Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.18951476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 1:37 p.m. No.18951829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1875 >>2002 >>2072

4 Jun, 2023 19:37

The EU is desperate to clamp down on Elon Musk’s free speech as ‘disinformation’

European Union officials are having a meltdown, all because Twitter CEO Elon Musk has withdrawn the platform from a “voluntary”EU code of conduct for techfirms to combat so-called “disinformation.” And they have yet to cite a single actual example of it.

EU Internal Markets Commissioner Thierry Breton tweeted, “You can run, but you can’t hide,” citing a legal obligation to prevent disinformation from August.He’s basically treating Musk, a guy who builds rockets and cars in America, like an unruly schoolchild, with Brusselsin the role of the principal. French Digital Minister Jean-Noel Barrot even threatened to ban Twitter from the EU in a recent interview, citing the “grave”threat of disinformation.

They’re basically accusing Musk of pre-crime, like in the movie ‘Minority Report’… The EU is seeking to bring the very long arm of its authoritarianism down on Musk and other private tech players – who refuse to abide byBrussels’ “Code of Practice on Disinformation,” concocted in 2018 and revised last year.

Breton is even heading to Silicon Valley to check in on them. “I am the enforcer. I represent the law, which is the will of the state and the people,” he said about his trip.

Sounds like Mr. Enforcer could use a good humbling from the peoplehe purports to represent, and what better way for it to be delivered than through Musk, who envisions Twitter as the voice of the people and a platform for truly free expression.

By withdrawing from the code, Musk is just the latest example of what seems to be a trend. Facebook’s parent companyMeta has already laid off moderators. Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, and others have also cut into their watchdog departments==, citing cost-cutting measures. Perhaps policing narratives is bad for business.

You have to wonder, though –if joining this EU pact is optional, then what exactly is the big deal?It’s not like there’s any guarantee that any of the signatories are actually reducing what the EU considers as disinformation. In fact, thewhole concept of top-down policing of information flow raises suspicion about the potential marginalizationof views and debates that oppose the establishment narrative. According to this EU code, tech platforms like Twitter are connected with “fact-checkers, civil society, and third-party organizations with specific expertise on disinformation.” The policy document adds thatplatforms also must report to an EU “Code Taskforce,” monitoring their efforts.EU’s stamp of approval, it’s not a stretch to imagine that they could be enforcers orgatekeepers of the establishment narrative.

Musk himself is no stranger to this kind of systemic collusion between state actors and platforms to the detriment of contradictory debate and free information flow.

Speaking of which, itdidn’t take long after Musk’s withdrawal from the disinfo codefor the EU’s vice president for values and transparency – an Orwellian title, if there ever was one – to suggest that the ultimate beneficiary of Musk’s actions in withdrawing from the code wasn’t free speech and debate, but rather Russia.

Vera Jourova said.“Twitter has chosen a hard way to comply with our digital laws. Russia’s disinformation is dangerous and it is irresponsible to leave EU’s anti-disinformation code.” Right, because all facts and analysis that don’t align with the Western agenda has to be Russian. Musk to be some kind of useful idiot for Russia, despite him also being a major Pentagon contractor.

It seems thatMusk has just decided that the EU’s provisions aren’t aligned with the free-speech mandatethat he has for the company, which he personally owns. And theEU apparently can’t bring itself to respect the definition of private ownership. If they wanted to make and treat online platforms like a public good or service, then they should just outright spend the cash to do that themselves…

It’s not like Musk is just letting fake news proliferate,despite the EU pearl-clutchers suggesting otherwise. It looks like he’s just found a different way to address fact checking.

When Musk took over the platform, heditched some Twitter moderators and replaced them with a feature called “Community Notes,” whereby users who spot something that’s factually incorrect or misleading can contribute in real time to a correction or clarification that’s visible right under the tweet in question.

It turns out that this row between Twitter and the EU has become quite the topic on the platform itself. And with Musk in charge, there’s not much they can do about it beyond threats and name calling.At least not without looking like the budding authoritarians they are.

Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 1:46 p.m. No.18951908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1926 >>1939 >>1962 >>2002 >>2007 >>2072

BIG QUESTION and A BIG COVERUP – Durham Report Brings Sunlight on Detail Never Released by IG Michael Horowitz About FBI Targeting Trump


June 4, 2023 | Sundance1/3long article but important

I’m going to go into the deep weeds on this story, because many people are missing a key facet. The names behind the Trump targeting operation are included, along with citations for independent checks by House congressional investigators.


Inside the recently released report by John Durham [CITATION], the special counsel outlines how former FBI Director James Comey was intimately involved in the creation of the Carter Page FISA application. Durham notes that Comey kept asking the DOJ National Security Division and FBI counterintelligence investigators, “Where’s the FISA, we need the FISA.” However, John Durham never interviewed James Comey or Andrew McCabe. The former FBI Director and Deputy refused to cooperate or give testimony to John Durham. So, how did John Durham have details about the demands of Comey?


