Do we really have to sit through another rigged in election in 2024? Do we really have to wait until then for something to actually happen? Been waiting for over 5 fucking years.
>German police forcibly remove muslim boy from family because family taught son that transgenderism goes against their faith. MSM completely silent.
the jew will not rest until the goyim own nothing, eat the bugs, fuck trannies and race-mix into one single mud race. The jew. will not. rest.
it's the jews.
he's your king. deal with it.
what's with these oddly worded, oddly formatted posts? are these bots or jewish shills?
I love finding based comments on MSM youtube videos.
Q abandoned us. We must join them, anons. We mustโฆ.JOINโฆthe jewsโฆ
Is Trump controlled by the Jews? He LOVES Israel. I think Q is another system of control.
Those that know the truth about how evil the jews are, how do you reconcile Trump being controlled by jews? Is Q another layer of jewish control?
Is the Anti-Christ alive right now? Living in Israel, waiting for his time?
Jesus is a jewish psyop meant to control the goyim and use them in the End Times.
learn the truth about the jew and free your mind
oh i get it. you're a jewish shill paid by israel.
only a shill makes his font italics like that. you're a shill. i just recognized your shill pattern and i'm going to filter you whenever you italicize your font like that from now. Owned.
why did the jews release footage of that tranny shooter and her manifesto so quickly? What jewish agenda are they trying to accomplish on the goyim?
yup, and if you point it out around here, you'll be called a "division shill".