He has a Large Following in Japan
They should not have touched the Children
Their Crimes will Unite the People
Because We Have It All
Mamabears Know why they're Trying to Normalizing pedophilia
it's now Going to Work
Only a Pedophile protects Pedo's
Mamabears know what the UN is now
Pedocracy is coming to an end
When Trump is Done
Normies will understand why he wants the Death Sentence for
Drug Dealers
& Humans Traffickers
Cause He Has It All
Pizza Gate was only a Primer
HB 1297 is only the Beginning
Pedo's have a Choice
Lethal Injection or Old Sparky
And it's going to go World Wide when Trump Returns, Cause He Has It -ALL-
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Only 8 of 12 Jurors need to agree on the Death Sentence
& Video Evidence is a hell of a thing