The answer is found in the footnotes. Durham reviewed transcripts of interviews given by Andrew McCabe to the Office of the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, who previously investigated FBI conduct in the origin of the Carter Page FISA. Durham pulled quotes from that transcript. [Footnote #1207, page 199 – Durham Report]


♦QUESTION: If Andrew McCabe gave testimony to the OIG about the motives and impetus of FBI Director James Comey in pushing for the Carter Page FISA application, why did the OIG report never outline those transcribed interviews? Why was the interview transcript never included in the 2019 OIG report?


[ NOTE to Congress. Now that you know a transcribed interview of Andrew McCabe exists in the OIG office, request the transcription and release it to the public.]


Let me answer those questions without the customary pretending from the DC professional political class. The short version is that OIG Michael Horowitz was trying to protect the DOJ and FBI. The longer version is a coverup that includes Rod Rosenstein, Bill Barr and yes, John Durham. I will share that story below.


“Where’s the FISA? We need the FISA?” ~ James Comey


The DOJ-NSD and FBI CoIntel needed to find a safe and legal way to spy on the Trump campaign. The 2016 FISA Title 1 surveillance of former FBI employee Carter Page became the fraudulent justification for that intent.


Because “FISA Title I” surveillance authority against a U.S. citizen is so serious (the U.S. government is essentially calling the target a spy), only a few people are authorized to even apply for such surveillance warrants. One of the four people authorized to make such a Search Warrant request is the Asst. Attorney General as head of the National Security Division of the DOJ.


In September and October of 2016, at the same time the DOJ was putting the finishing touches on the FISA Court application to be used against Carter Page, Asst. Attorney General John P Carlin resigned as head of the DOJ-NSD. [CITATION] Did Carlin resign in protest or fear?


Here’s context:


Carter Page was used as a UCE (FBI undercover employee), responsible for the bust of a high-level Russian agent in 2013 – and remained a UCE – throughout the court case of Evgeny Buryakov, a Russian citizen who U.S. prosecutors say posed as a banker while participating in a Cold War-style spy ring. [CITATION]


Carter Page was an FBI undercover source for the FBI UP TO May of 2016. How was it possible that on October 21st, 2016, Carter Page is put under a FISA Title 1 surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent? Conclusion: Carter Page wasn’t a Russian agent. The DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division knew he wasn’t.


In order to manufacture the justification for the Carter Page FISA warrant, the DOJ-NSD and the FBI flat-out lied to the FISA Court. Remember, IG Horowitz said there was no ‘Woods File’ in the Carter Page FISA application. Instead of the required section substantiating and citing all the claims in the application, the FBI used the Chris Steele Dossier.


However, as to the motive of John Carlin resigning before the application was completed and submitted, we look back to the March 2016 DOJ Press Release of the guilty pleading in the Evgeny Buryakov case as announced from the New York office: …”Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced”… (link)…

Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 1:48 p.m. No.18951926   🗄️.is 🔗kun





DOJ-NSD head John Carlin obviously could not submit a FISA application against Carter Page, accusing him of being an “agent of a foreign government,” when just a few months earlier he used Carter Page as a witness and FBI UCE source in the case against Buryakov.


As James Comey is demanding that Andrew McCabe and his FBI counterintelligence agents get the FISA warrant, likely an ass covering necessity, the person responsible to get the warrant from the court, John Carlin, quits the DOJ. Considering all the facets outlined above, this cannot be accidental.


Here’s where it gets SERIOUSLY sketchy.


The next in line person, who can fulfill the DOJ/FBI goal of getting the fraudulent application through the FISA court, is Mary McCord. Put into the position as Acting Asst. Attorney General for the National Security Division, the job of submitting the FISA application now falls upon Mary McCord.


On October 21, 2016, When the FISA application was finally submitted, signed by DAG Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey, it was Mary McCord who did the actual process of filing the application and gaining the Title-1 surveillance warrant.


At the time the Carter Page application was filed (October 21, 2016), Mary McCord’s chief legal counsel inside the office was a DOJ-NSD lawyer named Michael Atkinson. In his role as the legal counsel for the DOJ-NSD, it was Atkinson’s job to review and audit all FISA applications submitted from inside the DOJ. Essentially, Atkinson was the DOJ internal compliance officer in charge of making sure all FISA applications were correctly assembled and documented.


Obviously, with the background and context of the entirely fraudulent Carter Page FISA application, a government surveillance warrant using a Clinton funded political opposition research file known as the Steele Dossier to support the warrant, both Mary McCord and Michael Atkinson would know they were directly involved in an intentional effort to weaponize the mechanisms of the justice department against a political candidate.


While James Comey and Sally Yates’ signatures were on the FISA application falsely vouching for it, the attestations of legal compliance fall upon DOJ-NSD head Mary McCord and her top legal advisor Michael Atkinson. McCord and Atkinson are doing, in October of 2016, what former DOJ-NSD head John Carlin refused to do.


