Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.18767412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

German intelligence labels AfD’s youth wing ‘extremist’


Members of Junge Alternative can be surveilled covertly and their phones tapped under the designation


Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) has declared Junge Alternative (JA), the youth wing of the right-wing Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) party, to be an extremist organization, the domestic intelligence agency announced in a press release on Wednesday.


JA members can be targeted with all intelligence tools available to the BfV, including covert surveillance, confidential informants, and phone tapping, Die Welt reported on Wednesday. The extremist designation will make it more difficult for them to be employed by the government or obtain weapons licenses. The BfV has been monitoring the youth group as a “suspected case” of extremism since January 2019.


The youth group’s hostility to migrants was central to the BfV’s decision, as the agency explained the JA’s view of Germany as a nation of Germans holding other ethnicities and migrants to be second-class citizens is incompatible with the nation’s Basic Law.


The JA supports a “nation that is as ethnoculturally homogenous as possible, excludes migrants of non-European origin as fundamentally impossible to integrate, and sees the greatest danger in a supposedly controlled population exchange to destroy the ‘organically grown European peoples’,” the BfV stated.


“In particular, immigrants with a (supposed) Muslim background are attributed negative characteristics in a sweeping manner, such as cultural backwardness and a disproportionately strong tendency to crime and violence, simply because of their origin and religion,” the agency continued. The JA also disparages Germany’s democratic system, it added, claiming members don’t just target political opponents but defame the system of democracy itself.


The JA is reportedly reviewing its legal options, though the group said it was not surprised by the extremist designation or the intelligence services’ drive to crush dissent.


“Regardless of whether they are critics of migration, critics of coronavirus measures or advocates of peace – every form of authentic opposition in this country is systematically stigmatized by this authority,” the JA’s board stated.


While the AfD holds seats in 15 of 16 state parliaments and commands the support of 15-17% of the electorate, its highest numbers yet since its founding ten years ago, the party has been illegally shut out of the two main public news channels and was labeled a suspected threat to democracy last March.


If the AfD is given the same extremist designation as its youth wing, some in the party fear it will ultimately be banned.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.18767415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

Vaccine Lies and Bribes: Dr. McCullough Uncovers the Smoking Gun


Vaccine regret is real – and it’s a growing sentiment among many Americans.


Some were forced to get vaccinated, some were lied to and now we know that doctors were getting bribed to convince their patients to get vaccinated.


Dr. Peter McCullough, outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and jabs, unearthed a damning document that exposes the latest loss of integrity in the healthcare system through vaccine bribery.


Published by Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicaid, the “COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program” declares:


“Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is one of the best and safest ways people can protect themselves and their families against the virus. As a participating practice in the COVID-19 Provider Vaccine Incentive program, we recognize your hard work by offering incentives for helping patients make the choice to be become vaccinated.”


The document then outlines perverse incentives consisting of up to $125 in cash bonuses per vaccine administered. Unsurprisingly, the bribed doctors probably weren’t motivated to provide enough information on this experimental gene therapy for patients to make an informed choice for their health.


Indeed, most vaccinated people are now seeking effective detox solutions, and rightly so: the vaccine is a catastrophe for public health and the long-term effects may be even worse. From Dr. McCullough:


“Far and away the most common question I get from those who took one of the COVID-19 vaccines is: “how do I get this out of my body.” The mRNA and adenoviral DNA products were rolled out with no idea on how or when the body would ever breakdown the genetic code. The synthetic mRNA carried on lipid nanoparticles appears to be resistant to breakdown by human ribonucleases by design so the product would be long-lasting and produce the protein product of interest for a considerable time period… it is a big problem when the protein is the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 Spike.”


Fortunately, Dr. McCullough has a solution: the best-known defense against mRNA-carrying spike proteins is a daily dose of over-the-counter nattokinase:


“Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.18767428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7617 >>7621 >>7807 >>7852 >>7981 >>7983

ABC News Host Tells RFK Jr. He’s Too Critical of the CIA, Proceeds to Censor Him While Speaking About Vaccines


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently sat down with ABC News host Linsey Davis to talk about his 2024 presidential run.


At the beginning of his ABC News appearance, Davis asked Kennedy, besides working as an environmental lawyer for three decades, “What do you feel qualifies you to have the highest position in the land?”


Kennedy responded, “I think I know more about how to fix regulatory agencies than any other politician in this country because I spent 40 years suing them.”


