History repeating?
You can't make this shiite up.
Those 50 year old white guys could have advised on critical shit like life support systems, redundancy systems, emergency protocols and much more. This Stockton Rush was a fucking moran! He was good at conning people out of $$$ though.
Saw a vid yesterday that set off a dozen alarm bells for me. Former USA Navy submariner talked about all of the "un-inspirational" shit old Stockton Rush didn't like. One that stood out was the Titan was "rated" for a depth of 4000 meters and Titanic rests at exactly 4000 meters. In addition, Titan's rating was purely mathematical as computed by an engineer. Vid provides a decent analysis of common sense shit that apparently only curses 50 year old white guys.
Twasn't a software issue this time. Shitty hull design couldn't handle 6000 psi at that depth. Imagine the attached vid times 10,000. Fun times!
The fart bubble is released and it's all over.