WATCH WHAT COMES NEXT: Mary McCord then resigns from her position in the DOJ, and Michael Atkinson is left, as lawyer for the DOJ-NSD, to become Inspector General of the Intelligence Community.


♦ The Impeachment Effort – Do you remember how the impeachment effort against President Donald Trump was created? Do you remember Alexander Vindman, the claims about Ukraine; the statements of hearing from a CIA whistleblower about the content of a phone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy?


When the anonymous CIA whistleblower complaint was filed against President Trump for the issues of the Ukraine call with President Zelensky, the Intelligence Community Inspector General had to change the rules for the complaint to allow an anonymous submission. Prior to this change, all intelligence whistleblowers had to put their name on the complaint. It was this 2019 IGIC who changed the rules.


Who was the Intelligence Community Inspector General? Michael Atkinson.


When ICIG Michael Atkinson turned over the newly authorized anonymous whistleblower complaint to the joint House Intelligence and Judiciary Committee (Schiff and Nadler chairs), who did Michael Atkinson give the complaint to? Mary McCord.

Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 1:50 p.m. No.18951939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2002 >>2072




Yes, after she left main justice, Mary McCord took the job of working for Chairman Jerry Nadler and Chairman Adam Schiff as the chief legal advisor inside the investigation that led to the construction of articles of impeachment. As a consequence, Mary McCord received the newly permitted anonymous whistleblower complaint from her old office colleague Michael Atkinson.


Can you see how Atkinson and McCord are working together, both connected to the fraud behind the false FISA application used in the Trump-Russia narrative in 2016 and 2017, now both working together on a 2019 impeachment effort against President Trump holding an identical motive? Can you see the stunning conflicts of interest and the coordination?


The weaponized surveillance of the Trump administration doesn’t exist without Mary McCord and Michael Atkinson as the wheels to create the surveillance mechanism. The weaponized impeachment origin doesn’t exist without McCord – now in congress working for Nadler/Schiff – and Atkinson changing rules as CIA Inspector General, to create the baseline of a fraudulent whistleblower complaint. Can you see it?


But wait…. It gets worse.


♦ Chief Justice John Roberts – As if things could not possibly be more corrupt. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was the presiding judge over the impeachment trial of President Trump.


Mary McCord is married to a fellow traveler named Sheldon L. Snook.


From 2014 though 2020, not coincidentally the timeline of the Trump targeting and administration in office, Mary McCord’s husband, Sheldon Snook, was the special assistant to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.’s counselor. [CITATION]


As noted by the Washington Post in discussing both McCord and Snook, “The counselor’s office advises the chief justice not only on the management and budget of the Supreme Court but also on his interactions with the executive and legislative branches, along with numerous other public roles in which Roberts serves.” [CITATION]


From 2014 through 2020, Sheldon Snook was responsible for running the office of the lawyer legally advising and counseling John Roberts.


Let me put this another way. The most important guy in the judicial branch, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, has a lawyer to advise and construct the responsibilities of the SCOTUS chief judge, which includes the construct of the FISA court and appointment of judges therein.


As Chief Justice, John Roberts is in charge of everything to do with the FISA court. The guy running the office of the lawyer doing the counseling of Roberts, is Mary McCord’s husband.


Mary McCord, knowingly and with specific intent, lied to the FISA court to support the FBI targeting of Trump. Mary McCord’s husband runs the office which would intercept any communication from the FISA court to the Chief Justice if the FISC had any concerns about the false FBI application. See the problem?


♦ SUMMARY – Now, we go back to where we came in.


Why did the Office of the Inspector General never publish the interview transcript about Andrew McCabe talking about how desperate FBI Director James Comey was to get a FISA warrant?


Why did John Durham never publish those same interview transcripts, but instead simply referenced the existence of the transcript in a footnote?


Follow these questions to their logical conclusion, and you will discover that all of the participants including Rod Rosenstein, Bill Barr, James Baker, Dana Boente, Michael Horowitz and John Durham are trying to protect bureaucrats, who did criminal acts, and preserve institutions from collapse that sunlight would bring down upon them.


Sunlight…… The best disinfectant.


I ain’t quitting. Until we deal with this, it doesn’t matter who ‘we‘ make president.

Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 1:53 p.m. No.18951962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2002 >>2072


Missed this part

The answer is found in the footnotes. Durham reviewed transcripts of interviews given by Andrew McCabe to the Office of the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, who previously investigated FBI conduct in the origin of the Carter Page FISA. Durham pulled quotes from that transcript. [Footnote #1207, page 199 – Durham Report]

Anonymous ID: 0477d5 June 4, 2023, 1:59 p.m. No.18952007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2015


When you consider how many long term people in DOJ, FBI, IC and the inspector Generals office were involved to “Get Trump”, its an absolute freakin miracle President Trump was never taken down.


An absolute miracle and God protected PDJT for 4+ years!