Davis asked, “How would you do that? You have been very critical of multiple government agencies from the CIA, EPA, DOT, CDC the FDA… How would you run those?”


RFK Jr. replied, “The problem is the people who rise to power in those agencies are usually the people who are in the tank with industry and are willing to carry water for industry.”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 11:53 a.m. No.18767433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7457 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

US Officials Reject Compensation For People Diagnosed With COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries


U.S. authorities rejected multiple people who sought compensation for COVID-19 vaccine injuries, despite diagnoses from doctors, documents show.


Letters from U.S. officials reviewed by The Epoch Times show officials contradicting doctors who treated patients as they turned down requests for payment.


Cody Flint, an agricultural pilot, was diagnosed by four doctors with a severe adverse reaction to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Shortly after being vaccinated, Flint experienced intense head pressure, which led to problems such as perilymphatic fistula, the doctors said.


Flint sent a slew of medical files, including evidence of the diagnoses, to the U.S. Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which compensates people who prove they were injured by a COVID-19 shot.


But administrators for the program rejected Flint’s application in a denial letter, saying they “did not find the requisite evidence that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination caused” the conditions from which he suffers.


Flint, in his 30s, felt his first symptoms within an hour of vaccination. An onslaught of severe symptoms followed while he was flying two days later.


“One second I went from having burning in the back of my neck and tunnel vision to the very next second I was slumped over in my airplane. The best way I know to describe it, it was like a bomb went off inside my head,” Flint said.


CICP administrators told him that “compelling, reliable and valid medical and scientific evidence does not support a causal association between the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, perilymphatic fistulas, increased intracranial pressure, Eustachian tube dysfunction, hearing loss, or loss of eyesight.”


They also tried to pin the problems on barotrauma. Colloquially known as airplane ear, barotrauma happens when air pressure suddenly changes, and is common as planes climb higher in the sky. Barotrauma causes the fistulas and symptoms of the fistulas “began while flying,” administrators wrote.


Flint and his doctors asserted in appeal letters that the barotrauma theory doesn’t hold up because Flint flies low as he dusts crops. Flint’s condition is “not from barotrauma,” Flint’s doctors told the CICP. “As an agricultural pilot, he does not fly more than a couple of hundred feet off the ground which is not of a magnitude to where he is at risk for barotrauma.”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.18767442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

ASPCA gives only 2% of its budget to pet shelters, while promoting 'radical and elitist' anti-farmer policies, bombshell report finds


A think tank released a new bombshell report this week revealing that the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals only provides 2% of its total budget to pet shelters throughout the United States, despite having hundreds of millions of dollars and providing many employees with six-figure salaries.


The Center for the Environment and Welfare, a new think tank dedicated to sustainability and animal welfare, released a report exposing the ASPCA, a nonprofit organization formed to prevent animal cruelty, for deceptively using donors' dollars to support "radical and elitist" anti-farmer policies instead of funding animal shelters.


In conjunction with the shocking report, the think tank announced the launch of a new media campaign to "expose the duplicity" of the ASPCA.


According to CEW, the ASPCA's most recent tax filings revealed that the nonprofit had $390 million in revenue and $575 million in assets, including roughly $11 million in offshore Caribbean accounts.


"The same filings show that only about 2% of the ASPCA's budget is given as grants to community pet shelters," CEW reported.


The report alleged that 259 ASPCA employees made six-figure incomes, including the organization's CEO, Matt Bershadker, who made $856,785.


Despite its misleading name, the ASPCA only operates one animal adoption center and is not affiliated with local SPCAs, CEW stated.


The think tank also slammed the nonprofit for attempting to implement harmful agricultural policies that would further increase food costs for Americans.


The ASPCA and 40 other animal rights groups are leading an effort to place a nationwide moratorium on new and expanding large animal feeding operations. The radical agenda would require existing operations to shut down by 2040. "In addition to exposing the ASPCA's dishonest marketing, CEW is also calling out the ASPCA's attempts to commandeer the Farm Bill by promoting radical and elitist agriculture policies that will hurt farmers, hurt consumers, and drive up food costs without improving animal welfare," the think tank wrote in a recent press release.


CEW's executive director, Jack Hubbard, stated, "Congress shouldn't allow the ASPCA and other radical anti-farm groups to hijack the Farm Bill. Groups that disregard science, ignore veterinarians, and want to shut down animal agriculture have no business shaping the country's farm policies."


