Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:31 p.m. No.19074443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4444 >>4451 >>4455 >>4512 >>4562 >>4608 >>4959 >>5034

NYC to Crack Down on Wood-Fired Pizza Joints to Reduce Carbon Emissions by Up to 75%


First gas stoves, now wood-fired ovens.


New York City will be cracking down on wood-fired pizza joints to reduce carbon emissions by up to 75%.


“All New Yorkers deserve to breathe healthy air and wood and coal-fired stoves are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality,” Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Ted Timbers said in a statement to the New York Post on Sunday. “This common-sense rule, developed with restaurant and environmental justice groups, requires a professional review of whether installing emission controls is feasible.”


According to the New York Post, some restaurateurs are currently negotiating with DEP officials.


Iconic pizzerias known for their wood-fired pizzas such as Grimaldis, Arturo’s, Lombardi’s, and others may be exempt from the mandate.


The New York Post reported:


Historic Big Apple pizza joints could be forced to dish out mounds of dough under a proposed city edict targeting pollutant-spewing coal-and-wood-fired ovens, The Post has learned.


The New York City Department of Environmental Protection has drafted new rules that would order eateries using the decades-old baking method to slice carbon emissions by up to 75%.


The rule could require pizzerias with such ovens installed prior to May 2016 to buy pricey emission-control devices — with the owner of one Brooklyn joint saying he’s already tossed $20,000 on an air filter system in anticipation of the new mandate.


“Oh yeah, it’s a big expense!” said Paul Giannoni, the owner of Paulie Gee’s in Greenpoint. “It’s not just the expense of having it installed, it’s the maintenance. I got to pay somebody to do it, to go up there every couple of weeks and hose it down and you know do the maintenance.”


https://www.NYC to Crack Down on Wood-Fired Pizza Joints to Reduce Carbon Emissions by Up to

Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:34 p.m. No.19074452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4474 >>4476 >>4608 >>4959 >>5034




#OSINT indicates that first POSEIDON Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo launches from #Russian submarine Belgorod may occur in next few days


Not related to Wagner coup, but may provide a show of strength

Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:37 p.m. No.19074465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4469 >>4608 >>4700 >>4959 >>5034

Dozens detained at LGBTQ event in Türkiye


Police took action against activists who attended the banned pride parade in Istanbul


More than 100 people were detained at the LGBTQ pride parade in Türkiye’s largest city on Sunday, Istanbul Governor Davut Gul said. Activists took to the streets despite the ban on the event.


“Our national future depends on keeping the institution of family alive with our national and moral values,” Gul wrote on Twitter, vowing not to allow “any activity that will weaken the institution of family.”


“The 113 people who participated with the goal of spreading [LGBTQ] propaganda have been detained,” the governor added.


On Sunday, police blocked all streets leading to Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul’s historic district and to Taksim Square. The traffic along several lines of Istanbul Metro was suspended for hours, according to newspaper Cumhuriyet.

The organizers of the pride event condemned the crackdown. “We reject this politics of hatred and denial. Despite all the prohibitions, criminalizations, pressures, and attempts to suppress us, we will continue to advocate for a humane life for everyone and persist in democratic living,” the Istanbul Pride Parade Committee said in a statement.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was re-elected last month, has championed social conservatism and described his main rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu as “an LGBT person.” In his victory speech, Erdogan blasted those seeking to “normalize homosexuality.”

Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:40 p.m. No.19074471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608 >>4959 >>5034

China Back's Argentina's Falklands Claim, Urges End To Hegemonism And "Colonial Thinking"


Around the time the senile vegetable reading from the White House teleprompter was calling China's Xi Jinping a democrat, destroying all the goodwill his Secretary of State did just days earlier during his visit go Beijing - and throwing Blinken under the bus in the process - a Chinese ambassador to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, backed Argentina’s claim to the Falkland Islands and called on countries to abandon “colonial thinking”, and warning of its serious implications for the international order.


Geng, China’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, made the comments on Tuesday to a special committee on decolonisation, which adopted a resolution calling on Britain and Argentina to resume negotiations over the islands, also known as the Malvinas.


“The issue of the Malvinas Islands is a historical legacy of colonialism. Although the colonial era has passed, hegemonism and power politics that are in line with colonial thinking still exist today,” he said, quoted by the SCMP.


Geng said this way of thinking has a “serious impact” on international relations and order and “seriously damages” the sovereignty, security and development interests of the countries involved.


“The international community must remain highly vigilant and resolutely resist this,” he said.


Argentina maintains that the islands – about 600km (370 miles) from its coastline in the South Atlantic – were illegally taken by Britain, which argues that it has territorial claims dating back to 1765.


The centuries-old dispute flared into a two-month war between the two countries in 1982, after an attempt by Buenos Aires to take the territory prompted Britain to dispatch a naval taskforce to regain the islands. The issue was revived again this past March, when Argentina walked away from a 2016 cooperation agreement – covering issues such as energy, shipping and fishing, but not sovereignty – and demanded a return to negotiations over the islands.


British foreign secretary James Cleverly said firmly that the islands are British territory, pointing out on Twitter that the islanders “have chosen to remain a self-governing UK overseas territory” similar to what Russia did with residents in Crimea in the Donbass but the western media was less enthused back then.


A 2013 referendum on the islands resulted in a 99.8 per cent vote to remain British, again - similar to Crimea referendum outcome.

Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:42 p.m. No.19074481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608 >>4850 >>4959 >>5034

'Non-binary' identifying students in New Jersey skyrocket over 4,000% since 2019


Leftist politicians in the state believe parents should not know about any feelings of gender confusion their child may have.


Recent state enrollment data from New Jersey has found that the amount of students in the public school system who are non considering themselves to be "non-binary" has skyrocketed over 4,000 percent during the past four years.


In the 2019-2020 school year, a mere total of 16 students identified with such a label, according to enrollment figures from the New Jersey Department of Education. Now, that number has ballooned to 675, marking an excess of a 4118 percent increase for the 2022-23 school year.


Following a new policy passed by a school district last month saying that it will consult parents on anything which could have "a material impact on a student's physical and/or mental health," New Jersey Democrat Attorney General Matthew Platkin filed a lawsuit against the rule, arguing it "discriminates" against so-called ‘LGBTQ’ pupils by mandating teachers to "out" them to the parents without first receiving permission of the child.


Democrat state Governor Phil Murphy expressed his support for the attorney general’s legal action.


New Jersey is not the only state where such marked upswings in children identifying with such a concept have been observed in recent times. Maryland’s largest public school district, for instance, observed a drastic 582 percent increase of students in Montgomery’s County Schools labeling themselves as “gender nonconforming” in a short two-year period, per student surveys.


Just earlier this month, The Post Millenial covered some of the backlash seen in Montgomery County after a group of Muslims furiously protested the educators’ forcing of ‘LGBTQ’ teachings on its students. Chants of "Protect our children," and "Religious Freedom now" could be heard outside of a school board meeting.

Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:47 p.m. No.19074501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4538 >>4608 >>4959 >>5034

A Catastrophic Implosion . . . of the Rule of Law


Instead of proper rule of law we are living with that Orwellian alternative, Our Rule of Law™—an arbitrary enforcement of the laws and use of the coercive power of the state.


Like some other commentators, I have in recent years several times quoted a famous exchange from Ernest Hemingway’s first novel, The Sun Also Rises. Recent developments in the Biden family money laundering scheme, the implosion of a boutique underwater expedition to the Titanic, and a possible coup in Russia prompt me to wheel it out once again. “‘How did you go bankrupt?’ Bill asked. ‘Two ways,’ Mike said. ‘Gradually, then suddenly.’”


It fits the long-running drama over Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, I think. Miranda Devine broke news of that scandal in the New York Post in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election. It languished in the doldrums of official nonrecognition for years as the regime went into overdrive to keep people, especially voters, from paying any attention to it.


Gradually, however, the truth leaked out. First, the authenticity of the laptop was acknowledged. Turns out it was not “Russian disinformation,” as those 51 intelligence experts insisted. Nope, it belonged to Hunter all right. At first, the public was titillated by all the sex-drugs-and-rock-n-roll that pervaded that digital trove. Gradually, very gradually, however, the publicly important stuff—the money angle with news of foreign payments apparently to dear-old-dad from various foreigners—began leaking out.


Then suddenly, just this last week, the House Ways and Means Committee began dropping bombs.

Anonymous ID: 57a8cd June 25, 2023, 8:50 p.m. No.19074528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608 >>4630 >>4959 >>5034

Australia to provide Ukraine with major assistance package as government pledges to stand with Kyiv for 'as long as it takes'


Australia has renewed its support for the Ukrainian war effort with the Albanese government declaring it will stand side-by-side with the conflict-ridden country for “as long as it takes”.


The Australian government has revealed it will provide $110 million in military and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine as Kyiv continues its major counteroffensive in the war with Russia.


Australia has been one of the largest non-NATO contributors to the Ukrainian war effort after Russia invaded in February 2022.


The large majority of the package will be military aid and will include a significant provision of armoured vehicles.


Australia will send 70 vehicles to the war-torn nation including 28 M113 armoured vehicles, 14 special operation vehicles and 28 MAN 40M medium trucks and 14 trailers.


As part of the package, Ukraine will also receive a significant supply of 105mm artillery ammunition.


While the vast majority of the latest investment will cover military aid, the government will also provide $10 million to the Ukrainian Humanitarian Fund managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.


The fund assists with the millions of displaced people and those in need of shelter, health services, clean water and sanitation.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made the announcement alonside Defence Minister Richard Marles and Foreign Minister Penny Wong on Monday after Cabinet agreed to the latest provision of aid.


Mr Albanese sought to downplay suggestions the package would not meet the ongoing demands of the Ukrainian government.


He touched on the Australian Hawkei vehicles, which have been the centrepiece of the Ukrainian defence ministry’s requests, but said the seven-tonne armoured car was not the “best way we can provide assistance”.


“What we have done is asked the ADF, what is the best way we can provide support in the immediate sense that is available to us,” Mr Albanese said.


The Prime Minister also said the new package would “make a real difference” in Ukraine’s war efforts.


“Helping the Ukrainian people who continue to show great courage in the face of Russia's illegal, unprovoked and immoral war,” the Prime Minister said.


“It is sobering that 16 months on from Russia's invasion, its brutal conflict continues.”


The Defence Minister also scurried any suggestions Australia was slowly withdrawing its continued support for Ukraine.


Mr Marles said the Albanese government would maintain its financial and military assistance for “as long as it takes”.


“What is at issue in Ukraine today is the sanctity of the global rules-based order, and it is very important that Australians understand that this engages our national interest,” Mr Marles said.