Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 6:32 a.m. No.19051545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561

PN>>19050601 Indian PM Modi Gifts 7.5 Carat ‘Eco-Friendly’ Green Diamond to Dr. Jill Biden



Maybe the fake diamond is a jab, Modi is saying he knows Joe and Jill are fake President and First Lady!


Does 7.5 mean anything or significant?

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.19051567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1687 >>1931 >>2184 >>2310 >>2392

22 Jun, 2023 07:34

Ukraine targets Crimea bridges – authorities

The attack did not result in any injuries, the peninsula’s governor has said


Ukraine has launched a missile strikeon bridges linking the northern part of Russia’s Crimea Peninsula and Kherson Region, the local authorities have said. They claim that the attack did not result in any casualties, but caused minor damage to infrastructure, adding that preliminary data indicates that the strike used UK-supplied long-range missiles.


In a statement on Telegram on Thursday morning, Vladimir Saldo, the acting governor of Kherson Region, said: “The criminalKievregime has conducted abarbaric strike on civilian facilities,” namely, several bridges in the area of the Chongar Peninsula, which serves as one of the few land connections between the peninsula and the mainland.


The governor said that preliminary data indicates that the Ukrainianstrike involved UK-supplied Storm Shadow missileswith a range of more than 250km, which has already been used by Kiev to attack civilian facilities in the Russian city of Lugansk.


“The road surface on the bridges has been damaged. There areno human casualties,” he wrote. Saldo noted that the bridge would be open for vehicles shortly, adding that traffic between the peninsula and Kherson Region is not disrupted as it has been temporarily diverted to another route.


Crimea’s governor, Sergey Aksyonov, confirmed the strike on the Chongar bridge, adding that it did not cause any injuries. He noted that bomb experts are trying to identify the type of the weapon used in the strike, while the emergency services are looking into the damage to the infrastructure.


The incident follows a statement by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, whowarned the day beforethat Ukraine wants to use HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russian territories, including Crimea. He noted that these actionswould “result in immediate strikes against the decision-making centers in the territory of Ukraine.” (The Defense Minister warned them, Kiev didn’t listen, bombing incoming in next couple of days. Russians fulfill their promises!)


Last autumn, the Crimean Bridge linking the eastern part of the peninsula with mainland Russia came under a deadly attack, which Moscow said was orchestrated by Kiev’s special services. Russia responded by intensifying its long-range strikes on Ukrainian military and energy infrastructure.

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.19051621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1931 >>2184 >>2310 >>2392

22 Jun, 2023 12:49

EU still intent on confiscating Russian assets – von der Leyen

(EU doubles down on stupid!)

Brussels is preparing a legal basis for transferring the seized funds to Ukraine, the European Commission president has said


The European Commission intends to submit a legal proposal on the transfer of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine before it goes on summer break on July 25, its president, Ursula von der Leyen, told reporters on Wednesday.


According to the official, despite earlier reports to the contrary and the legal challenges the measure faces,the commission is intenton finding ways to use the money in question for the restoration of Ukraine.


It is not legally a simple thing, it is very complex. Our experts are working hard on it. But I am deeply convinced, from a political point of view, that it is not possible that whoever committed this devastation and destruction in Ukraine does not contribute to the repair and to the reconstruction. For this reason we are preparing a legal proposal before the summer break,” she told representatives of several European news outlets on the sidelines of the conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine, underway in London.


She also mentioned the commission's proposal toEU member-statesto allocate €50 billion($55 billion) in grants and loansas aid to Ukraine in 2024-2027.


Brussels froze Russia’s EU-held assets soon after the start of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine late last February. Last month, the European Commission calculated that a total ofover €200 billionworth of assets belonging to theRussian central bankwere frozen across the bloc, along with some €24.1 billion of assets belonging to sanctioned Russian businessmen and companies.


Lawmakers from across the block have been debating the legality of seizing Russian holdings and channeling them to Ukraine for months now, with many pointing out that the EU legal system only allows freezing these assets, not expropriating them.


Bloomberg reported earlier this week that members of theEU working groupon Russian assets saw “no credible legal avenue” for their confiscation “on the sole basis of these assets being under EU restrictive measures.”


Instead, the lawmakers said theycould opt to use the profits generated from these assetsin EU securities depositories. According to a recent report by Financial Times, one of these depositories, Belgium-based Euroclear, alone generated €734 million in interest on cash balances from Russia-sanctioned assets in the first quarter of 2023.


Moscow has repeatedly condemned the EU’s seizure of its assets as theft. While addressing the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin described the measure as “medieval.”


(Does the EU realize that Russia will not only do the same, but probably worse if they go forward with legalizing international theft? This precedent opens up every EU country being penalized for theft and who’s to stop Poland from continuously trying to collect reparations from other EU countries. I suspect they release this news once a week to trigger Russia, but they literally could be as stupid as Bidan.)

