Anonymous ID: 504f20 June 14, 2023, 2:28 a.m. No.19005358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5397


> >>19005324

>>actor Joe is just doing his job….acting. No legal problem there

>Actor Joe is impersonating a government official - a felony offense. Actor Joe is forging government documents - also felony offenses. Actor Joe has misappropriated US property in many instances; given the value is in the BILLIONS of dollars, also felonious conduct worthy of the "high crimes" category.

Anon has seen the movie, "Dave", in which an actor impersonates the President for good reason.

Does anon think we're living in a movie?

Sure, "felony offenses" make sense depending on the context.

Or Matrix's juris-my-diction, which one can assert, to an extent.