Hubbard told Fox News Digital that CEW's effort to expose the ASPCA "is not a flash in the pan" but rather a "sustained campaign."

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.18767451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7455 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

Groups Pushing Vaccine Passports, Mandates were Quietly Funded by Pfizer


Most of these groups did not disclose the funding from Pfizer.


Pfizer, the manufacturer of one of the most widely used COVID-19 vaccines in the country, silently funded groups advocating for vaccine mandates and passports, according to a report by Lee Fang (paywalled).


In August 2021, the president of the Chicago Urban League, Karen Freeman-Wilson, in an interview on TV, argued that vaccine mandates would not disproportionately harm the black community.


“The health and safety factor here far outweighs the concern about shutting people out or creating a barrier,” Freeman-Wilson said at the time.


Earlier that year, the Chicago Urban League had received $100,000 from Pfizer for a project on promoting “vaccine safety and effectiveness.” The organization did not list Pfizer as a donor or partner on its website and Freeman-Wilson did not mention the funding during the interview.


The Chicago Urban League grant is one of many Pfizer-awarded groups to promote and encourage vaccine mandates. The pharmaceutical giant awarded grants to public health organizations, civil rights groups, as well as consumer, medical, and doctors’ groups. Most of these groups did not disclose the funding from Pfizer.


Corporate watchdog group the National Consumers League announced support for “government and employer mandates” requiring Covid vaccination in August 2021. The announcement came at around the same time the organization received a $75,000 grant from Pfizer for “vaccine policy efforts.”


Houston-based public health organization the Immunization Partnership publicly lobbied against bills introduced in Texas aimed at banning vaccine passports and vaccine mandates. The organization did not disclose that Pfizer gave it $35,000 earlier that year for “legislative advocacy.”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:01 p.m. No.18767459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

Fauci Redefines ‘Lab Leak’ and Compares Anti-Lockdown MAGA Voters to ‘Theatric’ Gays With HIV.


The disgraced yet absurdly wealthy Dr. Anthony Fauci has insisted that his position on the COVID virus – that it was not a lab leak – is correct because someone from the notorious Wuhan lab probably got infected “in the field” before the virus then leaked from a lab. His comments came during an interview where he bizarrely compared anti-lockdown Trump supporters to the “theatric” homosexuals who opposed his HIV work in the 1980s and 1990s.


Fauci – who served as Chief Medical Adviser to President Joe Biden until the end of 2022, and as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from the mid-1980s – made the remarks in a lengthy interview with David Wallace-Wells of the New York Times. The reporter even challenges Fauci on his involvement with the Wuhan lab directly – a fact first revealed by The National Pulse:


Wallace-Wells’s insistence of a “large American component to the development of this whole international enterprise, going back several decades” – which Fauci “played a role in developing and funding” – is sure to have rankled the formerly highest paid government bureaucrat.


“All the intelligence groups agree that this was not an engineered virus,” Fauci claimed, in language which will be familiar to conservatives used to establishment figures harping on the “seventeen intelligence agencies” or the “fifty-one former intelligence officials” when pushing various Russia hoaxes.


“[I]f it’s not an engineered virus, what actually leaked from the lab? If it wasn’t an engineered virus, somebody went out into the field, got infected, came back to the lab and then spread it out to other people,” Fauci suggested.


“That’ ain’t a lab leak, strictly speaking. That’s a natural occurrence,” he insisted, heedless of the fact the “natural occurrence” being described is a virus leaking from a laboratory setting.

The ‘Ultraright MAGA Community’.


Fauci was also pressed on a $120,000-a-year EcoHealth grant to the Wuhan Institute, another series of exclusives first revealed by the crowd-funded National Pulse.


The 82-year-old insisted that, per “all of their progress reports,” the viruses involved in the funded research “could not possibly ever turn into SARS-CoV-2”. His thesis relies on Wuhan researchers being truthful with their American counterparts, of course. A fact that Fauci appears to take for granted despite the lab’s stringent political requirements.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.18767494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719 >>7810 >>7855 >>7984

House Votes Down Resolution to Withdraw from Somalia


The measure was introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and received some support from progressive Democrats


The House on Thursday voted down a War Powers Resolution introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) that would have directed President Biden to remove all US troops from Somalia within one year, except those guarding the US embassy.


The resolution failed in a vote of 102-321. It received support from 52 Republicans and 50 Democrats.


