Droned down on the Kremlin floor
And then right in the middle of this incandescent confrontation, we have the irruption in the dead of night of a couple of puny kamikaze drones over the Kremlin.
This was no attempt to assassinate Putin: but rather a cheap PR stunt. Russian intel must have pieced the whole story by now: the drones were probably launched from inside Moscow or its suburbs, by Ukrainian strike cells dressed in civilian clothing and sporting fake IDs.
There will be more such PR stunts – anything from car bombs and booby traps to improvised landmines. Russia will have to step up internal security towards a real war footing.
But what about the “response” to – in Kremlin terminology – a “terrorist attack”?
Elena Panini from Russtrat.ru has offered a priceless, non-hysterical appraisal:
“The purpose of the night strike, judging by the video footage, was not the Kremlin itself and not even the dome of the Senate Palace, but the flagpole on the dome with a duplicate of the standard of the President of the Russian Federation. The game of symbolism is already purely British stuff. A kind of ‘reminder’ from London on the eve of the coronation of Charles III that the conflict in Ukraine is still developing according to the Anglo-Saxon scenario and within the framework set by them.”
So yes: those neo-Nazi mutts in Kiev are just tools. The orders that matter always come from Washington and London – especially when it comes to breaching red lines.
Panini argues it’s time for the Kremlin to seize the definitive strategic initiative. That should include upgrading the SMO to the status of a real war; declare Ukraine as a terrorist state; and implement what is already being discussed in the Duma: the transition to the use of “weapons that are capable of stopping and destroying the Kiev terrorist regime.”
The puny double drone attack – a combined Anglo-Saxon neocon provocation – has offered Moscow the perfect gift: an unmistakable casus belli.
A Putin “assassination attempt” combined with a drive to sabotage the May 9 Victory Day parade? The Stupid-O-Meter rules that only neocons can come up with such brilliance. So from now on their messenger, the warmongering actor in a sweaty T-shirt – alongside his close oligarchic circle – are all dead men walking.
Yet even that ultimately is irrelevant. Moscow could have designated Ukraine as a terrorist state right after the attack on the Kerch bridge, back in October 2022. But then NATO would have survived.
Perhaps Prigozhin’s Twilight of the Gods scenario may have forgotten that what the Kremlin really wants is to go after the head of the snake. Putin did provide a serious hint, over a year ago:
interference by the collective West would lead to “such consequences that you have never encountered in your history.”
And that explains NATO’s panic. Some in Washington with an IQ over room temperature may have seen through the fog: thus the provocations – Kremlin drone stunt included – to force Moscow to quickly wrap the SMO up.
Oh no, that’s not gonna happen. For Moscow the state of things is swell; non-stop sinking of NATO weapons and finances into an immeasurable black hole. Cue to the Kremlin casually asserting yes, we will respond, but when we deem it appropriate. Now that, Dear Comrade Prighozin, is the ultimate maskirovka.
First published by SCF
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Pepe Escobar, Global Research, 2023