Pravda including fox want people to believe it’s all about “Dominion”, while ignoring all of the vast Election Fraud Crimes which were rampant even prior to “Dominion”. Along with the long-deceased voters (shenanigans of Phil & Chicago, for example, have been talked about for decades) -
James O’Keefe VID (3:39) from 2015: Straight from Alan Schulkin, Commissioner of Board of Elections, NYC.
No different a NWO/Communist tactic than the hosejob on addicted sheeple with the coca cola shit in 1985, when the “new coke” crap was just COVER for the high fructose syrup takeover in this Country.
…Gay Mullins, the eccentric Oregonian who launched a crusade to restore the old formula, wasn’t satisfied when the beverage giant caved in to his demand. Soon after the restoration of Coke Classic, Mullins held a press conference to complain that it tasted differently from the Coke he remembered, because it was made with corn syrup. He declared he “would not rest until Coke was once more made with real sugar,”
Mullins’ “pivot to high-fructose agitation” turned out to be as much of a bust as the New Coke he helped kill. Coca-Cola had already started adding high-fructose corn syrup to the mix five years before the New Coke fiasco. By 1984, a year before New Coke’s debut, the switch was complete: sugar out, HFCS in. “Mullins hoped that by joining the pile-on, he might entice the trade association to cut him in on some profits,” Murphy writes. “We were interested in being supported by the Sugar Association,” Mullins admitted.
inexpensive foreign imports had driven down the sugar price. As a result, ADM could not make high-fructose corn syrup cheaply enough to compete….
To overcome this obstacle, ADM succeeded not in the lab but rather in the political arena. Like a Midwestern Machiavelli, Andreas came up with an ingenious plan: support lobbying efforts by Florida sugarcane growers to convince Congress to impose a quota on foreign-produced sugar.
In 1981, Andreas got his wish. Newly elected President Ronald Reagan—another close ally of the ADM chief—signed a law placing high quotas on imported sugar, which quickly raised the domestic price of sugar to twice the price on global markets. Suddenly, HFCS was the cheaper sweetener, and the quota ensured that the domestic sugar price would remain elevated. Both Coke and Pepsi quickly started using more HFCS, Bovard reports.
In 1984—the year before New Coke’s launch—both companies publicly announced they had had made the switch…
Use of the corn sweetener took off. Note the big jump in the first half of the ’80s… Gay Mullins, the star of Murphy’s New Coke saga, brought a gigantic soft drink brand to its knees, but he was no match for Andreas, this “secretive, freewheeling Minnesota businessman,” in the words of a 1978 New York Times piece, “[who] trades soybeans, buys banks, and finances politicians—all with apparently equal zest.”
Same NWO Communist tactics, different decade. NWO/Communists gleefully shove it in our faces now because of OPENLY having full control of literally EVERYTHING allowed to be “mainstream”.