While the resolution was led by Gaetz and had six Republican co-sponsors, it also received support from progressive Democrats. During the debate on the floor, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) argued in favor of the resolution.


“Members of Progressive Caucus leadership will vote for the Somalia war powers resolution,” a congressional staffer told The Intercept ahead of the vote.


US operations in Somalia have escalated since President Biden ordered the deployment of up to 500 troops to the country last year, although Gaetz said there are 900 US troops there. The US-backed Mogadishu-based government also launched an offensive against al-Shabaab last year, leading to an escalation in fighting on the ground.


While there has been an escalation of the war over the past year, there’s been a recent lull in US airstrikes. The last US strike in Somalia that was reported by US Africa Command took place in February.


“The United States has had a military presence in Somalia since 1992, but it’s been a costly and mostly fruitless endeavor. Somalia is entrenched in violence and political instability that has persisted for decades, and there seems to be no end in sight,” Gaetz said on Thursday.


“America has a responsibility to protect its citizens and defend its interests, but Somalia is not a vital national security concern. Instead of pouring more resources into a never-ending conflict, our country should prioritize its own needs and focus on issues that directly impact our neighbors. It is time to bring our troops home and let Somalia find its own path to stability,” he added.


The bill was the second War Powers Resolution led by Gaetz, who has vowed to continue introducing similar legislation to force debate on US interventions in the Middle East and Africa. He hinted on the floor that the next resolution might cover US operations in Niger.


In March, the House rejected a Syria War Powers Resolution introduced by Gaetz. The vote fell along similar lines, failing 103-321, with 56 Democrats and 47 Republicans voting in favor of the bill. It also received support from progressive Democrats and Republicans aligned with Gaetz.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.18767504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America’s food supply loaded with petrochemical pesticide and fertilizer residues linked to children’s health problems


The advocacy group Beyond Pesticides issued a special report in its journal “Pesticides and You” this week called “Transformative Change: Informed by Science, Policy, and Action” that highlights the “shocking scientific findings that compel us to act in our communities, states, and as a nation and world community.”


The 168-page issue contains a review of last year’s scientific, peer-reviewed articles, policy deficiencies, and action for change points concerning the prolific use of petrochemical pesticides and fertilizers in the conventional food supply, warning that these toxic substances are harming people, animals, and the environment.


Unless something is done to rein in all this chemical contamination, children will continue to get sick, biodiversity will vanish, and the world will become a toxic waste dump filled with cancer-causing, life-destroying chemicals.


The chemicals being used to grow food are destroying both people and planet


The report is broken down into three parts – health, biodiversity, and climate – each of which is addressed at-length using science. Concerning the first part, we know that the human health impacts of all this pesticide and fertilizer exposure are substantial.


In children, exposure is linked to motor skill deficiency, respiratory diseases, ear infections, oxidative stress, DNA damage and cancer, diabetes, developmental delays, early onset puberty, and autism.


In people of all ages, exposure to chemical pesticides and fertilizers in the food supply is linked to gut microbiome damage and associated conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) and metabolic distress.


In general, chemical exposure through the food supply is linked to neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease, not to mention various forms of cancer. Then there is all the male infertility and endocrine disruption being reported in conjunction with exposure.


As for the animal and plant kingdoms, all these crop and food chemicals are causing insect populations to plummet, including that of honeybees and other pollinators that are getting sick and dying at increasing rates.


Birds and aquatic life are also being negatively impacted, as are their water sources, which are becoming contaminated with everything that crop producers are spraying on their fields.


One major culprit that you may already be aware of is glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Roundup weedkiller, which is showing up in water sources, soils, and inside people’s bodies.


From a climate perspective, all these chemicals are hardly doing the environment any favors. In fact, if things continue on the current trajectory, then eventually there will be a widespread environmental collapse, resulting in not enough food to feed the world’s population.


Beyond Pesticides supports efforts to ban such chemicals from being used, and some local communities are doing just that with chemical bans at public parks or in food served to children at schools.


The “Transformative Change” publication the group released highlights the dire need for a massive transformation away from these chemicals and into a more sustainable methods of land and building management that aligns with nature and food production for the benefit of humanity.


“The transformative solution is a partnership with nature, practices that have been adopted in organic systems,” says Jay Feldman, executive director of Beyond Pesticides.


