>>18784999 ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter w/CAP: dismantle the CIA
Anon only wished that Flynn would read the drops…
==General! Hopefully one of your "helpers" will show you the following Direct Call out to General Flynn concerning the CIA, 9-11, THE VATICAN and The Drops==
Flynn should have read the drops, correct? Since so many want to believe FLYNN is Q etc etc… right?
Well then, let's see if he will reply to the following:
In drops #154, 306 and 307 Q lays out the following in code: VATICAN CIA > 9-11.
In drop #306, Q ends with the Godfather III Sig.
In drop #3565, Q ends with Godfather III and Biblical sigs in a drop all about the POPE/PONTIFEX
General, you go on the MG SHOW quite often.
IntheMatrixxx, Jeffy Pederson initial claim to fame was P = Payseur and Jeffy made 6-7 videos all about why P = Payseur.
General, did you know that Bloodlines of the Illuminati is a book written by a multiple felon, 1488 neo nazi, great friend of Alex Jones?
Bloodlines was one of the books that the CIA wanted everyone to read.
General, do you know that P does not = Payseur?
Q stated in drop # 416 that "SOROS TAKES ORDERS FROM P"
In drop #1413 Q named the "OWL" image "Guardian_P" in a drop concerning the "Guardians of the Pope".
General… and then there is your relationship with Singlaub, McCrystal and a few other Deep State Assets which Anon would love to hear your side of that story.
General. Your time is highly valued and greatly appreciated, Sir!