Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 6:18 a.m. No.18998695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Błyskawica (Polish: 'lightning') was a submachine gun produced by the Polish resistance movement fighting the Germans in occupied Poland. Together with a Polish version of the Sten sub-machine gun, with which it shares some design elements, it was the only weapon mass-produced covertly in occupied Europe during World War II.

Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.18998742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8743 >>8754

Grassley’s ‘17 Recordings’ Bombshell Brings Bidens And Burisma Back Into The Spotlight

‘The foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them.’

The Ukrainian owner of Burisma allegedly made 17 audio recordings of conversations with the Bidens, Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed Monday from the Senate Floor. Then-Vice President Joe Biden may also have been involved in prompting Burisma to hire his son for a cushy job on the board of directors, according to Grassley’s summary of the FD-1023 confidential human source report the FBI continues to withhold from Congress.

These new details, coupled with the House Oversight Committee’s subpoenaing of Hunter’s business partner and fellow Burisma board member on Monday, place the Ukrainian oil and gas company back in the spotlight of the Biden family pay-to-play scandal.

For the last month, Grassley and House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer have pushed the FBI to release the FD-1023 CHS report that alleged a foreign national — identified by individuals with knowledge of the matter as Mykola Zlochevsky — had bribed the Bidens to influence policy decisions. Zlochevsky, the founder of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma, had allegedly told a “highly credible” CHS, that he paid then-Vice President Biden $5 million and Hunter another $5 million to prompt the firing of a prosecutor looking into Burisma corruption.

The FBI refuses to release the FD-1023, however, prompting Grassley to call for transparency. To that end, the Iowa Republican told the country that “the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them.”

“Seventeen total recordings,” Grassley continued. “According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden.” Another two audio recordings involve calls between Zlochevsky and then-Vice President Joe Biden, Grassley stressed.

Then, after noting that Zlochevsky kept the recordings “as a sort of insurance policy,” Grassley added that the same FD-1023 also indicated that “then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.”

Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.18998743   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Americans have long known Burisma paid Hunter Biden ridiculous sums of money to sit on its board, but until yesterday, the sham seemed crafted by the Ukrainian company to buy influence with the Obama-Biden administration. Now, however, it also appears the then-vice president had a hand in Hunter’s position on the board.

The claims that Zlochevsky possessed recordings — not just of Hunter Biden, but also of “the Big Guy” — suggests we face a serious national security risk, with a compromised president potentially beholden to a blackmailer.

This new revelation makes FBI headquarters’ burying of the FD-1023 doubly bad: Not only did the FBI improperly discard the CHS’s intel as “disinformation” and thus not adequately investigate the Bidens’ activities, but the bureau apparently also failed to consider the need to provide Biden a defensive briefing.

In addition to unveiling these two new important details, Grassley suggested more details will be forthcoming. “I want everyone to remember that I have read the unredacted version” of the FD-1023, the Iowa senator said as he ended his floor speech.

What Grassley will reveal next, however, is but one of the worries for the Bidens. Yesterday also brought news that the House Oversight Committee had subpoenaed Hunter’s ex-business partner and friend Devon Archer to testify on Friday.

Archer had sat on the board of Burisma with Hunter. The two were also longtime business partners at Rosemont Seneca. Archer was reportedly “present at meetings Hunter arranged for his foreign business partners to meet with his father or talk to him on the phone.” Archer was also famously photographed meeting then-Vice President Joe Biden “in his White House office weeks before Archer and Hunter joined the board of the corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma.”

These facts suggest Archer may be able to confirm some of the details provided by the CHS. It seems unlikely Archer will talk, though, with Hunter’s former business partner instead likely asserting his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. On the other hand, Archer recently lost his challenge to an unrelated criminal conviction for fraud, and he may see cooperation as more attractive now.

But that presumes Archer has someone to bargain with, and the Biden DOJ is unlikely to want to cut a deal with him. The Republican-controlled House may, however, and while not widely known, it also has the power to grant immunity from criminal prosecution. That might just be what is needed to expose the extent of the Bidens’ corruption.

The corruption of the DOJ and the FBI is another matter entirely — hundreds more whistleblowers are needed for that enterprise.

Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 7:29 a.m. No.18999090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Autism spectrum disorder is characterised by persistent deficits in the ability to initiate and to sustain reciprocal social interaction and social communication, and by a range of restricted, repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behaviour, interests or activities that are clearly atypical or excessive for the individual's age and sociocultural context. The onset of the disorder occurs during the developmental period, typically in early childhood, but symptoms may not become fully manifest until later, when social demands exceed limited capacities. Deficits are sufficiently severe to cause impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and are usually a pervasive feature of the individual's functioning observable in all settings, although they may vary according to social, educational, or other context. Individuals along the spectrum exhibit a full range of intellectual functioning and language abilities.

Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 7:41 a.m. No.18999153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9172



Man arrested for shooting at power facilities in Hells Canyon Corridor

Adams County Sheriff's Office reports a man has been arrested after firing multiple rounds at power-generating facilities in the Hells Canyon Corridor.

Brownlee and Hells Canyon power equipment sustained damage. However, no customers have been directly affected by outages related to the incident.

On June 8, Adams County deputies responded to a report of a male shooting at power-generating equipment in the Hells Canyon Corridor. A multi-jurisdiction effort, including Adams, Washington, Baker and Wallowa Counties, led to the safe apprehension of a 58-year-old male suspect, later identified as Randy Vail of Meridian.

Adams County, Meridian Police and the FBI executed a search warrant at Vail's property in Meridian. He is being held in Washington County Jail on multiple felony charges. Idaho Power is continuing to work to repair the damaged equipment.

Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 7:44 a.m. No.18999168   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175

In a probable cause affidavit filed in Third District Court, a Washington County deputy wrote that he was called to the area of Brownlee Dam at about 12:26 a.m. Friday in response to a report that a man on a white sport motorcycle had fired rifle shots at that dam and at Hells Canyon Dam, leading to brief shutdowns at two substations. The deputy said he and another deputy spotted the motorcycle headed east on Highway 71 near Horseflat Road. According to the deputy's affidavit and the Washington County prosecutor's criminal complaint, Vail was going 80 mph in a 25-mph zone at one point as officers pursued him.

After Vail stopped, the deputy wrote, officers found that he had a case holding two rifles. They also reported finding bolt cutters and two tire-repair cans used to hold compressed air, "full of what smelled like gasoline." Another officer called the Nampa Police bomb squad, who advised that the cans were safe to move because there were not any electronics. However, the deputy wrote, knowing "he had improvised a metal container that, if shot, would have exploded, causing shrapnel to propel," he recommended he be charged with unlawful possession of an explosive device.

Anonymous ID: 0d5f62 June 13, 2023, 7:45 a.m. No.18999175   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Vail was going 80 mph in a 25-mph zone at one point as officers pursued him.

>After Vail stopped, the deputy wrote, officers found that he had a case holding two rifles. They also reported finding bolt cutters and two tire-repair cans used to hold compressed air, "full of what smelled like gasoline."