By Sherman H. Skolnick
Item: Vice President AL Gore, Jr.
contends to confidants that the report by the House Committee headed by
Christopher Cox [R-47th, CA] is a blackmail device. Parts of the report have
apparently been leaked out to the New York Times and members of the French
Press. It deals with serious national security violations in respect to top
nuclear secrets given to the Red Chinese. Reportedly directly implicated
bought-and-paid-for treason are President William Rockefeller Clinton , with
a somewhat lesser role by V.P Gore. Knowledgeable sources contend, based on
this in items even beyond the Cox Report and other data, there is sufficient
reasons available to force from office the President, the Vice President, and
the current Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who although 5th in line of
Presidential succession is not eligible as non-U.S. born…
by Sherman H. Skolnick
America's secret political police, the FBI, are part of a big purge in Chicago, to muzzle witnesses against Bill Clinton and the George Herbert Walker Bush family.
As I have repeatedly pointed out, Bill Clinton has come repeatedly to Chicago to meet with and speak to the top honchos and traders on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Whatever speeches he has made to them, are generally not reported in the monopoly press.
Here is some background. A huge river of Red Chinese and other clandestine funds have been reportedly traveling into the Chicago markets, not only the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, but the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and the Chicago Stock Exchange. These monies and assets are disguised as currency trading, transactions in soybeans, corn, wheat, S & P contract, and other such items. Over a period of years, escalating during the Clinton Administration, Chicago has been the intake point for "China White", high purity heroin from Southwest China. Junkies prefer it since it can be smoked in a pipe and does not require a needle in the arm.
The highly corrupt Drug Enforcement Administration has taken no remedial action on the Red Chinese dope flooding in through the Windy City. Coming in, for example, through small suburban airports encircling Chicago. Our public access Cable TV Program has done stories about this since at least 1994. We told how we met with a top official of the DEA and outlined these crimes. THE DEA OFFICIALS ARE NOT INTERESTED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS, RATHER TO COVER IT UP, to protect the Red Chinese and the Banks.
The Red Chinese clandestine funds are from several sources:
[1] From the proceeds of "China White" flooding the U.S. through Chicago. A pal of the Bush family, Jim Thompson, while Governor of Illinois (1976 to 1990), reportedly arranged the financial and other mechanisms for these shipments and funds. In the 1980s on, it was to benefit the elder Bush, Ollie North, Bill Clinton, and their mutual cronies. The public is generally unaware that Clinton from time to time visited the Bush mansion in Kennebunkport, Maine.
[2] Red China has become a major supplier of human body parts for U.S. hospitals, pieces bought and sold like from a car. They are installed in sick folks with big bucks. The Chinese keep a quantity of political prisoners, particularly those who are healthy. When an order for a heart, liver, kidneys, etc., is received from a U.S. hospital, the Red Chinese condemn to death such a prisoner. Sort of on a "when needed" basis. To protect the human body parts, the prisoners are not shot but beheaded.
[3] The Rockefeller banks, such as what used to be called First National Bank of Chicago, loaned billions of dollars to Red China on the empty promise of repayment in gold from their western provinces. Reneging on payment in gold, the Chinese instead were given immunity from U.S. criminal enforcement, to make payment in "China White", missiles and nuclear weapons smuggling, shipping AK-47 guns, and such to or through the U.S. complicity.
Major fund raiser, campaign and otherwise, for Bill Clinton and his gang, has been Rahm Emanuel. He is an expert reportedly on dirty money through the Chicago markets, particularly the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, called the "Merc". In return, Clinton for five years had Rahm as White House Senior Advisor. On a local TV Show in Chicago, Rahm was shown with his desk right near the door to the Oval Office. He bragged he was the closest to the President. Rahm Emanuel has dual citizenship, U.S. and Israel. He is reputedly the acting deputy station chief for North America of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad (The Institute).
Apparently two-faced, Rahm both set up Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky Affair as well as repeatedly playing the role on network TV of Clinton loyalist…
Full text of "Bill Hillary Clinton Family Secrets Sherman Skolnick collection" And The Red Chinese Secret Police%2C Pt 1_djvu.txt
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*Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese
Secret Police, Pt 1
*By Sherman H. Skolnick
Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police, Pt 2
< h ttp : //www . ren se . com/g en era 1 1 3/wa Imartpart2.htm
Wal-Mart And The Red Chinese Secret Police, Pt 3 <red.htm
To understand Wal-Mart, you have to have a handle on Arkansas. And to
figure out Arkansas, you have to be knowledgeable about the
Rockefellers. And to fathom the Red Chinese Secret Police, you have to
know a lot about the richest family in the world.
To begin. The Rockefellers like to own and operate entire states with a
sizeable geography, good natural assets, and a relatively small
population. That way, if need be, to win a so-called "election", they
could more or less find it cheap to buy all the votes they may need to
install their people. West Virginia is such a state. Like an ancient
Colossus of Rhodes, astride the entrance to a harbor, the Rockefellers
have a foot on both sides. On occasion, they pretend to be Democrats.
Other times, as Republicans. They have installed as U.S. Senator (W.Va.,
D.) John D. Rockefeller 4th, great grandson of John D. Rockefeller,
founder of the bloody and infamous Standard Oil Trust. Broken up by a
U.S. Supreme Court decree in 1911, the Standard Oil Trust, changing its
name slightly to fool novices, is back together again.
Historically, Standard Oil would bomb their own obsolete plants, to
blame onto a competitor, thereby gaining public support and strangling
competition. [Ida Tarbell wrote early in the 20th Century detailed
accounts of Rockefeller crimes.]
