Anonymous ID: f0d05d June 15, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19012556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>19011165 Turkish man knocked down basement wall to find 2,000-year-old underground city — after chasing his chickens through a hole

Turkish man knocked down basement wall to find 2,000-year-old underground city — after chasing his chickens through a hole

By:Katherine Donlevy

June 15, 2023 12:51am

A Turkish homeowner chasing his chickens through a hole in his basement during renovations came across an abandoned underground Turkish city that once housed 20,000 people.


In an effort to recapture his escaping poultry, theunidentified man knocked down the wall in the 1960sto reveal a dark tunnel leading to the ancient city of Elengubu, known today as Derinkuyu.


Derinkuyu, burrowed more than 280 feet beneath the Central Anatolian region of Cappadocia, is the largest excavated underground city in the world and is believed toconnect to more than 200 smaller, separate underground citiesthat were discovered in recent decades, Turkish guides told the BBC.


Inside the subterranean city — whose entrances connect tomore than 600 private homesin the modern, surface-level region of Cappadocia —researchers found 18 levels of tunnels containing dwellings, dry food storage, cattle stables, schools, wineries, and even a chapel.


The city was also equipped with aventilation systemthat supplied its residents with fresh air and water. “Life underground was probably very difficult,” the guide, identified as Suleman, told the outlet. “Theresidents relieved themselves in sealed clay jars, lived by torchlight, and disposed of dead bodies in [designated] areas.”


The exact date the impressive city was built remains contested, but ancient writingsdating back to 370 BCindicate Derinkuyu was in existence.


The city was likely originally used to store goods but was thenused as a bunker to escape from foreign invaders— the dimly lit hallways were intentionally built narrow and low so intruders would be forced to stoop and enter in single file.


The doors connecting each level wereblocked by half-ton bouldersonly moveable from the inside that contained a small hole that allowed residents to spear the confined trespassers.


Though it remains a mystery who the architects were, researchers believe theHittites — a Bronze Age Anatolian people— “may have excavated the first few levels in the rock when they came under attack from the Phrygians around 1200 BCE,” A. Bertini, an expert in Mediterranean cave dwellings, wrote in his 2010 essay on regional cave architecture.


The Phrygian invaders, an Indo-European-speaking empire that ruled Anatolia for 600 years, are credited with building the bulk of the city in the centuries before Derinkuyu changed hands several more times, including between the Persians, Christians and Cappadocian Greeks.


The city likely reached its peak population of 20,000 during the 7th-century Islamic raids on the Christian Byzantine Empire, the BBC reported. After 2,000 years of use, Derinkuyu was finally abandoned in 1923 by the Cappadocian Greeks, who faced defeat in the Greco-Turkish war and escaped to Greece.


One century after it was rediscovered, the ancient city is open to visitors curious to experience life underground in Derinkuyu, which was added to the Unesco World Heritage list in 1985.

Anonymous ID: f0d05d June 15, 2023, 12:59 p.m. No.19012598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2683

Francis Suarez’s 2024 bid ripped by Republican rep: ‘Not qualified to be anything

By Ryan King June 15, 2023 1:00pm

A South Florida Republican congressman ripped Miami Mayor Francis Suarez’s nascent 2024 presidential bid Thursday, saying he is “not qualified to be anything.”


Rep. Carlos Giménez (R-Fla.), who spent nine years as mayor of Miami-Dade County and whose House district includes the city’s outer southwestern suburbs, told “Fox & Friends First”he considered Suarez a “fraud” who lacks leadership skills.


“I don’t think that he’s qualified to be president of the United States in any way, shape, or form,” Giménez said. “He’s not qualified to be VP, he’s not qualified to be anything.”


Suarez, 45, filed paperwork to run for president Wednesday and publicly announced his candidacy Thursday. Giménez has endorsed former President Donald Trump in the Republican primary


He hasn’t demonstrated the abilityto lead any large organization,” Giménez said of Suarez. “He’s aceremonial mayorof the City of Miami. He has very little power, he got elected by a total of 20,000 people.”


He does have the gift of gab, trying to fool people into thinking that he’s the big city mayor,” the congressman added. “But the big city mayor is actually the mayor of Miami-Dade County.” The city of Miami has a population of about 449,000 people, while Miami-Dade County has a population of 2.7 million, according to the census.


Suarez, the son of Miami’s first Cuban-born mayor, has been in office since 2017.He is reportedly entangled in a federal investigationpertaining to payments directed at him from Miami real estate developer Rishi Kapoor’s subsidiary company Location Ventures.


