Anonymous ID: 627f7c June 13, 2023, 10:03 p.m. No.19004775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

God pls bless and protect our children and family from evil.


Yeshua bless all on the board.


God bless our planet and Galaxie.

Anonymous ID: 627f7c June 13, 2023, 10:07 p.m. No.19004784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4971 >>5140 >>5292 >>5331 >>5378 >>5462 >>5501


Belarus President Lukashenko Warns He Will Not Hesitate to Use Nuclear Missiles if Western Nations Attack the Country

In the whole nightmare escalation scenarios of the war in the Ukraine, probably nothing so far has been more disturbing than today’s warning by Belarusian president Lukashenko about his absolute willingness to use nuclear missiles and bombs to defend his country.


Daily Mail reported:


“Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Tuesday that he wouldn’t hesitate to order the use of Russian tactical nuclear weapons – that are set to be deployed to Belarus – if his country faces an aggression.


Earlier this year, Vladimir Putin announced the planned deployment of short-range nuclear weapons to Moscow’s neighbor and ally Belarus in a move widely seen as a warning to the West as it stepped up military support for Ukraine.


‘God forbid I have to make a decision to use those weapons today, but there would be no hesitation if we face an aggression,’ Lukashenko, known for his blustery statements, said, according to the state news agency BelTA.”

Anonymous ID: 627f7c June 13, 2023, 10:09 p.m. No.19004795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4811 >>4971 >>5331 >>5378 >>5462 >>5501

Law soon requires new Illinois homes to include electric vehicle charging capabilities

Critics say this will increase costs.


Anew law in Illinois soon requires electric vehicle charging stations in the garage of new or renovated homes. Critics say this will increase costs.


State Sen. Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago, filed Senate Bill 40 to keep Illinois on its path to having one million EVs on the roads by 2030. The bill was signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker Friday with an effective date of Jan. 1, 2024.


In 2021, Pritzker signed the Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois Act into law, which incentivizes EV production across the state. There are also state tax incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles.


State Rep. Robyn Gabel, D-Evanston, explained during House debates the benefits she sees in SB40.


"We know that approximately 80% of people charge their EVs at home," Gabel said. "This bill will ensure that Illinois residents can do just that."


The measure passed the Illinois Senate in March with a vote of 39-16. The House approved the bill in May with a vote of 60-38. Much of the conversation focused on the project's potential costs to consumers.

Anonymous ID: 627f7c June 13, 2023, 10:10 p.m. No.19004801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4814

An Amazon rainforest rite of passage in threatened territory


ALTO RIO GUAMA INDIGENOUS TERRITORY, Brazil (AP) — The Indigenous adolescents danced in a circle under the thatched-roof hut from nearly dawn to dusk while parents looked on from the perimeter. Some of the adults smoked tobacco mixed with the wood from a local tree in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest.


The seemingly endless loop of the procession, taking place over six long days this month, was leaving some Tembé Tenehara youngsters with swollen and bandaged feet. They were receiving little to eat and spending each night sleeping in hammocks slung in the hut. But in the Alto Rio Guama territory, it is all part of a vital rite of passage known as “Wyra’whaw.”


Girls taking part in the coming-of-age ritual had already had their first period. Boys’ voices had begun to slip into lower registers. Upon the final day, the girls and boys would be viewed by the Teko-Haw village as women and men, and assume their roles leading the community into an uncertain future.

Anonymous ID: 627f7c June 13, 2023, 10:33 p.m. No.19004860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4971 >>5331 >>5378 >>5462 >>5501

Putin hints at Ukraine operation objectives

Moscow does not plan to “march on Kiev” right now, the president has implied in a conversation with war correspondents.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has made certain revelations regarding Moscow’s current goals in its military campaign in Ukraine. Russian troops are unlikely to mount an offensive targeting Kiev as of now, he hinted while discussing the operation with military correspondents and bloggers on Tuesday.


His comments came as the president was discussing a potential new mobilization campaign in Russia, the need for which would be defined by the operation’s goals, he said.


“Do we need to march on Kiev? If we do, then we need mobilization. If we don’t, then not,” Putin said, adding that “there is no need” to launch a new military draft campaign “today.” The president also said that Russian troops have enjoyed a steady inflow of volunteers. Over 150,000 people have signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry since January, he revealed.


Speaking about Russia’s “fundamental” goals in Ukraine, the president confirmed that they remained the same and that the Kremlin had no plans to change them. Missions are adapted based on developments on the battlefield, he added.