Anonymous ID: 9b3bd8 June 4, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.18951900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1934 >>2002 >>2072



Big Question and A Big Coverup – Durham

Report Brings Sunlight on Detail Never

Released by IG Michael Horowitz About

FBI Targeting Trump


Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance



Posted By: earlybird, 6/4/2023 4:10:29 PM


I’m going to go into the deep weeds on this story, because many people are missing a key facet. The names behind the Trump targeting operation are included, along with citations for independent checks by House congressional investigators. Inside the recently released report by John Durham [CITATION],(snip)outlines how former FBI Director James Comey was intimately involved in the creation of the Carter Page FISA application. Durham notes that Comey kept asking the DOJ National Security Division and FBI counterintelligence investigators, “Where’s the FISA, we need the FISA.” However, John Durham never interviewed James Comey or Andrew McCabe. (snip) how did John Durham have details about the demands of