An FBI informant in the midwest trying to infiltrate traditional Catholics showed their hand today.
He pushes violence and race bait, controls group discussions, tries to get us all to say phrases that WE KNOW the FBI wants us to say. Nobody takes the bait, but it is VERY OBVIOUS.
I'm happy to provide more info. Not sure what to do aside from warn my friends that he is a glowie, which I've done already. I don't feel like there is an organization I can report this to. US Marshalls? Military? NGA?
Looking for advice. Can provide more context.
Yes, in the actual world. This is a person who has ingratiated themselves into the traditional catholic sphere in a very specific place that has very strategic value. Like I said though, I don't know where to go with this info because I don't want to dox, but what do you do when you stumble into something like this? He constantly pushes violence and race bait. I don't want this in my community.
Everyone that knows us both saw the exchange and understands what he is. I just want him to be unable to exert any influence over traditional Catholics, as they are paying him for his infiltration.
Good point. But I'd like him to get arrested and exposed. They will probably have to move him out of town now. Wonder if he has a therapist.