Anonymous ID: bc8a18 April 28, 2023, 4:30 p.m. No.18768585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>18767280 pb


who else thinks the Murdocks were blackmailed?

why else such a quick bold decision, which not in their own interest?


Lachlan's wife was a follower of the Guru cult of the borsch belt?

at the time she married him.

Other notables known to visit there in the past, Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks, Felecia Rashad, Peggy Lipton , and it's somehow connected with Jimmy Carter too.

They have an interesting relationship with the corrupt local government, pay no taxes. Registered as a non-profit / religion / corporation. Some have said they smuggle back and forth from India.

The Eat Pray Love" movie? movie based upon that group and their place in India.


The Australian Anne Hamilton-Byrne who obviously was breeding children in her cult "The Family" attended there and lived near-by; from there she was finally arrested.

Anyway, connects with Murdock's sons wife- news reports on that long gone.

maybe deserves a dig at some point.