“With this approach, we honor all organisms who play a role in ecological systems on which life depends and we seek the rapid adoption of those practices and materials that are already available to us or can be incentivized to become widely available quickly.”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.18767507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Major UK banks including Lloyds, Halifax, TSB hit by outages


Websites and mobile apps of Lloyds Bank, Halifax, TSB Bank, and Bank of Scotland have experienced web and mobile app outages today leaving customers unable to access their account balances and information.


While the cause of the widespread outage is unknown, multiple customers reported having troubles when logging into their online banking accounts since morning.

Major UK banks facing internet outage


BleepingComputer has been able to confirm that the four major UK banks are currently experiencing disruptions related to their online banking and mobile banking systems since the early morning hours of Friday, April 28th.


Websites of banks including Lloyds, Halifax, TSB, and Bank of Scotland admit that some customers are having issues when accessing Internet and Mobile banking services.


"We know some customers are having issues with Internet and/or Mobile Banking. We're sorry for this. We're working to get it back to normal soon," states a service message displayed on the websites of these banks.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:19 p.m. No.18767514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7519 >>7535

DeSantis dines with Miriam Adelson, other GOP megadonors in Jerusalem


Florida governor likely seeking billionaire’s support, but must overcome her admiration of Nikki Haley, previous backing of Trump and plan to stay neutral in primaries


Florida Governor and presumptive presidential nominee Ron DeSantis was spotted dining in Jerusalem this week with Israeli-American billionaire Miriam Adelson.


She was among several major Republican donors at the dinner hosted Wednesday by Larry Mizel, an American businessman who helped found the Museum of Tolerance where the meal was being held. Mizel was the finance chairman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign office in Colorado during the 2016 race.


DeSantis sat in between Mizel and Adelson, according to Axios, which broke the story.


Miriam and her late husband, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, backed DeSantis during his successful 2018 gubernatorial run, donating $500,000 to the Friends of Ron DeSantis PAC.


DeSantis is likely seeking Adelson’s support once again, as he is expected to announce his candidacy for president in the coming weeks, though he faces an uphill battle.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.18767533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Six NYC Council members reject establishment of 'End Jew Hatred Day'


Among those on the 51-member council who did not support the measure was Shahana Hanif, a representative of the heavily Jewish Brooklyn neighborhoods of Borough Park and Park Slope.


The New York City Council on Thursday voted to establish April 29 as an annual “End Jew Hatred Day.” Four members abstained and two voted against the resolution.


Among those on the 51-member council who did not support the measure was Shahana Hanif, a representative of the heavily Jewish Brooklyn neighborhoods of Borough Park and Park Slope.


“Your antisemitism is showing,” Inna Vernikov, the Jewish Ukrainian Republican Brooklyn councilwoman who introduced the bill, said to the six who rejected it.


After the vote, Vernikov told The Jerusalem Post she felt "sick to my stomach."


"As I was on speaking on the floor about the atrocities of the Holocaust, I was sick to my stomach listening to the explanations on the no votes and abstentions on a simple resolution asking to proclaim a day to End Jew Hatred," she told the Post.


"It is unacceptable and abhorrent for public officials duly elected to represent New Yorkers, many of whom are Jewish, to be against ending antisemitism."


Vernikov, who represents the 48th district, wrote on Twitter ahead of the vote: “Thanks to my colleagues on Cultural Affairs my resolution to proclaim April 29 as End Jew Hatred Day passed committee and will go to a full vote on the floor on Thursday. Let’s work together to end Jew hatred.”


She added that the proposed resolution comes amid skyrocketing rates of antisemitic violence against the city’s Jewish community and noted that an estimated 97 percent of antisemitic hate crimes occur against Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, whom she called “visibly Jewish.” Jews in New York City make up approximately 9 percent of the city's population, making the Jewish community the largest in the world outside of Israel.


Local leaders took to Twitter Friday to condemn those who did not support the resolution.


New York Congressman Ritchie Torres wrote: "Antisemitism has a long and ugly history. It has seen a resurgence in NYC with a record # of hate crimes. How can anyone vote against a resolution to end Antisemitism?"


Imam Ahmed Ali, a New York Police Department clergy member, congratulated Vernikov on passing the resolution and wrote: "We must remember that hate against anyone is hate against all of us."


The campaign for “End Jew Hatred Day” is led by End Jew Hatred Movement, a grassroots nonprofit organization “centering on Jewish liberation from all forms oppression and discrimination,” according to its website. End Jew Hatred Day passed in legislatures in five cities and states across the country.

