>>18958211 pb
fuck off goldbug
we see you.
ooh, he's one-eyed
don't be too upset
Anything on the news AM FM whatever, is likely a lie
Anything they broadcast is most likely a lie
Especially if it contradicts what they said before.
It's deliberate.
a psy-op, they work hard at it.
Commies got us by the balls
Bidan / Obama weak link.
How much money did Biden take from the ChiCom?
That's why.
They need to go; they really do.
They know the informant will be killed; because they will do it.
he was / is a crack head
typical behavior for that demographic.
Also he was preoccupied. Had to go to rehab. Got his daughter/ niece pregnant?
wonder if he was framed.
none of the real crooks get caught
"the next one. that will get attention (smirk smirk)
yes! FBI installed Biden
They colluded with all his corruption and more
They are probably the "KeyStone" of corruption for our Country.
C-A could be the International Arm of the massive corruption and blood money suckers.
On top of everything, WRAY is an ugly man. In every way.
Can you imagine trying to list all the crimes they covered for; over the last 60 years, And all the people they blackmailed, going back to Paid-off-by-the-Mob Hoover?
So many cases would have to be re-opening. Those falsely accused and jail ( j 6 ) would need compensation.
I say take it out of the freaks bank account.
Without their cover, Obama couldn't have gotten away with what he did; Nor could the communists steal our Country
No wonder the FBI kneels to the Democrats.
the pcr tests stole your DNA for China databanks.
typical inquisitors.
Trump's self-defense is termed "obstruction"
yeah, because they desire to jail him for nothing and the fact he's innocent, gets in the way.
no they aren't
escalation to a search of the POTUS Trump's residence by SWAT team, was unwarranted literally (no authentic warrant - judge who signed it was comped)
We'll see how unwarranted it is.
I doubt compromised Congress will have the guts to actually serve Wray.
But he should be put in handcuffs and have his office searched.
Comey could be a ring leader, for sure. I believe he's a "KingPin" for their rackets. And has hackers working for him.
Doesn't it make sense, they find a rare hacker, frame and threatend him, then force him do their work.
does make sense.
Lin Wood's informant talked about it. He said they had and expert brake into the computers of Federal Judges, and other Judges, Placed compromising matereal; blackmailed them.. And it was an ongoing project; included RR and the corrupt Judge Sullivan who refused to drop charges on Flynn even after DoJ ordered it.
used to be; people were so concerned to guard the reputation of Federal Judges.
Well that days long gone
Along with the reputation of DoJ and FBi and C-A
==maybe we should thank Barry for outing all the others - who been around stealing from us and killing innocent people (illegal wars for profit) without anyone paying attention or catching them.
Barry surfaced it all
Thank you Barry.
Wow.. Neither of them look very good. Is that his new Howdy Doody?
hard to imagine Kamalala could be worse than Biden
I mean, is she openly Pedo, taking money from Chicom?
Incest is Best family, as well?
Don't think so
Can't think of any shame that could outdo that of Biden's