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:05 a.m. No.19051699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1931 >>2184 >>2310 >>2392

22 Jun, 2023 07:33

White House hawks to stage ‘diplomatic offensive’ against Russia – FT

Jake Sullivan and Victoria Nuland are to meet officials from BRICS and Türkiye to advocate on Kiev’s behalf, according to the newspaper


US national security adviser Jake Sullivan will lead a delegation for an informal meeting withofficials from several nationsthat haverefused to toe Washington’s line on Ukraineand have maintained friendly relations with Russia, the Financial Times reported on Thursday.


The talks are to take place this weekend inCopenhagen, Denmark, sources told the newspaper. Victoria Nuland, the third most senior official in the State Department and another Russia hawk in the administration of President Joe Biden, will accompany Sullivan, according to the report. A senior EU official will also attend.


Coming to hear them out are representatives of =India, Brazil, and South Africa. Officials from Türkiye== may join in, while China could send an observer, sources indicated.


All of the nations except Türkiye belong to BRICS, an economic bloc that counts Russia as its fifth member. All have been skeptical of Washington’s narrative about the Ukraine crisis, which claims that the Russian military operation was an unprovoked act of aggression that needs to be severely punished. China has identified NATO’s expansion in Europe as the root cause of the conflict, while Brazil has stated that both Russia and Ukraine can be blamed.


Türkiye is a NATO member but has taken a neutral position on the conflict in Ukraine and has served as a mediator between Moscow and Kiev on many occasions.


The FT described Washington’s effort in Copenhagen as a “diplomatic offensive” at Kiev’s request, which comes amid Ukraine’s failure to make significant battlefield advances against Russia. The meeting is not expected to produce a particular result but is rather intended to promote the American point of view, sources said. (Blackmail and harass is more like it.)


“Only little do we realize how much the rest of the world is not convinced,” a European official told the newspaper. “They are not convinced. It’s a terrible thing to acknowledge.”


The BRICS members along with Türkiye havedefiedWashington’s calls toimpose economic sanctions on Russia. China and India have particularly benefited from a surge in energy purchases from Russia, even as Western nations sought to undercut Moscow’s oil exports globally with a price cap.


(Who in their right mind in DC thinks the BRICS nations would ever bend to Sullivan and Nuland? Especially Nuland because she just tried another color revolution on Erdogan’s last election. And the earthquakes were probably caused by the West?Doesn’t Sullivan look more and more like the grim reaper?)

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.19051824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1931 >>2184 >>2310 >>2392

22 Jun, 2023 13:40

Russia claims taking out 13 Western tanks provided to Kiev

The armor was among hundreds of military vehicles lost by Ukraine during its counteroffensive, senior officials have claimed


Russian forces have destroyed or disabled hundreds of Ukrainianheavy weapon systems, including 13 Western-made main battle tanks, in the 16 days since the startof Kiev’s much-touted counteroffensive, according to a breakdown provided by senior Russian officials.


The interim statistics were reported by Nikolay Patrushev, the secretary of the Russian security council, and confirmed by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu during the body’s meeting on Thursday. The event was chaired by President Vladimir Putin, who asked follow-up questions about the share of Western hardware in the claimed losses.


Kiev lost 246 tanks between June 4 and June 21, the officials said. Of the 81 Western tanks that it had, 13 have been knocked out. Russian troops also destroyed 152 infantry fighting vehicles, including 59 Western-made, and 279 field artillery pieces and mortars, including 48 Western-made. Other Ukrainian losses included 443 armored vehicles, 424 regular vehicles, 42 multiple rocket launchers, ten fighter jets, four helicopters and 264 drones, Putin was told.


TheUkrainian forceshave been weakened in the fighting and have nowtaken a pause to regroup and replenish their ranks,Shoigu reported. Referencing intercepted Ukrainian communications, he estimated that Kiev has lost over 13,000 troops during the active phase of the counteroffensive.


Putin noted that Ukraine’s ability to mobilize new troops was a limiting factor, even as Western nations pledged to provide more weapons to fight against Russia. TheUS and its allies “are indeed prepared to wage the war to the last Ukrainian,” he remarked, summing up Moscow’s assessment of the Western attitude towards the conflict.


Western main battle tanks were touted by many commentators as a gamechanger for Ukraine. Kiev started to receive the advanced armor as it was gearing up for its promised counteroffensive this year.


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged on Wednesday that the operation was not going as well as many supporters of his government had hoped. Ukraine’s army “will advance on the battlefield the way we deem best,” he told the BBC.


