Anonymous ID: 4bbc7b June 15, 2023, 6:27 a.m. No.19011275   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1308 >>1341 >>1417



@RobertKennedyJr explains why he changed his mind on Russiagate—and how that hoax was critical to the breakdown of US-Russia relations:


"Now I see that as the runway to the Ukraine War… that we were being propagandized to see the Russians as an existential enemy."

7:51 PM · Jun 12, 2023


Anonymous ID: 4bbc7b June 15, 2023, 6:54 a.m. No.19011356   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1413 >>1506

'' RFK Jr.: Durham Report Changed My Mind About Russiagate, "Makes It Look Like The Entire Thing Was Fake" ''


Posted By Tim Hains On Date June 13, 2023

.@RobertKennedyJr explains why he changed his mind on Russiagate—and how that hoax was critical to the breakdown of US-Russia relations:



— System Update (@SystemUpdate_) June 12, 2023

During an interview with "System Update" host Glenn Greenwald, Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy explained how his view of "Russiagate" changed after reading the Durham report.


GLENN GREENWALD: In terms of this Russiagate narrative that really dominated our politics for five or six years, the two prongs of it were that the Trump campaign collaborated with the Kremlin to hack into the DNC emails and manipulate the outcome of the 20216 elections. And the subsidiary claim was that Trump was some kind of a puppet of Vladimir Putin or controlled by the Kremlin due to blackmail or other leverage. What is your view now of the veracity of those two claims?


ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR,: I think there was a period in which you're correct about that I just accepted the mainstream narrative. Part of that is just my own fault for not being skeptical about it. And part of it also may have been my natal bias against Donald Trump. I was like most Democrats, I was just happy to hear anything that confirmed my own notion of Donald Trump. The first time that I had any kind of inkling that that narrative may not be completely accurate was when I was having dinner with Oliver Stone, and Oliver Stone lives about a half a mile from where I live… and he had Cherryl and i for dinner one night with his sons Sean, who was a podcaster and political critic. And the two of them, I don't know how it came up, maybe one of us mentioned it, but he scoffed in a way that was very dismissive and had a sort of brief monologue about how there was nothing to that story.


And it seemed to me, of course, you're with Oliver Stone, so you think here's a guy who is embracing fringe theories anyway, and you just don't know. But it put the first seed of doubt into my head.


In 2020, when people started criticizing, including myself, the methodology that was being used to prove the Covid vaccines, I all of a sudden began seeing these propaganda tropes that were appearing all the time saying anybody who criticized vaccines is probably a Russian bot or a stooge of Putin. So then I thought, "Oh, OK, here's what they're doing." And it may be orchestrated.


I think at that point, I was open to hearing a different story, and then i started seeing the piles of evidence, but I still was neutral on it. In my mind, the jury was out on this stuff until I saw the recent disclosures, the Durham report, etc. That makes it look like the entire thing was fake, the entire thing was fabricated from whole cloth.




GREENWALD: When I look at the anti-Russia fervor that is driving the war in UKraine, a lot of it seems to have come from the anti-Russian sentiment that Democrats in particular were encouraged to feed on all these years as part of Russiagate. Going back to 2016, when they blamed Russia instead of the Democratic Party or Hillary Clinton for her defeat. I'm wondering if that is something that concerns you, that so many Americans are being taught to view the Russians kind of the way we looked at them in the Cold War, as this grave existential threat to the United States, and in part, this is driving the bellicose mindset towards Moscow?


KENNEDY: The answer to your question is yes. Now I see in some way the Ukraine War, I see a lot of the Russian propaganda tropes that we were being force-fed through the mainstream media, and always sourced to an "unnamed U.S. intelligence agency," which is always suspect. And usually coming out of the Washington Post and the New York Times, which have these relationships, almost Mockingbird-like relationships with the U.S. intelligence agencies, now I see that as kind of the runway to the Ukraine War. That it was all, we were being propagandized to see the Russians as an existential enemy.

