Anonymous ID: ae4076 June 15, 2023, 2:19 p.m. No.19012982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3002

Nicaragua rebuilds – five years after US-funded terror was defeated


Five years after the violent coup attempt in Nicaragua, the country is celebrating its recovery – peace has returned, the economy is growing, the Sandinista government re-elected in 2021 is investing strongly in public services.

But it’s important to remember what happened in 2018 and the enormous, deliberate damage that was done to the country. Nicaragua’s opposition, pushing for support in Washington, expects its horrendous acts to be forgotten.

This article describes in detail one of the many incidents of extreme violence. It occurred in Masaya, one of Nicaragua’s most important cities, the scene of many grisly crimes when it was controlled by opposition thugs for several weeks in 2018.


Masaya, Nicaragua – The story begins a month before the incident I’m about to describe. I live in the city, and I’d written in my diary that “Saturday, May 12th must be counted as the worst day in Masaya since the earthquake in 2000.”


During the previous night, opposition vandals had destroyed the house of the former deputy mayor, then went on to set fire to the town hall, an old colonial building that also housed Masaya’s Museum of the Heroes and Martyrs of the Revolution. Opposition roadblocks which had sprung up in Masaya’s streets in April had been cleared in early May, often by local people, but they were rebuilt, halting traffic across most of the city and putting the streets under opposition control. Despite this, corporate media and commentators in the US followed the local right-wing media in blaming the violent attacks on young Sandinistas or on the police rather than on the opposition mobs who were actually responsible.


Soon the opposition’s control of the city became total. During a “national dialogue” hosted by the Catholic church, the government offered to confine the police to their stations and order them not to return the opposition’s gunfire. In return, the opposition were to dismantle the roadblocks, but instead they augmented them. Many more buildings were burnt down, including the tourist market and the main secondary school serving over 3,000 pupils. Shops in the center of Masaya were looted and most closed for business.


By early June, one of the few important municipal buildings left untouched was the city’s plantel or depot, housing several offices and where all the council’s vehicles were kept together with most of its supplies, including a warehouse with materials for emergencies such as earthquakes.


The mayor, then in hiding, had ordered that the depot be guarded at all costs. But this became increasingly dangerous: workers were being attacked in the street on their way to and from work. So a dozen core security staff were asked to stay permanently – eating and sleeping on site. They were armed and able to protect themselves. Then a warning was received on June 12th that an attack was imminent: officials had to decide how to respond.

Anonymous ID: ae4076 June 15, 2023, 2:27 p.m. No.19013020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3033 >>3048 >>3054 >>3194 >>3214 >>3271

Prominent Trans Activist Jailed For Murdering Entire Family: ‘Most Depraved Crime I Ever Handled’


Dana Rivers, a longtime transgender activist, was sentenced to life in prison Wednesday for the 2016 murder of a lesbian couple and their son.


Rivers garnered national fame in 1999 for suing the Center Unified School District in Sacramento and winning a $150,000 settlement after being fired for talking to students about transitioning genders, according to Mercury News. Rivers attacked two women, aged 56 and 57, in their bed as they slept, shooting both women and their 19-year old son before stabbing one of the women 47 times and setting their garage on fire.


“This is the most depraved crime I ever handled in the criminal justice system in 33 years. Frankly, you deserve to spend the rest of your life in prison,” Judge Scott Patton said in a Wednesday court hearing, according to Mercury News.


Rivers was arrested Nov. 11, 2016, the day of the murders, while covered in blood leaving the victims’ home, according to Mercury News.


Some of Rivers’ activism involved pressuring women’s only events to include male participants. Rivers participated in a pressure campaign against Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival (MichFest) in an attempt to force the group, which had a “womyn-born-womyn” only policy, to admit him entry, according to Reduxx.


Rivers, a male who identifies as a transgender woman, had befriended one of the female victims through an all-women motorcycle club, but the friendship soured after the woman left the club, according to Mercury News. Rivers rekindled the friendship in order to carry out the triple murder.


Rivers claimed self-defense and then insanity earlier in the trial process, according to Mercury News.

Anonymous ID: ae4076 June 15, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19013043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3127

IRS Agents Are Watching Your Digital Money Transactions


If you remember, just two years ago, President Joe Biden asked Congress to authorize the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data collection on bank accounts with more than $600 in annual transactions. But banks and depositors pushed back, and the $600 figure was raised to $10,000. Everybody was happy.


But guess what didn’t change? The reporting of all digital transactions of $600 or more. That means that digital payment platforms like Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, Square Cash, and other Digital Wallets are required to report your transactions of $600 or more to the IRS.


Your digital money activities are now being watched. This year, you may receive multiple 1099-K forms from intermediaries like PayPal and Venmo. As the good taxpayer that you are, you’re going to file IRS Form 8949 for Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets along with your 1040 tax return; and, of course, all of your transactions are going to line up with what has already been reported by PayPal, Venmo, etc.


But what if they don’t line up? Can you expect teams of two or three sweet and gentle, loving and kind, armed and unelected non-law enforcement IRS agents to visit your home?


This is all the more concerning because eventually you might only be able to conduct your daily lives using digital currency. You need only look to Greenwich, London. There’s a store here in the United States called Aldi’s. Well, Aldi’s in Greenwich, London, won’t allow you into the store without a Digital or QR Code. If you’re not a part of that system, you cannot purchase from that store.


