So, what did you think was going to happen?
Orange Man was going to release all the documents the media would never report on and the dems would never read, while claiming the world is run by cannibal pedophiles?
And then everyone magically believed it was so, the deep state sighed in defeat, and hung themselves in their own courts?
Things aren't getting worse, anon. They are just getting more obvious.
To have mass arrests and executions of traitors, the public must have the apetite for it, and those who would normally rally to defend "their side" must be disenfranchised from it.
Troons are useful because they build and promote a cock sucking cult wherever they go and are thrill seekers. First they get off from a tabboo, then they get off from making some else get off to the tabboo. Then they need a bigger tabboo. Before you know it, they go from fucking each other openly in the gay bar to injecting cocaine into their dicks while parading down the street with the child they intend to make part of their next high.
They are the perfect group to put in charge of the elements of state and society you wish to subvert, because they are addicts to the hardest and most extreme sexual behaviors they can come up with, and it is that which will sufficiently isolate a group whose extermination will be accepted by society.
This is a game our opponents can't win. They can only thrash around angrily and try to hold hostages to drag down with them.
Imagine fighting so hard for a war that can't be won on Russia's doorstep, to control a nation whose financial system has imploded, and expending all political capital to seize total control of media no one watches.
The only ones "winning" are the literal faggots, but they are too high on cock to do much more than try to make it bigger and harder - thinking with the wrong head.
Remember when you insisted, some months back, that Q had run its course?
I wonder… will you be relieved to see promises kept and 'the world saved?'
Or will you anguish over having lost?
Or… perhaps you just want the vain satisfaction of being right and seeing others suffer for thinking differently than you.
"Vanity is my favorite sin."