weeks and I feel tempted to smoke a big hash pipe.
Cause I am the real 420!
>Arbitration Claims and the real Law do not often square upโฆ
Tell that the hook-nosed clowns.
>estimony Reveals Secretary Blinken and the Biden Campaign Were Behind the Infamous Public Statement from Former Intel Officials on the Hunter Biden Laptop
Fucking Kek.
Whats dat?
I held out for 12 seconds, that's all I could do!
Ahhh, much better then that shit >>18726992 !
Bitchslap No.2
Bang Bang I shut you down Bang Bang
Check out the red marked posts and timestamps in Bread 22973!
Get it fucking inferior Gatekeepers?
Filthy fucks got a Bitchslap again!
Uncensored Truth 22973
Bitchslap No.1
If you want to know who is responsible for the start abort of Space Shit, check out the red marked posts and timestamps in the Bread 22954!
This brain-dead bunch of rat-faced bastards and faggots here are gatekeepers, nothing else!
Let's see which of my posts hurt these little fuckwits!
Surrender, please!
Uncensored Truth!
>>18726520 (You)
>>Patrick Charisius the little inferior Jewboi?
>I can also tell you why his wife fucked off with the twins! KMFAO:
>Why do all the women leave these clowns!
>I can tell you more funny stories about the 8Kunt jerks!
Ooops, deleted, why?
You want some more stories? Maybe why the wife from Andre Hasselmann leave with two doughters?
KMFAO: these fuckwits are brain-dead, all for a larp!!!
By the way, the Star of David is stolen from Germans!
Like everything else!
I now know who the clowns in the white BMW were, they brought Andre Hasselmann home, he snuck quietly through the stairwell!
Panic in Judenhausen!
Final check where I hurt you DS rats.
Oops, deleted KMFAO:!
>Weren't you supposed to be going to bed, moshe?
Can't you read rat face? That was a final check! See you, or not, KMFAO: !
>It's way past your bed time in Tel Aviv.
It's 3:57 late at night in Germany, hooknosed Clownkid!
Tollen Slang habt ihr hirntoten!
Germans have liberated the Ukrainians (not the crooked-nosed bolshevik ones), 2 times and stopped the trains which were on the way to Siberia!
Just sayin brain-dead fuckwit!
>Modern progressives say be who you are and then fuck their shit all up.
Aye, that's what I'm doing!
Final final check where I hurt you little filthy parasitic hooknosed mongrel fuckwits.
Autsch, das muร weh tun!
Ich lach mir nen Ast ab, wird noch besser wenn es physisch wird!
Quatschkopp nimm dir nen Strick!