(Russia loves publishing these stats! Kek)

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:20 a.m. No.19051852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1912 >>1923

When Trump is back he take back Vindman’s commission and any benefits from the military, and court marshal him for treason!

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:27 a.m. No.19051910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2020 >>2184 >>2310 >>2392

Looks like DC Draino is going to point out all the friends of Buck, wasn’t HRC with Buck too?


Lieu is delusional

Ted Lieu@tedlieu·15h


Why did Republicans make stuff up and go after Adam Schiff on the House floor? Because he is effective. Because he is courageous. And because he is right.



Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:40 a.m. No.19051982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Isn’t the Bar a corrupt organization that teaches lawyers to forget and manipulate the law and destroy the constitution? And collect dues to punish innocent attorneys?


If Clinesmith got reinstated, Hunter will also! But at least they could feign some effort!

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:52 a.m. No.19052039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2054 >>2055 >>2184 >>2310 >>2392

Top FBI official made 'chilling' threat to agents questioning Jan. 6 cases, whistleblower claims

June 21, 2023

"I have witnessed hundreds of Director SVTCs and have never seen a direct threat like that any other time," the whistleblower asserted.


A top official with the FBI has filed a protected disclosure to the Office of the Inspector General alleging thatFBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate told the bureau's internal critics of its Jan. 6-related cases to seek employment elsewhereand offered to personally address his subordinates' agents concerns.


In a sworn affidavit, the 15-year veteran FBI special agent alleges that, during a routine meeting in February 2021, the deputy director addressed internal concerns that the bureau had not taken the same approach to its investigations into the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot as it did with the 2020 riots and protests related to the death of George Floyd.


"He had heard that some employees were contrasting the response to January 6th with the response to the post-George Floyd protests and riots in the summer of 2020," the whistleblower alleges. "DD [Deputy Director] Abbate told the audience that anyone who questions the FBI's response or his decisions regarding the response to January 6th did not belong in the FBI and should find a different job - or something to that effect."


Empower Letter to Horowitz

Abbate reportedly went on to insist that the bureau's responses to both matters had been consistent and that it was conducting itself properly.


He then, however, "challenged all Special Agents in Charge ('SACs') that if they had an employee that did not agree, the SACs could have that employee call DD Abbate personally and he would set them straight," the affidavit continues.


Abbate allegedly made the statement during a routine Secure Video Teleconference (SVTC), the bureau's weekly Wednesday meeting in which the FBI director addresses all of the bureau's divisions. The field office heads, foreign legal attaches, and headquarters divisions typically attend that event, the affidavit states.


"I have witnessed hundreds of Director SVTCs and have never seen a direct threat like that any other time," the whistleblower asserted. "It was chilling and personal, communicating clearly that there would be consequences for anyone that questioned his direction."


The FBI provided the following statement to Just the News:


"Throughout his 27-plus year career, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate has strongly supported the people and the work of the FBI, treating employees with dignity, compassion, and respect. He continues to proudly serve the American people and the FBI as Deputy Director. Deputy Director Abbate is going nowhere and any suggestion otherwise is baseless."


Empower Oversight, a whistleblower advocacy group, wrote to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Wednesday, asking him to "independently corroborate" the whistleblower's allegations. Empower is currently representing other FBI whistleblowers who have alleged political bias within the bureau and acts of retaliation against whistleblowers. Empower stressed that the affiant "does not know and is not associated" with its other clients.


One of Empower's clients, Special Agent Stephen Friend had raised concerns about the bureau's alleged manipulation of crime statistics, its treatment of Jan. 6 defendants, and its use of SWAT teams. He further claims that the FBI suspended him for raising concerns about those matters.


The organization further wrote to key congressional leaders, asking that they look into the claims and hold Abbate accountable.


Empower Letter to Congress

"FBI executives routinely retaliate against employees for expressing concerns about the FBI and the Department of Justice. If they belonged to any other federal law enforcement agency, they would have more effective remedies for these prohibited personnel practices," Empower President Tristan Leavitt wrote. "But at the FBI, legally protected disclosures are not protected in practice. The vast majority of FBI employees don’t have the same civil service protections as other federal employees to obtain review of disciplinary actions taken against them."


"The FBI is not a private club for FBI executives to make in their own image," he continued. "It is an extremely important agency that is supposed to enforce the law without prejudice. Empower Oversight respectfully requests that you work swiftly to independently corroborate this information with other witnesses, publicly document your findings, and hold Deputy Director Abbate accountable."

Anonymous ID: 98b98e June 22, 2023, 7:58 a.m. No.19052054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184 >>2310 >>2392


Here’s the empower letters to Horowitz and Congress


The problem is FBI negotiated a watered down defective “whistleblower Act” with Congress and they would handle these complaints in house instead of through oversight by OIG. Congress needs to change this. Info from Kyle Seraphin