Anonymous ID: 900706 June 15, 2023, 9:34 a.m. No.19011879   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1886 >>1900 >>1902 >>1909 >>1914 >>1925 >>1972 >>1989 >>2182 >>2184 >>2189 >>2199 >>2226






the muslim community gets it


Michigan city with all-Muslim council bans Pride flags on public property at bizarre council meeting in which LGBTQ couple kiss in front of shocked religious groups


'You guys are welcome,' council member Nayeem Choudhury said. '(But) why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented? Youยดre already represented. We already know who you are.'


'We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,' Choudhury said.


Hamtramck, population 27,000, is an enclave surrounded by Detroit. More than 40 percent of residents were born in other countries, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and a significant share are of Yemeni or Bangladeshi descent.


Hamtramck became the first city in America to have a majority Muslim population in 2015.

Anonymous ID: 900706 June 15, 2023, 10:34 a.m. No.19012052   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2066 >>2070 >>2117 >>2142 >>2199





we should support her

she is OG anon >lost a lot to stand firm


Roseanne Barr Had a History of Racist Tweets, Conspiracy Theories and Controversy Before Roseanne Was Canceled


Barr called George Soros a Nazi and accused him of wanting to โ€œoverthrowโ€ the โ€œconstitutional republic.โ€


Barr shared a conspiracy theory about Trump that claims he has freed hundreds of children who are the victims of sex trafficking by breaking up their rings. The theory goes back to the message board 4Chan, where an anonymous user who goes by QAnon has spread the incorrect information, according to CNN.


Prior tweets by Barr also point to her involvement with QAnon โ€” The Daily Beast reports she asked to be put in touch with him in late 2017 and she has tweeted about the user on numerous other occasions. Other unfounded theories Barr has weighed in on include Pizzagate, Spygate and the death of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.


<how many people did she help lead to the truth?

Anonymous ID: 900706 June 15, 2023, 11 a.m. No.19012156   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2233





Roseanne Barr on Trump โ€œPlaying the Heel for Hillaryโ€


The trailblazing comic comes out for Trump ("we would be so lucky if he won")


Do you know anything about wrestling?

Itโ€™s all fixed, just like our election system.

I think Hillary [Clinton] probably got the receipt, because she paid for the Oval Office. And both Trump and Bernie are playing the heel for Hillary.

Anonymous ID: 900706 June 15, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19012190   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2205



put a small American flag on a long wooden dowel

put another flag under it saying FED

follow the fucker around while chanting


Instigator of violence!

sower of dischord!

THIS is a set up!!


be creative and persistent

No touchy just annoy the fuck outta everyone


drop the clues

don't back down

go out for well deserved meal

let them take it from there

Anonymous ID: 900706 June 15, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.19012408   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2420



thought this was a joke this book

these people are sick


Covid 19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret


This is an unofficial summary for COVID-19: The Great Reset, by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, designed to enrich your listening experience.


COVID-19: The Great Reset, by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, begins with a reflection on how COVID-19 has triggered a worldwide crisis, not just through the tragic loss of life that it has incurred, but also on economic systems and the vulnerability of human life itself. It has caused, above everything, a global existential crisis that is likely to impact life, as we know it forever. Despite our most fervent hopes, we will not return to normal, as we know it, whatever our beliefs and concerns about the draconian measures employed to keep the virus contained. Things will necessarily change, whether we want them to or not.


However, the authors add a note of caution when it comes to discussions about what might happen and what will happen as the world reopens. Many of the changes and movements already in place, for better or worse, will have been exacerbated by the pandemic, and divisions that were but fissures before may now open up to great chasms.


The chapter goes on to look at the role of pandemics and viruses in the history of the world. To put it in perspective: viruses have been on the earth for at least 300 million years, whereas humans have only been here for a fraction of that time, about 200,000 years. It is hardly surprising to find that an era without a pandemic is something of an anomaly, and the authors point to the diseases that have ravaged the world and shaped recorded human history. They look at the Plague of Justinian in the 6th century, the Black Death, and the germs that obliterated the Aztecs and the Incas when introduced by the European settlers.


Even some of the terminology around,how we treat and control viruses comes from treasured sacred texts'quarantine,' for instance, comes from the Italian 40, referring to the 40 days of purification during the biblical flood.


But though many are keen to build a comparison with viruses of the past, the truth is that what we face now is unprecedented. For one thing, the world is more interconnected than it has ever been before, which is at once a blessing and a curse. A blessing because we have the might of all the world's best medical research at our disposal, and a curse because the nature of this globalized world meansit is easier than ever before to spread such viruses.