The inquiry revolves around whether those payments,roughly $10,000 a month and up to $170,000 total, were made in exchange for favors and approvals related to a $70 million Coconut Grove development project, the Miami Herald reported.


Suarez, who also works as a private real estate attorney, and Kapoor have both denied wrongdoing.


Suarez is now the third Florida Republican to enter the 2024 primary contest alongside Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis.


“What people want is someone to bring them together,” Suarez told ABC News. “This isn’t about me. This isn’t about my generation. This is about our children.”


Despite his Republican affiliation,Suarez voted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Democrat Andrew Gillum in the 2018Florida gubernatorial election. (yeah and Kellyanne is recommending him, "how much money did he promise her?")


Suarez has earned high praise from Trumpworld luminary Kellyanne Conway, the former president’s 2016 campaign manager. (This women should never be listened too, they guy is under investigation for shady deals, WTF, she’s trying to shackle Trump with another tool of RINOS)


“I’ve not been shy about telling President Trump that Suarez should be on the short list for VP should Trump be the nominee,” Conway told Politico last month.(President Trump never listen to Kellyanne, she’s nuts!)


Suarez is slated to deliver a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation on Thursday evening laying out his campaign platform. A Suarez rep did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


(This guy gives me the creeps)

Anonymous ID: f0d05d June 15, 2023, 1:05 p.m. No.19012617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2628 >>2635 >>2653 >>2662 >>2675 >>2704 >>2712 >>2714 >>2718 >>2721 >>2722 >>2737 >>2748 >>2783

Naked creep busted having passionate ‘sex’ with tree in busy UK park

By Natalie O'Neill

June 15, 2023


He branched out from the bedroom. A naked creep was arrested for allegedly kissing, caressing and having passionate “sex” with a tree at a popular public park in England — grossing out onlookers and baffling police.


The nature freak was caught on camera peeling off his clothes and rubbing passionately against the stump of a conifer in Wiltshire’s Queen Elizabeth Gardens on Tuesday afternoon, cops and witnesses told


“I was just walking in the park with one of my mates and we saw a man hugging a tree and thought it was interesting. We walked closer and as we did, we saw his trousers down,” said a witness, who shot footage of the incident.


“I started recording and he just started taking off all his clothes andkissing the tree. After I stopped recording, the police turned up and started following the man around then arrested him.’’


Roughly 25 people were cooling off in the greenspace during the unidentified 40-something’s bizarre attempt to become one with mother nature — prompting calls to cops…

Anonymous ID: f0d05d June 15, 2023, 1:13 p.m. No.19012650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2667 >>2786 >>3048 >>3194 >>3271

People smugglers busted using ‘cloned’ FedEx vehicles to sneak migrants into the US

By Ronny Reyes and MaryAnn Martinez June 15, 2023


One of the ‘FedEx’ vans smugglers had decorated to look like the real thing then used to transport illegals into the country.


Smugglers used “cloned” FedEx vehicles in an attempt to bring 26 illegal migrants into El Paso, Texas, US Customs and Border Protection officials said.


The Border Patrol’s Santa Teresa Station Anti-Smuggling Unit received a tip about the plan, with agents and state troopers stopping vehicles, two of which were outfitted to look exactly like typical white FedEx vans.


Officials arrested four smugglers involved in the scheme, as well as apprehending the 26 migrants, who were from Mexico and Guatemala, on June 8.


Border Patrol sources told The Post there is a FedEx facility very close to the border in Santa Teresa, New Mexico — which is part of the El Paso sector and a known pick up area for smugglers and migrants.


“We joked that they [smugglers] were either going to pay a FedEx driver to smuggle migrants or that they were going to clone a truck,” one agent said.

Border Patrol agent Sean Coffey said the tactic isn’t new, but hasn’t been used in recent years.


“We haven’t seen a FedEx vehicle in some time,” he told KTSM. “We do see other types of vehicles used, like construction vehicles, vehicles that they put a sticker on [so] that [it] looks like a company vehicle.”


Coffey condemned the smuggling scheme as a great danger to the lives of the migrants, following recent tragedies where dozens of people have died in the back of poorly ventilated trucks trying to sneak past the border.


“The insides of some of these vehicles can become extremely hot, especially with the large amount of people that are trying to put inside of them,” he said.


Last week, officials rescued 35 migrants from a trailer in Anthony, New Mexico, and last year saw 53 die inside a truck after they were abandoned by smugglers in San Antonio, Texas.


