No. It's a smashed window.
Wait, no, just took a closer look. I'm wrong. It's a reflection of the post supporting the rails.
Reflection of rail post. NOT a smashed window.
Nope. Post holding up the rails. Look at door's reflection to the right side. You can see the mother's knee visible with the daughter's head above it as well.
The window to the left of the door (our perspective) is reflecting a post which is holding the front patio's fence/railing up.
The door window has the mother's knee and daughter BARELY visible on the far right of the glass, reflecting them.
The window on the right of the door (our perspective) is showing the photographer in the reflection.
Well I can 100% confirm to you Anon that that is NOT the daughter's head in that reflection. Two issues with the hypothesis you are offering. 1). Why is the reflection so close to the window? 2). Why is it a black silhouette when the daughter is clearly away from any shaded area and in broad daylight (albeit overcast)?
I take my leave, frens.
Yes. I lurk regularly. Keep up the good fight heroes. Way more people than you realize are cheering you on.