As U.S. Senator he calls himself Jay to be cute. His wife, Sharon Percy
Rockefeller, has a key position in so-called "public" broadcasting.
Consequently, we call it National Petroleum Radio. NPR and PBS would
never finger the Rockefellers and Big Oil. [Happily, she has no sayso
whatever in local public access Cable TV, where we operate an opposition
to the monopoly press.]
We have determined to our satisfaction, by confronting them, that
Chicago-based Harris Bank reportedly has dozens and dozens of secret
joint accounts of the Percy/Rockefeller Family with so-called
"terrorist" Osama bin Laden, tied together through Mid-East construction
contracts. Ha! Ha! The oil-soaked White House says they would like to
freeze bin Laden's bank accounts if they can find them. Really?
Another Rockefeller owned and operated state is Arkansas. Sizeable land,
small population. You cannot be so much as a successful dog-catcher
there without the blessings of the Rockefellers. Several terms before
Clinton, Winthrop Rockefeller was Governor. Our interviews with
middle-level members of the Rockefeller Family convinces us his proper
name should be WILLIAM ROCKEFELLER CLINTON. We feel certain, from all we
know, that Sludge Willy is the illegitimate great grandson of the
unsmiling Rockefeller patriarch.
The Rockefellers are not naive plutocrats. If there ever were ANY
documents proving that Winthrop Rockefeller fathered five illegitimate
children around the nation including the person who calls himself "Bill
Clinton", those records, if any, have long since been destroyed.
So please, like some ninny, do not heckle us with "Where are your
documents?" Until the Rockefellers are ready to throw away Bill and
Hillary as no longer useful, they are untouchable. At the Senate Clinton
Impeachment trial, the U.S. Senators certainly understood all this. [As
an example, is it necessary for us to point out that the so-called
"Watergate Affair" was touched off without a single document?]
It is surprising how some people look at a backward state like Arkansas,
and yet do not wonder about the so-called great fortunes headquartered
there. Tyson Chickens. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and all their subsidiaries,
and J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc…
Full text of "Sherman Skolnick Collection Walmart Bush Clinton Federal Reserve Secrets nwo illuminati freemasons" Skolnick Collection ALL_djvu.txt
Great Secrets Of The 20th
Century - Part One
By Sherman H. Skolnick
1912 - The British ship TITANIC sunk moreso from an internal explosion in the coal
bunker than from hitting an iceberg. Those who produced the most recent version of the
movie "Titanic", viewed, in a special submarine, the remains of the ship on the bottom of
the Atlantic, off of Newfoundland. They reportedly noticed the side of the ship showed
there had been a massive internal explosion in the vicinity of the coal bunker.Was it
sabotage? Knowledgeable sources contend the ship, on its maiden voyage, had been
the target of blackmail and espionage intrigue implicating England and Germany who
two years later went to war against each other. With the ship not having sufficient life¬
boats to save costs, were the passengers coldheartedly sacrificed as part of a bloody
scheme to profit war-mongering large corporate interests while from 1914 to 1918,
millions of ordinary people killed each other?
The movie producers, in a re-make of a prior movie on the Titanic sinking, spent some
200 million dollars in the production. They were not about to risk that by raising the
question of the internal explosion requiring a revision of history books. [Sidenote: my late
father was on the ship behind the Titanic.] In 1915, the ship "Lusitania" was likewise the
subject of a bloody scheme. Supposedly just a passenger ship, yet the British withdrew
protection from the ship in wartime as it approached off of England. Knowing the truth
that the Lusitania was a secret munitions carrier, a German U-boat sank the ship with
great loss of life including U.S. citizens. The British sacrificed the passengers as part of
a scheme to draw the U.S. into World War One to aid Great Britain. Remember: the
British and French Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers, created the conspiratorial Federal
Reserve just prior to the war, to use American assets to finance both sides of Europe's
1918 - Flistory books declare that Russian Czar Nicholas 2nd and his family, following
the Russian Revolution, were assassinated by the Bolsheviks, July, 1918,in a basement
of a house in Ekaterinburg, Siberia. By the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, arranged by Lenin, in
March, 1918, the Russians ended their war with Germany enabling the Germans to
devote their efforts to the Western fron against U.S., France, and Great Britain. [Lenin's
elder brother was among those who assassinated Nicholas's grandfather, 1881,
Emperor Alexander 2nd.] The Treaty had a secret codicil, arranged by the Rockefellers
and the Rothschilds who financed Lenin, providing for the safe passage of the Czar and
his family in exile, the Czar having abdicated the throne on behalf of himself and his
young son, heir to the throne, Alexei, in the spring of 1917
The Rockefeller banks, Chicago and New York, had the PRIVATE fortune on deposit of
the Romanov family, separate from Nicholas's government position as Czar of all the
Russias. This consisted of 400 million dollars in gold, at the then price of 20 dollars per
ounce. Declaring the Czar and his family falsely dead enabled the Rockefeller bankers
to spread out their empire using the fraudulent bankers' use of fractional reserves.
Through secret accounts, the Rockefellers for decades thereafter rolled over these
funds, to their benefit, in violation of state escheat laws providing that bank accounts
revert to the State government if not claimed after, in most states, seven years. Of
course, corrupt bank regulators in Illinois and New York have condoned this by the
Rockefellers' First National Bank of Chicago and their Chase Bank of New York.
By 1970, documents were being released by the British, after more than 50 years of
suppression, showing the British monarchy, cousins of the Czar, secretly with U.S.aid
rescued the Czar and his family. So to perpetuate the big lie of royal murder, the ..
5 pages
Wal-Mart and The Red Chinese Secret Police, PT 2
Original Title:Wal-Mart and the Red Chinese Secret Police, Pt 2