Anonymous ID: 09545d June 22, 2023, 5:33 p.m. No.19054879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4880

By Alexander Burns

June 16, 2015

Donald Trump, Pushing Someone Rich, Offers Himself


with paragraphs numbered

Anonymous ID: 09545d June 22, 2023, 5:33 p.m. No.19054880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5348



>>19051823 lb

>>19054341 lb

>new Tucker twitter episode

>>19054352 lb

>NYT waited until the 17th paragraph to attack Trump when he announced for 2016

>>19054543 lb

> a "fact check" on that 17.

>>19054562 lb


FACT Check on Tucker's 17th NYT Paragraph

Looks to be TRUE. But would depend on the reader and how they interpret the fist 16 jabs. But #17 is clearly critical, as Tucker claims.


#1 "brandishing his wealth and fame as chief qualifications in an improbable quest for the Republican nomination."

#2 "proclaiming that only someone “really rich” — like himself — could restore American economic primacy."

#3 "repeatedly assailing China and Mexico as economic competitors"

#4 "mocking the accomplishments of prominent elected officials. "

#5 "It seems a remote prospect that Republicans, stung in 2012 by the caricature of their nominee, Mitt Romney, as a pampered and politically tone-deaf financier, would rebound by nominating a real estate magnate'

#6 "Mr. Trump, who has never held elective office"

#7 "Mr. Trump’s presidential posturing has seldom been taken seriously, and for good reason"

#8 "he is entering the race mainly to appear in debates and win attention from the media."

#9 "ridiculed Secretary of State John F. Kerry for having broken his leg"

#10 "Mr. Trump and his allies insist that he is serious about the race."

#11 "t is unclear whether Mr. Trump will make a more complete disclosure of tax returns"

#12 "Mr. Trump is willing, even eager, to spend his fortune in the race"

#13 "Mr. Trump would bring an unaccustomed level of glamour to the Republican field"

#14 "“He’s got that celebrity status,”"

#15 "would quickly leave a mark on the race thanks to his ability as a showman"

#16 "“Right now, Jeb Bush is announcing,”"

#17 "But as well-known as he is, Mr. Trump is also widely disliked: A recent Quinnipiac University poll found that about seven in 10 voters nationally hold an unfavorable view of him, including 52 percent of Republicans."

Anonymous ID: 09545d June 22, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.19055114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5386 >>5469




All in one CAP


Matt Walsh

8:15 PM · Jun 22, 2023


The trans agenda was invented by pedophilic psychologists, degenerate quacks, lunatic sexologists, literal Nazi scientists, and other assorted deviants. A collection of the most despicable monsters imaginable came up with all of this stuff. Here are five names you should know.


John Money pioneered the concept of "gender identity." He tried out his theory on twin boys, who he abused and experimented on throughout their childhood. They both went on to kill themselves.


Alfred Kinsey is the godfather of modern "comprehensive sex ed" programs. He came up with many of the theories of sexuality that are now taught as fact in our schools. He also enlisted a pedophile who raped children so that he could document the victims' "orgasms."


Volkmar Sigusch was a sexologist who coined the term "cissexual." He argued in favor of exposing children to pornography and insisted that pedophilia should not be stigmatized. This latter point was a common belief among many pioneers of the trans movement.


Magnus Hirschfeld. Another German sexologist. He opened one of the world's first transgender clinics. He was an avid proponent of eugenics and believed in forcibly sterilizing those who were "feeble-minded." The Nazis would later implement eugenics on a massive scale.


Erwin Gohrbandt. A leading scientist in Nazi Germany who performed one of the first "sex reassignment" surgeries. He helped design human experiments that were carried out on prisoners at Dachau. In one experiment, victims were submerged in ice cold water to study the effects of hypothermia. Many died.


This is far from a comprehensive list. But these are the sorts of people who gave us trans ideology. A brutal, depraved, pseudo-scientific movement from the very beginning. An ideology pushed by monstrous quacks and dangerous perverts. I guess some things never change.