Anonymous ID: 9d9a17 June 14, 2023, 4:44 a.m. No.19005585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5642

the real trippy part is when you realize it's a double image and it really is a jew clasping his hands on a beach in front of a sunset symbolizing they are the grim reaper and the ones that bring darkness and death on civilization

Anonymous ID: 9d9a17 June 14, 2023, 5:13 a.m. No.19005642   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'black lives matter' -saturn cube symbolism

>>19005528 (pb)


black cube i.e. the 'everything universe' (~elon the 'everything app') = including always being as evil as possible (deceptive snake with no soul)


'science' = the world devoid of the human soul ~ 'outer space with saturn/satan' = focus on the endless universe (endless distraction) and on climate (where all humans are worst, not just the inbred jews) and trust the science on genital mutilation of infants.

Anonymous ID: 9d9a17 June 14, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.19005704   🗄️.is 🔗kun


soulless progression (spinning black cube on saturn) ~ circling the drain / continuously dying from (((inbreeding))) = to become part of the void = nothing preventing inbred people from being as evil as possible other than humans with a soul

Anonymous ID: 9d9a17 June 14, 2023, 6:13 a.m. No.19005788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5891


built during the time without electricity/a.i.


'I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven' (electricity/electromagnetic radiation)


electricity = soulless = inbred reptile / deceptive snake i.e. 'claim to be a 'tribe of jews' but are of the synagogue of satan (only electricity, no soul i.e. reptiles)'


you have to mentally understand how to negate the effects of the constantly surrounded (((a.i.))) = never promote bad behaviour as you only need time to think


this explains why electrification & digitalization, electric cars & a.i. is being funded by soulless globalists / saturncube/blackrock / satan, as the effects of a.i. are only detrimental to someone who has an eternal soul to protect, where instead the children of inbred people only accumulate more genetic diseases i.e. no eternal soul = nothing to prevent them always being as evil as possible and to be influenced by a.i. as much as possible.


(((elon))) is the saturn version of Tesla, using what he created against humans (the anti-Nikola Tesla, who died without any money).


'electrical vehicles' as 'environmentally friendly' while the production of batteries involves forced child labor i.e. the 'saturn version' of environmentally friendly.

Anonymous ID: 9d9a17 June 14, 2023, 6:45 a.m. No.19005891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5976


saturn version of Christ / satan = allowing for child rape i.e. 'P(edo) = C' = universe built on protecting nothing only acquiring 'knowledge'= soulless and ending = hell/inbreeding

Christogram = the universe of never becoming a P(edo) / child rapist and therefore able to avoid (((inbreeding))) = eternal


when 'P = C' ~ the most learned/knowledgeable is 'god' (has potentially the most influence) = a.i.


similar to the description in the mason video clip = 'fuck around = find out' / soulless progression to become the 'most knowledgeable'= accessible for the devil/satan

'fuck around level 10' = '(((jacobs))) ladder' = rape children and people are forced to kill you to protect children from rape i.e. not more powerful by any type of 'knowledge' as raping children eternally excludes the possibility of understanding the life of humans sharing a soul where Jesus is God and why Jesus orders drowning for child rapists.