The U.S. Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors have already issued a white paper in 2022 titled “Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation” as a “first step” in exploring the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).


A centralized digital currency has the potential to allow the federal government—including those armed IRS agents—to legally surveil U.S. citizens’ digital transactions and control bank accounts and purchases.


We’ve already seen this type of surveillance happen to cryptocurrency transactions. Last year, the Department of Justice (DOJ) authorized the IRS to serve a “John Doe summons” to go after U.S. taxpayers who didn’t properly report their cryptocurrency transactions. The DOJ even issued a press release on September 22, 2022, titled “IRS Obtains Court Order Authorizing Summons For Records Relating To U.S. Taxpayers Who Failed To Report And Pay Taxes On Cryptocurrency Transactions.”

Anonymous ID: ae4076 June 15, 2023, 2:36 p.m. No.19013068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3194 >>3271

Mass. Air National Guardsman Indicted In Pentagon Leak Scandal


A member of the United States Air National Guard (USANG) stationed in Massachusetts has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Boston for allegedly retaining and transmitting classified National Defense Information on a social media platform beginning in or around 2022 and continuing until his arrest in April 2023.


Jack Douglas Teixeira, 21, of North Dighton, Mass., was indicted on six counts of willful retention and transmission of classified information relating to the national defense (National Defense Information). Teixeira was arrested on April 13, 2023 and charged by criminal complaint with retention and transmission of national defense information and unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or materials. On May 19, 2023, U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge David H. Hennessy granted the government’s motion for detention. Teixeira remains federal custody.


“The unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified information jeopardizes our nation’s security. Individuals granted access to classified materials have a fundamental duty to safeguard the information for the safety of the United States, our active service members, its citizens and its allies,” said Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy. “We are committed to ensuring that those entrusted with sensitive national security information adhere to the law.”


“The American people entrust security clearance holders with our nation’s secrets, and anyone who flagrantly violates their duty to protect those secrets by unlawfully communicating classified national defense information to people who are not entitled to receive it will be brought to justice to answer for their criminal conduct,” said Christopher DiMenna, Acting Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Division.


“As laid out in the indictment, Jack Teixeira was entrusted by the United States government with access to classified national defense information — including information that reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to national security if shared,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Teixeira is charged with sharing information with users on a social media platform he knew were not entitled to receive it. In doing so, he is alleged to have violated U.S. law and endangered our national security.”


“Individuals granted security clearances are entrusted to protect classified information and safeguard our nation’s secrets. The allegations in today’s indictment reveal a serious violation of that trust,” said Christopher A. Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. “The FBI and our partners remain firm in our commitment to hold accountable those who endanger our national security and the security of our allies around the world.”


According to the charging documents, Teixeira enlisted in the USANG in September 2019 and has held a Top-Secret security clearance since 2021.


It is alleged that, beginning in or around January 2022, Teixeira willfully, improperly and unlawfully retained and transmitted National Defense Information classified as “TOP SECRET” or “SECRET” and/or Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), which he had reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation, on a social media platform to persons not authorized to receive such information.

Anonymous ID: ae4076 June 15, 2023, 2:37 p.m. No.19013078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3099

Al Sharpton on chokehold death of Jordan Neely:


"He was having a meltdown on the train. He was not threatening anyone. He was saying he was ready to die."

Anonymous ID: ae4076 June 15, 2023, 2:46 p.m. No.19013126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3194 >>3271

Judge Cannon Orders Trump Lawyers to Obtain Security Clearances


Judge Aileen Cannon ordered Trump’s attorneys and attorneys for Walt Nauta, the co-conspirator charged along with Trump, to obtain security clearances.


It is standard procedure for lawyers to obtain security clearances in cases involving classified documents.


Politico reported:


U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon took one of her first substantive steps Thursday in Donald Trump’s prosecution for amassing military secrets at his Mar-a-Lago estate.


In a brief order, Cannon required all attorneys in the case — for Trump as well as his longtime valet, Walt Nauta, who is charged alongside him as an alleged co-conspirator — to contact the Justice Department about obtaining security clearances. The same instructions apply to any “forthcoming” attorneys, the judge said.


Cannon ordered the attorneys to file a “notice of compliance” by June 20, a relatively rapid pace. Both Trump and Nauta are looking to fill out their legal teams in the coming days. Trump, in particular, has suffered setbacks as several of his veteran lawyers quit the case in the leadup to his indictment, the result of internal turmoil that has spilled into public view.


There are no additional dates set yet in the case against Trump, whose historic arraignment was completed on Tuesday in Miami. Nauta’s arraignment was postponed until June 27 because he did not yet have a lawyer who is a member of the bar in the federal court in south Florida.


According to the federal indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other charges stemming from notes memorialized by Trump’s lawyer.


The other 6 charges include conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal and false statements and misrepresentations.


Nauta was charged along with Trump in counts 32, 33, 43, 35, and 36.


The charges include conspiracy, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation and scheme to conceal.


Walt Nauta was also charged alone in count 38: False statements and misrepresentations.


US District Judge for the Southern District of Florida Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, was assigned to oversee Trump’s federal case in Miami and the left is pressuring her to recuse herself.


The New York Times launched an attack on Cannon, 42, this week and said she has ‘scant experience running criminal trials.’