Anonymous ID: ec5096 June 13, 2023, 11:39 p.m. No.19005077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh damn. Finally watched The Hunt for Red October.


The pivotal scene when Sean Connery's character charged into the oncoming torpedo to allow it to hit before it was armed


-and the second shot by the now-overly aggressive Russian Captain trying to sink the Red October sinking his own submarine…


Kek as fuck.


Operation Warp Speed totally fucked up the way they wanted to handle the Covid launch -and now they fucking own it. Everyone knows they tried to kill us, and worse


…and it is their fucking baby.


And THAT is why DJT took the actions that he did as POTUS.

Anonymous ID: ec5096 June 14, 2023, 2:47 a.m. No.19005377   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After taking in The hunt for Red October, I decided I may as well take a shot at understanding the message of White Squall


…I think it is fairly clear also.


It was the enemy's intent to hit our country with a White Squall, and they did. We have lived through their years-long, multi-pronged, marxist attack, and are now living in that aftermath, with the credit for the attack landing where it is deserved, per Red October's torpedo analogy -right where it originated from.


We've been through their worst together as a Nation, to create a bond amongst the freedom loving. Sadly, innocents have perished in their "squall," our will and very survival as a people has been tested, while DJT took on the slings and arrows of the enemy, as the point man and icon in this covert war.


Bound together unwaveringly with him, as Americans


-we shall prevail.