Anonymous ID: 4bbc7b June 15, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.19011408   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1410 >>1506

'' Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Is Waging A Full-Fledged Cultural Revolution Against Traditional America''


Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date May 25, 2023

Victor Davis Hanson on Thursday talked about his new column on the left's full-fledged fight against traditional values in an interview on 'Hannity.'


"The Left is waging a full-fledged cultural revolution against traditional America. And the Maoist results are often as absurd as they are terrifying," Hanson wrote.


Here's what he told FOX News host Pete Hegseth:


PETE HEGSETH, GUEST HOST: Why are our government corporations and popular culture colluding in mass suicide to the delight of our enemies like communist China? Victor Davis Hanson joins us now with more. Victor, why do these institutions want America's suicide?


VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: I don't know exactly but I think they feel if they are correct, then they get a pass on every type of behavior. And that behavior leads to the destruction of institutions and that's not necessarily a bad thing because they feel America was flawed in its origin.


Here in California, we are facing $32 billion in debt. Why would a commission on reparations say we're going to give $800 billion dollars why not a trillion? to African-Americans when we were a free state. That was 8 generations ago. Then when confronted with the realities, the commission said we're willing to take it in installments.


I was just reading about the tragic death on the subway and I thought, wow, this guy looks like a career criminal that was killed. I thought maybe he had arrests of 5 or 7. How does somebody in the criminal justice system have an arrest record of 40 arrests including violent assault, and lewd conduct? And then his uncle weighed in. And I thought, wow, he's weighing in support of his deceased nephew, maybe he has a criminal record. He's been arrested 70 times. What kind of criminal justice system, I guess just ideologically, just excuses felony behavior 70 times?


We look at the border. I thought, wow, it might be porous. We might, under the Biden administration, have 200,000 illegal entries. But they just blew it up. It doesn't exist. We can't even imagine 6.5 million illegal entries. Greater Los Angeles has probably the largest city in North America for people of Mexican-American or Central-American or Hispanic heritage. The majority are Catholic. Most are still observant. Baseball and soccer are the national pastimes in Spanish-speaking communities. Why would the Los Angeles Dodgers, who depend on this constituency at a time when audiences for professional sports are in decline – why would they invite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence when their stock and create is performance art, blasphemy, simulated sex, pornography attacks on the trinity of the Catholic faith.


What makes them do that? Are they hiring people out of MVA programs that are woke or don't care?


The general theme of all of these instances is that certain people feel they can take it to the ultimate level to insult traditional America and there are no consequences whether Target or Disney or Bud Light. You talked about the FBI. I thought maybe an FBI Director would fib once but how did Andrew McCabe lie 4 times? 3 times under oath. Or James Clapper lied about the NSA under oath and just laughed it off as the least untruthful answer. Or John Brennan lied twice under oath. The CIA Director. James Comey and I thought when he's in there and Devin Nunes and people are interviewing him he might claim amnesia 10 times. But 245 times?



Anonymous ID: 4bbc7b June 15, 2023, 7:10 a.m. No.19011410   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1506



So what I'm getting at is there is an arrogance that people feel that they can say and do whatever they want because ideologically they feel they are protected or exempt even if that destroys these institutions. We've destroyed the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, corporate America, the border, and I think traditional ecumenical race relations. It just keeps going like it's some updated French Revolution. I don't think we in traditional America understand what is going on. Our enemies do and that's why I think they are delighted about this…


We have 50 years of feminists trying to get equity for women and all of a sudden we have biological males that are cleaning out and destroying records of women and having an unfair advantage. They've done more damage to female equity than 100 years of chauvinist male pigs in sports and no one says a word because ideologically that's considered an exempt group.


Everybody knows if you are male and transition to female you're going to have an advantage. But on the other hand, they say no you are purely female. But [trans men] don't clean at these things. It's a biological difference so I think it just falls on deaf ears. So America is looking at all of these things and thinking this is not the old politics. This is not the in-party or the out-party. This is not the left or right. This is something new. This is beyond the '60s Cultural Revolution. This is kind of like Maoism. They want to go into every aspect of our life and change it. They're going to reward people who follow that and they will punish people that say I won't do it.


Related Topics: Victor Davis Hanson