Who voted against 'End Jew Hatred Day' in New York?


Hanif, a Muslim Bangladeshi American freshman on the council voted against the measure and said criticism of that move is "extremely disrespectful."


“I think it is extremely disrespectful to be called antisemitic on the floor based off of just one action when I continue to show up for our Jewish colleagues and communities,” said Hanif, who succeeded City Comptroller Brad Lander in the 39th District.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.18767538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7539 >>7810 >>7855 >>7984

Soros Family Gives Early Financial Support to Montana 'Moderate' Jon Tester


Liberal billionaire George Soros and his son nearly max out to Tester


Montana senator Jon Tester bills himself as a moderate Democrat willing to criticize his party's left-wing elements—like the progressive policies pushed by his latest financial backers, George and Alexander Soros.


The Soroses last month nearly maxed out campaign contributions to Tester, each giving $2,800, according to campaign finance disclosures, making the red-state Democrat the only candidate to whom both father and son have contributed this election cycle. Though the two pour millions of dollars every year into a variety of left-wing causes, their direct political support so far this cycle has been sparse. The elder Soros has given to only two candidates aside from Tester, Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.), both of whom are politically safe. His son Alexander Soros has given to only Tester and Rep. Ruben Gallego (D., Ariz.), who this cycle is targeting Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I., Ariz.), a former Democrat, from the left.


Tester's support from the Soros family highlights the political tightrope he will have to walk in his bid for reelection. Tester, considered one of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents in the 2024 cycle, will need to raise money from major Democratic donors in what is likely to be one of the most expensive Senate races of 2024. But the senator, who recently said that he brings a "dirt-under-your-fingernails perspective to Washington," will have to avoid embracing left-wing policies unpopular in the Big Sky Country.


The elder Soros gives tens of millions of dollars a year to groups that support the movements to defund police, expand the Supreme Court, and restrict gun ownership. He has contributed $1.45 million to Color of Change, a civil rights organization that has called to defund police. He funds a variety of gun control groups and has stated, "I'm very much against guns."


Tester has spoken out against those policies, saying the average Montanan views the Democratic Party as "toxic" for ignoring rural voters.


"The defund the police stuff is garbage," said Tester, who also says he is a "strong supporter of the Second Amendment." Asked whether he supports packing the Supreme Court, Tester quipped, "Ix-nay on that bullshit-ay."


Tester's dilemma—balancing a centrist bent while wooing deep-pocketed Democratic donors—was on display last month following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Tester criticized a federal bailout of the bank and pledged to hold bank executives and regulators "accountable." But the same day, Tester attended a fundraiser in Palo Alto, Calif., organized by a lawyer for the firm that represents Silicon Valley Bank.


Another fundraiser host serves on the board of the National Resources Defense Council, an environmentalist group that repeatedly sued the Trump administration to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, the Washington Free Beacon reported. The host, National Resources Defense Council board member Nicole Lederer, has said the pipeline "is against the best interest of our country."


Tester publicly supported the pipeline, saying that it "would have yielded big benefits" for Montana.

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.18767542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here are 16 large companies that have just announced mass layoffs


#1 Tyson: “Tyson Foods Inc (TSN.N) will eliminate about 10% of corporate jobs and 15% of senior leadership roles, Chief Executive Donnie King told employees on Wednesday.”


#2 Lyft: “Ride-hailing app Lyft will lay off 1,072 employees, roughly 26% of its corporate workforce, and won’t hire for an additional 250 positions, the company said in an SEC filing Thursday.”


#3 Deloitte: “Deloitte will cut around 1,200 jobs or 1.5% of its U.S. workforce, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing internal employee communications.”


#4 Gap: “Gap will lay off about 1,800 employees, more than three times as many as the 500 layoffs it announced in September, as part of a broad effort to cut costs and streamline operations, the company said Thursday.”


#5 Ernst & Young: “Ernst & Young said Monday that it would eliminate roughly 3,000 jobs from its US workforce as it pivots to address shifts in demand and “overcapacity” in sections of its business.”


#6 3M: “The manufacturing behemoth behind some consumer brands, including Post-It Notes and Scotch Tape, said it would lay off 6,000 staff around the world. Those cuts are in addition to the 2,500 manufacturing roles 3M eliminated in January.”


#7 CDW: “CDW’s bombshell announcement this week that it expects first fiscal quarter results below expectations and the apparent layoff of hundreds of its employees is a sign that moderated technology demand since the height of the pandemic is more than just a one-quarter strain for hardware, software and services businesses.”


