>>18754413 lb
Anon, to get out of the hospital you need to ask for paper and pencil, and write a letter to the hospital for your discharge. They will have to respond in a certain amount of time but should be no more than 3 days they have to release you or call in a judge. Your request must be in writting.
So long as you are not a danger to yourself or others they cannot keep you against your will, so act and speak accordingly. Its not against the law to be mentally ill or delusional so if you are not a danger, or in danger, use the time to line up housing and safe place to go. consider applying for ssi if you really are hearing voices. Not sure but think I schizephenia is considered a disability. If the voices are telling you terrible things you are being subject to hostile possession and need to cast that demon out. so say in a mirror, "Get thee behind me satan" three times and then call on your own soul to return to you. Say: I'm calling on the soul of (your name here) to return to my body and for protection from evil." say that 3 times.
prayers for you, and stay safe. try to act normal.