Anonymous ID: bb5ac7 June 22, 2023, 6:55 a.m. No.19051656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19051480 (/lb)

>>19051338 (/lb)

"For 50 years the powers that be in this country told the people they stink, their country stinks, their religion stinks, the color of their skin stinks, their history stinks, God doesn't exist."


"And then they ask 'Why did they elect Donald Trump?' Hahahaha, and I'm thinking you're lucky they didn't show up outside your house with torches and pitchforks, and toss you into the Potomac. This is a nice thing, it is a nice thing that they elected Donald Trump."


"So as people think their way out of morality, out of your individuality (it's easy to think of your own individuality), but you have to really think about it, you know 'maybe that guy sitting across from me is just as important to him as I am to me, and that we're both equally important to God.' Then you have art, then you have enlightenment, that idea, then you have all these kinds of beautiful things that Europe produced, and once you lose that idea, you lose everything."


"It's an amazing thing. You know the people who built the movie industry, the people who made the movies I love and probably the movies you love as well, many of the were immigrants, many of them were Jews. And they loved this place. They loved America. Because they'd seen what the rest of the world was like, especially the Jewish guys knew exactly what they had going on in America."


"And they were liberal in the sense that they wanted to be included. But they were businessmen, who thought that their business depended on their audience liking what they did, so if the audience was Christian they would give them Christians. They would have a scene where a Christian guy would be nice to a Jew, and that would give you a nice feeling, they would say you're part of this country too, and everybody said yes you are.

That was great stuff. They may not have loved them as individuals, but they loved them as audiences, the source of their income, the source of their popularity, their power, everything, and they served them. They served the people."


"Now partially, because the studio system was destroyed by the courts, essentially the inmates took over the asylum, in Hollywood, the death throes of the industry. You had this moment where they lost the studio system. It was a trust busting case. So ultimately now, the power rests with the actors, and not with businessmen. So you have guys who are strong businessmen but they're not about the people."


"During the pandemic recently there was this moment where Donald Trump caught covid, and he came back to the WH, and he said now I've got covid, don't be afraid, don't let it dominate your life. And there is this montage that I play on my show from time to time, of the news media coming out and going 'wHaT a HoRRiBLe tHiNg tO sAy, OF COURSE you should be afraid, this could kill you!"


"And I thought am I the last person who remembers those good movies, that there are things more important than dying? Like slavery, like losing your freedom, like losing your dignity, like losing the chance of being what you want to be. People have died for all those things. And yet here was the news media, one after another after another, saying no no no, that mean Donald Trump, you must be afraid, nd then they sit around and go 'why would anyone vote for Donald Trump?' Hahahaha."


"And these things, these good things, are gone in a world without God. Because why would you risk your life, if there's nothing beyond yourself. Why would you risk your life for anything if there's nothing beyond yourself, of something doesn't have the quality of of eternal to it, like freedom, like justice, why would you die for them. If everything is just material, you know, you're here, you're gone, it's meaningless."


"And think Andrew Cuomo, who was made this hero of NY, and he was made into this hero of 'anti-Trump'. And he said, 'we have to do all this stuff because it's death, and death, and nothing is worse than death, and death is death, and when you're dead you're dead.'. And I'm, hahahaha, who are these people? It's like 'Run and Hide everybody!'"


"This is an instrument of power. Everything is a catastrophe, or emergency. The climate is an emergency, give me more power. Racism is an emergency, give me more power. Racism is a health emergency give us more power. Covid is an emergency, give us more power."


Brilliant stuff

Anonymous ID: bb5ac7 June 22, 2023, 8:11 a.m. No.19052088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2100

The cult is really scared now, kek.


All they have left is spamming Mr. Pig, begging and pleading Anons to ingest their smears and slanders.

Anonymous ID: bb5ac7 June 22, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.19052348   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>And just overall “Trump fatigue” from ordinary Americans.

Kek, you knew you were posting a shilly claim, so tried to get ahead? By pre-emptively smearing and slandering 'Q Research', which isn't even a person, it's a site where many different people with different views can post, as if it were one blob of consciousness guilty of victimizing you.


"Trump fatigue"? His polls numbers have INCREASED since the 'all angles' attacks. If anything, the accusers are getting fatigued, the slanderers are getting fatigued, because if they were as 'powerful' as they imagined themselves to be in their bottom of the barrel 'philosophy', this would not have been taking place. They would have succeeded in REDUCING Trump's poll numbers.


So if (you) are feeling 'fatugued', it's just projection for you to smear and slander 'ordinary Americans' as what you yourself are.