#8 David’s Bridal: “One of the largest sellers of wedding gowns in the United States, David’s Bridal is laying off thousands of workers nationwide, according to a notice filed to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor.”


#9 DropBox: “Shares of Dropbox are trading about 5% higher today after the company said it plans to slash its global workforce by approximately 16%.”


#10 Red Hat: “Following parent company IBM announcing thousands of layoffs in 2023, Red Hat CEO Matt Hicks told employees Monday that approximately 4 percent of its global workforce will be laid off.”


#11 Opendoor: “Opendoor Technologies on Tuesday said it was cutting roughly 560 jobs, or 22% of the workforce at the online U.S. real estate firm, citing a declining housing market.”


#12 First Republic: “First Republic plans to reduce its workforce between 20% and 25% this quarter following “unprecedented” deposit outflows in the wake of Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse last month, the company said in a regulatory filing on Monday.”


#13 Walmart: “Walmart is laying off more than 2,000 workers at five US warehouses that fulfill website orders in a move that came weeks after America’s largest private employer warned it’s in for a tough year ahead.”


#14 Facebook: “A layoff notice filed with the state this week shows Facebook’s parent company Meta plans to let go 343 employees across three Manhattan offices.”


#15 Amazon: “Amazon has officially started up its most recent round of employee reductions. The company is kicking off its previously announced layoffs of ~9,000 staff by axing workers in its Amazon Web Services (AWS) and human resources sectors.”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.18767554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810 >>7855 >>7984

Wait, WHAT? – DOJ Inspector General Reveals More than 10,000 Federal Employees Have Access to NSA Database for Surveillance Inquiries


Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified yesterday that more than 3.4 million search queries into the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).


Statement of Michael E. Horowitz Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance concerning “Fixing FISA: How a Law Designed to Protect Americans Has Been Weaponized Against Them”

Anonymous ID: 661561 April 28, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.18767563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7895

Whoopi Goldberg Suggests The Bible Supports Medically Transitioning Minors – ‘God Was Really Clear’


On Thursday’s showing of ABC’s ‘The View,’ co-host Whoopi Goldberg suggested that the Bible sanctions medically transitioning minors to the opposite gender


“My God, this is a party that says ‘we believe in parents’ rights.’ You’re telling me that as a parent, I don’t, I’m not smart enough to decide if my child and I need to have gender-affirming, or doctors are not involved,” Goldberg said,


“So what is it? I can’t decide what my kid reads, I can’t decide for my child, what my child says is going on,” Goldberg continued. “You’re telling me your beliefs… and they keep saying it, and I keep saying, ‘What Bible are you reading? Because God was really clear!’”


Whoopi’s remarks are completely backwards. As the cornerstone of Western civilization, the Bible has been cherished for centuries for its moral and ethical guidance. However, interpreting it through the lens of a contemporary agenda is a perilous endeavor. To suggest that the Bible endorses such a profound and irreversible alteration as gender-transition surgeries for children is to misunderstand its core message.


The scriptures offer timeless principles and truths that transcend the shifting sands of societal norms. They provide guidance on navigating the complexities of human existence and promote virtues such as love, compassion, and respect for life. They caution against hasty decisions and encourage prudence, particularly regarding matters as significant as irreversible medical procedures.


Advocating for gender-transition surgeries for children disregards the biological and psychological complexities accompanying such decisions. It is essential to recognize that children’s minds are still developing, and their understanding of identity may be fluid. Applying permanent physical alterations during this formative period may have lasting consequences that should not be taken lightly.


Furthermore, the Bible profoundly emphasizes the sanctity of the human body, as it is described as a temple of the Holy Spirit. To undertake surgical interventions that permanently alter this divine creation should be approached with great caution and reverence. This does not mean dismissing the struggles faced by individuals grappling with gender dysphoria but instead urging a compassionate approach that upholds the dignity of all individuals involved.


In conclusion, Whoopi Goldberg’s suggestion that the Bible supports parents getting gender-transition surgeries for their children must be met with thoughtful reflection. As a source of moral guidance, the Bible emphasizes the human body’s sanctity and the importance of prudence in decision-making. By upholding traditional values and respecting the complexities of human nature, we can navigate these delicate issues while fostering a society that cherishes life, compassion, and the timeless wisdom imparted to us by the scriptures.