Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.18767327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7332 >>7341 >>7364 >>7482 >>7573





Did you know that the U.S Space Force symbol, the delta, has a star in the center, which symbolizes how the core values guide the Space Force Mission.


Learn more about our symbol here:

12:36 PM · Apr 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.18767353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7360 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

NC Supreme Court overturns partisan gerrymandering rulings,

allows GOP lawmakers to craft new maps


Bryan Anderson @BryanRAnderson


NC Supreme Court rules on 5-2 conservative lines that "there is no judicially manageable standard by which to adjudicate partisan gerrymandering claims," strikes down prior liberal court's rulings on voting maps. #ncpol


This allows GOP lawmakers to go back to the drawing board on state House and state Senate maps. We were already going to have a redrawn congressional map. The high court has also allows a 2018 photo ID law to take effect going into the 2024 election. #ncpol


It's important to note there are other appeals of the voter ID law, so that future is less clear than the redistricting ruling, which gives GOP lawmakers the ability to go back to the drawing board to enact new maps ahead of 2024 election. #ncpol #Election2024


Updated with more info and lawmaker reactions. In dissenting opinion, Justice Anita Earls writes, "An injustice that is so glaring, so lawless and such a betrayal to the democratic values upon which our constitution is based will not stand forever" #ncpol




11:48 AM · Apr 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.18767360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7873 >>7886 >>7891 >>7983


Seth Keshel - “Captain K"·7m

Big wind in the Trump sails today in NC.


Will make it extremely difficult to steal those 16 Electoral Votes, and that NC was most vulnerable of the trio including TX and AK, makes greater than 90% likelihood the core 235 electoral votes are intact.


Apr 28, 2023, 2:14 PM

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 11:32 a.m. No.18767374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381 >>7388 >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983

Jordain Carney [Politico]


Jim Jordan issuing three new subpoenas as part of Big Tech investigation:


Global Engagement Center:






2:26 PM · Apr 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.18767388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7807 >>7852 >>7983



JULY 17, 2014

The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon

A $600 million computing cloud built by an outside company is a "radical departure" for the risk-averse intelligence community.


The intelligence community is about to get the equivalent of an adrenaline shot to the chest. This summer, a $600 million computing cloud developed by Amazon Web Services for the Central Intelligence Agency over the past year will begin servicing all 17 agencies that make up the intelligence community. If the technology plays out as officials envision, it will usher in a new era of cooperation and coordination, allowing agencies to share information and services much more easily and avoid the kind of intelligence gaps that preceded the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. …

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.18767551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7737 >>7810 >>7855 >>7984

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Marshall S. Billingslea @M_S_Billingslea·5h

The UK is taking care of its citizens in Sudan.


Royal Marines @RoyalMarines·8h

Bringing them home… 🇬🇧


#RoyalMarines are working relentlessly at Wadi Seidna airport just outside Khartoum to evacuate British nationals from #Sudan.


Read more:


9:53 AM · Apr 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.18767697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7764

at #Heritage50

Josh Hawley ~ The verdict is in. The politics of New World Order have failed.

▶ Will we take the stand that we must to save this nation.

▶ This is a left that now seeks to fundamentally transform American life.

▶ The Republican Party as we have known it for the past 30-years is NOT prepared to face this challenge.

▶ We must … This is what President Reagan faced. He had to transform the Republican Party to meet the challenges of that day.

▶ Republican leaders in … [1990s] embraced what you might call a politics of New World Order

▶ This change was NOT for the better. … It was not a victory of the nations state… It was the victory of a global market.

▶ They wanted a New World Order. That's what George Bush Senior called it. You night remember. It was 1991 … He gave a speech in which he talked about open boarders, open trade, and open minds.

▶ And that New World Order required a revolution in American policy. I meant major changes to our trade policy, major changes to our monetary policy, And that's exactly what we got over the nest 25 years.

