Morning anons…
I "sign on" as a way I can backtrack into my old posts if I ever need to. Fro instance, BioClandestine is doing an excellent job of staying on the biolabs…he has now taken the dig to the next level and beyond the board. But I would wager he got his start from the board and that was MY notable on the biolabs that kicked off the discussion. Not that it matters, but hey I might tell my kids someday. I am sure other anons have similar stories.
Someone will say someday, WHAT DID YOU DO ON 8KUN? I would like to be able to show my work so to speak…so I "sign on"…
What do anons think of We The Media and Badlands? Some good folks over there at both places and also SMELLS LIKE AN OP…I believe there has been some work done to out pieces of the op, but all anons need to be aware…like Mossad level op…
WTM will be selling bitcoin soon, if not already and badlands will follow…heads up…
the love of God is constantly expressed to you by theSON(sun)…
you have a close and intimate relationship withTHE SONthat is occulted and hidden from you…the rabbit hole is DEEP DEEP…
For instance, we all learned the period table of "elements" correct? That table is CRAP (well some useful things). ALL ELEMENTS ARE HYDROGEN. Hydrogen as it looses energy will fall out into the ELEMENTS in a musical fashion. Elements fall out in octaves. And this is just ONE deception.
How (you) work an even bigger slight of hand. We get energy fromTHE SONdaily and this energy sustains us as to NUTRIENTS that we do not even realize we need yet.
You are way more than you can possible imagine.