What are the odds?
The chance of any event lining up directly on the clock is 1 in 60. But anons can draw the line straight across to the other side of the clock. So those odds are actually 1 in 30. And you can likewise now zig-zag to the right or left. This reduces the odds again to about 1 in 20.
Year deltas can appear 1 in 6 spokes. There are now enough spokes that the odds of a year delta line up are now around 1 in 90. BUT you can claim "two days early" which makes the chance of a year delta lining up 1 in 30.
What are the odds? 1 in 20. Or 1 in 30 for year deltas. Those are pretty decent odds which means any given event has a pretty damn good chance of lining up on the clock.