▶ They wanted to break-down the boarders of nations. … They wanted to capitalize on the free-flow of goods.

▶ It meant no more protection for American manufacturing … It meant no more fostering of American industry.

▶ The New World Order also meant major changes to our Foreign Policy


Apr 27, 2023

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 1:32 p.m. No.18767737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7893


moar ECW Retweeted


Section 702 has become a domestic spying tool.

Congress must act decisively to end warrantless surveillance


Elizabeth Goitein @LizaGoitein·44m

The ODNI’s Annual Statistical Transparency Report is out today. The contents of this report underscore why Congress should not reauthorize Section 702 of FISA this year without wide-reaching surveillance reforms. 1/13


Let’s start with backdoor searches – i.e., the government’s practice of searching through Section 702 data, obtained without a warrant based on the government’s certification that it is targeting only foreigners, to find the communications of Americans. 2/13


We already knew that the FBI conducted about 200,000 these warrantless searches for Americans’ communications in 2022. The report states that the 200,000 queries translate into 119,383 unique U.S. person identifiers. 3/13


We also knew already that this is about a 95% decrease from 2021. But it’s still several hundred warrantless searches for Americans’ communications every day. One warrantless search is too many. 200,000 per year is a travesty. 4/13


The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part I: Backdoor Searches


The report also reveals that the FBI is still completely ignoring the law Congress enacted in 2018 requiring warrants for a very small subset of backdoor searches. This requirement has been triggered over 100 times. The FBI has never once complied with it. 5/13


The report further states that the FISA Court issued an opinion in April 2022 approving Section 702 surveillance for another year. This approval was delayed by several months, which suggests that the court had some concerns about how the government was operating the program. 6/13


What were those concerns? We don’t know, because despite the statutory requirement to declassify and release significant FISA Court opinions, the government has not yet done so – even though it’s been more than a year. 7/13


It’s inexcusable for the government to be actively lobbying for reauthorization, claiming that it can be trusted with this sweeping surveillance power, while simultaneously denying lawmakers and the public access to critical information about how it’s been using this power. 8/13


Finally, what’s not in the report: How many backdoor searches of Americans’ communications and other sensitive information were performed under the government’s broadest foreign intelligence surveillance authority: Executive Order 12333. 9/13


EO 12333 surveillance impacts Americans’ privacy just as much as Section 702, and likely more. Yet it takes place without any statutory authorization and with no judicial oversight whatsoever, simply because the collection happens overseas. 10/13


The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part II: Closing the Gaps and Completing the Modernization of FISA


Indeed, there are many statutory gaps that enable warrantless collection of Americans’ most sensitive information. Another example: the gov’t needs a warrant to compel production of geolocation information, but it evades this requirement by buying the data from brokers. 11/13


That’s why Congress needs to address these problems holistically. If Congress only fixes Section 702, the government will find ways to obtain the same highly sensitive information about Americans, without a warrant, using other authorities or workarounds. 12/13


In short, today’s report confirms what was already clear: Section 702, despite its nominal focus on foreigners abroad, has become a domestic spying tool. Congress must act decisively to end warrantless surveillance of Americans under Section 702 or any other authority. 13/13


3:35 PM · Apr 28, 2023

Anonymous ID: 8de114 April 28, 2023, 2:09 p.m. No.18767921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7930

April 28, 2023 2:06 pm ET

Justice Samuel Alito: ‘This Made Us Targets of Assassination’


The author of the Dobbs abortion ruling answers attacks on the court’s ‘legitimacy.’ He says he thinks he knows who leaked the draft and is certain about the motive.


Justice Samuel Alito was supposed to speak to law students at George Mason University in Arlington, Va., but when they showed up, he wasn’t there. “That Alito was speaking via closed circuit from a room at the Supreme Court seven miles away, rather than in person, was a sign these are not normal times,” the Washington Post reported. The Post didn’t explain what made the “times” abnormal.