Sssshhhh we're losing. Don't tell anyone.
Moar Coke?
Looks like the 'brilliance' of the UK Armed Forces in action.
Hurr Durr. We're losing but we built an inflatable bouncy castle on wheels.
Keks were had. And this is just the 1st 2 pages of comments.
And they're not even wrapped. Let that sink in.
Looks gay, like BJ and the Bear.
Granny Grunt put em in her cooter.
Notable for the ID and Timestamp alone
>top gun looks gay now too
>It didn't then though.
I never understood why the girl was such a butch, at the time.
Once I saw this Tarantino clip I watched again. TopGun is the gayest movie ever made, til Brokeback mountain at least.
The Biden family to kill an informant is the real story.
Thought I'd 'ave a laugh and Duck Duck "RIP toots".
Was a passport also found?
Another story described it as a dry boot. So if it was removed under water the diver would have all kinds of issues (cold for starters). Perhaps it was lost overboard when trying to get the fucking thing off, in the boat.
How does one lose an identical twin?
They both came out at the same time.
Did the lost one climb out of the bucket somehow?