Coffey added the renewed FedEx tactic is likely a result of emboldened smugglers looking to provide migrants with a solution to entering the US, after the end of Title 42.


It comes as the Post has reported cartel-linked smugglers have started create and market their services via well-produced YouTube and Tik Tok videos boasting of their prowess at getting people over the border undetected.


It appears they are succeeding too, as in May Us Border Patrol admitted 530,000 ‘gotaways’ — illegal immigrants known to have entered the country but not been caught — have been recorded since last October.


On June 12, border chief Raoul Ortiz posted an estimated 2,493 gotaways had made their way into the country in the previous three days.


The number of people attempting to enter the country illegally has increased since May 11, when the administration made it harder for migrants to be officially admitted to the US following the end of the pandemic-era Title 42 measure.


One of the ‘FedEx’ vans smugglers had decorated to look like the real thing then used to transport illegals into the country. Four smugglers and 26 migrants were caught sneaking through El Paso on Friday using “cloned” FedEx vans.


(Why do they have to do this when everyone is just being let in the country? Are they criminals?)

Anonymous ID: f0d05d June 15, 2023, 1:20 p.m. No.19012697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2845 >>2870

(Good News Anons, Bidan is about to crackMaybe not, he'll probably try to get Trump arrested for something else now)


Joe Biden snaps at Post reporter when asked about ‘big guy’ reference: ‘Why do you ask such a dumb question?”

By Steven Nelson June 15, 2023 4:07pm


WASHINGTON — President Biden lashed out Thursday when asked why he’s called the “big guy” in an FBI informant file accusing him of accepting a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian businessman while vice president.


“Why did the Ukraine FBI informant file refer to you as the ‘big guy’, President Biden?Why is that term continuously applied?” The Post asked Biden at an event focused on reducing corporate junk fees.


“Why do you ask such a dumb question?” the 80-year-old president snapped.


Biden was referred to as the “big guy” in the June 2020 informant file, months before The Post reported that first son Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop contained a May 2017 email that said the “big guy” was due a 10% cut in a business deal with CEFC China Energy.


Two Hunter Biden business partners in the CEFC deal — Tony Bobulinski and James Gilliar — have separately identified Joe Biden as the “big guy.” Hunter and James Biden received $4.8 million from the CEFC partnership, according to a Washington Post review of laptop documents.


The alleged Ukraine bribe deals with the gas company Burisma Holdings, according to members of Congress who read the file.


The firm hired Hunter Biden to join its board in April 2014 as then-Vice President Biden took over the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. The then-second son was paid up to $1 million per year despite no relevant industry experience.


The informant file alleges that Joe and Hunter Biden were each paid $5 million to assist the interests of Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky, according to lawmakers who read it.


Biden attempted to laugh off the bribery allegation last week. “Where’s the money?” Biden told The Post at the time, adding: “I’m joking. It’s a bunch of malarkey.”


House Republicans who read the informant file said last week said that it describes how the elder Biden allegedly pushed for the ouster of Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who was fired in 2016, in return for payment. The informant file also makes reference to Burisma seeking to partner with or buy a US energy business, the lawmakers said.


The House Oversight Committee has led efforts to determine Joe Biden’s role in his family’s overseas dealings and recently identified nine relatives who allegedly received foreign income.


Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick says Joe Biden pushed US support for Ukraine’s natural gas industry during a trip to Kyiv just days after Hunter quietly joined Burisma.


House Democrats impeached then-President Donald Trump in 2019 for pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Biden family and argued at the time that US allies also wanted Shokin to lose his job over his own corruption.


Hunter Biden has been under investigation for about five years by the US attorney’s office in Delaware for tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying, money laundering and lying about his drug use on a gun-purchase form.


The House Oversight Committee has led efforts to determine Joe Biden’s role in his family’s overseas dealings and recently identified nine relatives who allegedly received foreign income from shady figures in China and Romania.


Two IRS whistleblowers recently testified to the House Ways and Means Committee to outline an alleged coverup in the Hunter Biden case, including “preferential treatment” and alleged false testimony to Congress by Attorney General Merrick Garland about Delaware US Attorney David Weiss’s ability to independently bring charges.

Hunter wrote in emails retrieved from his laptop that he had to give “half” of his income to his father.

President Biden denies ever discussing business with his son Hunter or brother James Biden— even though evidence has emerged that he interacted with their associates from China, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.