Thank you for posting this. She is one of the best getting the word out.
Thank you for posting this. She is one of the best getting the word out.
What do these idiots think they are doing? Are they even capable of thought anymore?
Thank you cat for me
You are correct. It is a catch 22.
No way, all the information we have at hand, could not be possible without it.
We would all be dead by now, without it.
THEY are caught up as much as we are and the are billions more of us than them.
>>18755128 Why is anyone listening to this poor excuse of an entertainer? ON THE WORLD STAGE? Talking about preemptive strikes with nukes?
WT absolute F?
I just wish I could do more to you than global report you.
maybe some day
bregen is an idiot.
Of course it begins with the so called leadrers, those that manipulate the masses. BUT it is because people can be so easily manipulated.
It is how we are. I don't see them Blaming the people. I see them explaining about how this happens.
No one is saying, it isn't the poor little hitlers of the world.
They are saying that the leaders/manpulators are smart enough/evil enough to do this.
Why are you hiding Melania's face?
OMG photos of nancy in a swim suit made her feels hurt?
don't be stupid
The Balfour Declaration, which resulted in a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians, was issued on November 2, 1917.