Anonymous ID: 36a026 June 22, 2023, 10:21 a.m. No.19052651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2689 >>2918



> >>19049913 (pb), >>19049933 (pb), >>19049953 (pb), >>19049997 (pb), >>19050050 (pb), >>19050091 (pb), >>19050101 (pb), >>19050104 (pb), >>19050121 (pb), >>19050185 (pb), >>19050266 (pb), >>19050218 (pb) Titan sub discussion

Anon is reading

which was in


"Oh!" just escaped lips. Because: anon knows that [they] popularize "similarly-written words" to hide searches.

Example: "Michelle" Obama wrote a book on transgenders; so, if you search "Michelle Obama transgender" the top links will be the book he wrote, rather than picrel1.

So, the insight:The book written 14 years prior to the Titanic was about a vessel named "Titan". The name of the sub is the same. "Titan".

So if normies try searching for the evidence we're discussing, they're likely to find only discussion of this sub, rather than another "Mandela-type effect."

Also there's wordplay:Titan/tighten.

Anonymous ID: 36a026 June 22, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19052694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2729



Anon just summed up a thought:

"Corporations must pay taxes; I am no longer a corporation."

Various methods to achieve this: WeissParis;; Bobby Lawrence; David Lester Straight; etc.

If anon creates a corporation then it will pay taxes.

The dead pay, not the living. ("Corp-oration", dead talking. Wordplay, "dead man talking" vs. "dead man walking" in our vernacular. Which makes sense: "dead man walking" refers to one's "hidden in berth/birth certificate fraud" corporate nature.)

Anonymous ID: 36a026 June 22, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19052722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2881


Samulyil Haidy

Anon sees "Haiti" in there

maybe "yell" at end of first name?

Ah, got it:

Some mule yell 'Haiti'

Mule is a pack animal, transport, term used for drug/people/etc smugglers.

Also in Foundation, there was a character The Mule:

Anonymous ID: 36a026 June 22, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.19052943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2952



> >>19052284 (pb) 11 am AST: Tropical Storm #Bret is nearing the Lesser Antilles and is expected to bring strong winds and heavy rains to portions of that area tonight.

> >>19052328 (pb) Tropical depression 4 has formed out in the central Atlantic. This storm is forecast to become Tropical Storm Cindy in the next day or so

Childish, but: Bret and Cindy, sitting in a sea; f-o-r-m-i-n-g!

Anonymous ID: 36a026 June 22, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19053050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3121


>Anon played with gematria because, why not

kekking so hard, TY anon!!! Reader's Digest "laughter is the best medicine" feels good man, picrels.

agree, "look here, not there" - we have many "heres" to look at! too many? anon saw digits in a Notable earlier, thought to map them to Q posts but was "absorbing Notables" at the time. should go back and check, thank you for motivation!

agree with the "HH" had seen that also, but, we can only say/type so much… :)

>Are the comms the Ukraine shitshow is doomed, all over but the implosion?

like your thinking anon

watching the war it seems so; anon likes the "Military Summary" channel on YouTube:

will add to your gematria, using Samulyil Haidy ("some mule yell Haiti"?):

top Jewish gematria:

Phil Godlewski

top English gematria:

John F Kennedy Jr
