For any Texas anons on here. You have an election coming up and I think it's for School Boards and perhaps other offices. All Texas anons need to get out and support the conservative folks that are running for your area school board. These progressive fucktards are corrupting, perverting and abusing your children and you need to be the first line of defense against this filth. On the other hand, if one is inclined to think that it's okay for a boy to use the girls bathroom, or it's okay to have books in your school that teach about oral and anal sex, masturbation and faggotry etc……….then by all means, vote for the preditors who will see to it that your child gets a good education on sexual abuse, sexual perversity how to take anal penatrations, suck cock or eat pussy and the like and oh……………I forgot about the CRT and BLM, ANTIFA educational opportunities and learning these upstanding school board systems are forcing your young children to learn about. There even may be some educational programs, study guides and programs on MAP's (minor attracted persons) and such. You know, the pedophiles who are just misunderstood and discriminated against. Those poor people.
Get you fucking asses out there and stop this shit.