Anonymous ID: 656bb4 June 17, 2023, 3:33 a.m. No.19021234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1243 >>1827

Transitioning is religious right – The Satanic Temple


The advocacy organization says its ministers are ready to testify in court as expert witnesses


The Satanic Temple (TST), a US-based advocacy group operating as a religious organization, has offered to have its “priests” testify on behalf of trans TST members that gender affirmation procedures are part of the core tenets of Satanism.


The offer, announced on social media on Wednesday and known as the Expert Witness Service, is “specifically tailored to TST’s trans members who face infringement of their bodily autonomy by government authorities at a local, state or federal level,” according to the message.


Trans rights have become a hot-button political issue in the US, with conservative politicians pushing for strict limitations in some areas. In April, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill that seeks to ban transgender women and girls from competing in female school sports. Liberal opponents call such policies transphobic.


The temple claims to have over 700,000 members worldwide and lists full personal control of one’s body as one of its seven tenets. The organization promotes individual liberty, secularism, and reason.

Anonymous ID: 656bb4 June 17, 2023, 3:39 a.m. No.19021248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Police behind George Floyd death violated constitution – probe


The Minneapolis Police Department routinely discriminated against minorities, a two-year investigation found


The Minneapolis Police Department habitually violated residents’ constitutional rights, particularly minorities, according to the results of a two-year investigation by the US Justice Department published on Friday. The investigation began in 2020, sparked by the now-infamous death in police custody of black suspect George Floyd under the knee of white officer Derek Chauvin.


Suggesting Floyd’s death was far from an anomaly, the Justice Department’s 92-page report alleges a pattern of civil rights violations from habitual use of excessive and often deadly force to systematic discrimination against racial minorities.


Even Floyd’s last words were apparently the rule rather than the exception, the investigation found, with numerous documented incidents in which officers allegedly ignored claims by suspects in custody that they could not breathe.


The patterns and practices we observed made what happened to George Floyd possible,” Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters on Friday.


The force routinely violated residents’ First and Fourth Amendment rights, including by retaliating against journalists attempting to document the aforementioned civil rights violations, the report claims. Residents are especially likely to suffer under department policies “based on race and disability,” with black and Native American individuals and those with mental health issues singled out for particularly brutal treatment.


Reinforcing the antagonistic relationship between law enforcement and residents, the force refused to discipline its own officers when they were found to be in violation of even its allegedly lax behavioral standards, the report found. Due to the organizational structure of the force, officers inclined to abuses of power of the sort amply documented in the report were able to escape accountability by self-selecting into enabling supervisory relationships.


According to the probe, the department’s pattern of abuses was established years before Floyd’s death – which was immortalized on cell-phone footage and seen by millions around the world, kicking off a summer of rioting and racial recriminations. Officers deployed “dangerous techniques and weapons against people who committed at most a petty offense and sometimes no offense at all,” the report states, with merely criticizing the police department sufficing to bring down excessive and sometimes deadly force.


Since Floyd’s death, Minneapolis has banned neck restraints, no-knock warrants, and other controversial tactics. The Justice Department’s report urges a total retraining regarding the use of force, both in terms of when and where it is seen as appropriate and how it is documented. Including racial data in all documentation of police activity is seen as critical to reducing the deleterious effects of systematic discrimination, as is adopting specific policies to deal with “people with behavioral health issues.”

Anonymous ID: 656bb4 June 17, 2023, 3:43 a.m. No.19021260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1518 >>1607 >>1768 >>1845 >>1856

Border Agents Intercept Smugglers Using Cloned FedEx Vans to Transport Illegal Immigrants in El Paso


In an audacious attempt to elude law enforcement, smugglers have resorted to using cloned FedEx vehicles to transport illegal immigrants through El Paso’s Upper Valley, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported.


Authorities at the Santa Teresa Station Anti-Smuggling Unit in El Paso received “credible information” regarding a smuggling scheme using fake FedEx trucks.


Agents and troopers from the Texas Department of Public Safety stopped three vehicles on Friday night; two were cloned white FedEx vans. They found 26 migrants from Mexico and Guatemala, and four smugglers, two from the US and two from Mexico, FOX 5 reported.


“El Paso Sector Border Patrol Agents continue to successfully disrupt smuggling schemes and the illegal operations of Transnational Criminal Organizations through our law enforcement partnerships,” said El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Anthony Scott Good.


“I am grateful for these partnerships at the state, local and federal level and are vital to our National Security Mission. This alliance is successfully disrupting dangerous criminal organizations, their leadership, and their human smuggling schemes,” he added.


“This tactic has been used before by smugglers, the transnational criminal organizations come up with different ways to try defeat the Border Patrol’s intelligence,” Border Patrol Agent Sean Coffey told CBS4.


“We haven’t seen a FedEx vehicle in some time, we do see other types of vehicles like construction vehicles, other vehicles they put a sticker that looks like a company vehicle,” Coffey added.


The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported that the illegal immigrants were in good health and were processed accordingly. Meanwhile, the four smugglers were charged with the smuggling scheme.