Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 6:56 a.m. No.19083068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3081 >>3087

27 Jun, 2023 13:08

Wagner Group was fully funded by Russia – Putin

Evgeny Prigozhin earned billions of rubles from government contracts while using state money to pay fighters, Vladimir Putin said


The Wagner Group was fully dependent on state support, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the country’s military in the Kremlin on Tuesday. The private military company’s fighters were supplied and paid by the Defense Ministry and the state budget, he added.


Between May 2022 and May 2023, the Russian authorities allocated 86.26 billion rubles ($1.04 billion) for wages and incentive paymentsfor the Wagner fighters, the president revealed.


Meanwhile, Wagner founder Evgeny Prigozhin, who also co-owns the Concord catering company, earned billions of rubles on state contracts, Putin added.


When the upkeep of the Wagner Group rested on the shoulders of the state, the Concord owner received… 80 billion rubles ($960 million) from the state in a year by supplying food products to the army,” the president said.


“I hope that no one stole anything while fulfilling these [contracts],” he continued, adding that the authorities would “certainly dig into it.”


Last Friday, Prigozhin sent his Wagner Group to march towards large Russian cities with the stated goal of removing several generals whom he accused of treason. Several military aircraft were shot down during the rebellion.


The mutiny ended the following day through the mediation of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.Prigozhin explained the decision as a desire to avoid major bloodshed. Putin stated that the authorities would not prosecute Prigozhin or his troops, and invited Wagner fighters join the regular Russian military. Alternatively, they will be allowed to leave active service or follow Prigozhin to Belarus, which has agreed to host him. (So Prigozhin knew of a plot in Russia and he revealed it, “he did it to avoid bloodshed“ means “whoever was responsible” did want Russians to fight Russians. Note Putin has not mention Prigozhin’s name as responsible in any speech. He didn’t even mention his name above he said “the Concord owner”.)


On Tuesday, Putin praised the Russian army and security officers for preventing a “civil war.” The response allowed all critical defenses and government systems to continue operating, the president added.

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 7:08 a.m. No.19083128   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(The picture they chose is “believe me look”. Kek)

27 Jun, 2023 12:44

Western services ‘inspired’ Wagner revolt – Russian national guard head

A barrage of “planted leaks” from Evgeny Prigozhin’s camp came ahead of the uprising, the official said


Western nations must have helped businessman Evgeny Prigozhin organize his brief insurrection last week, according to Viktor Zolotov, commander of the National Guard of Russia.


Speaking to journalists on Tuesday on the sidelines of a ceremony at the Kremlin awarding decorations, the senior official expressed certainty thatthe mutiny “was inspired by Western special services, because, as they said, they knew about it several weeks ahead of time.”


Media reports claimed that the US intelligence community had prior knowledge about possible trouble coming from Prigozhin and his private military company Wagner Group. Washington has vehemently denied any involvement in the turmoil, which it called a domestic Russian affair.


Zolotov claimedthat “Prigozhin’s camp” has been deliberately leaking “focused” information about a possible mutinycoming sometime between last Thursday and Sunday. He suggested that Western agents may have been directly involved in conducting the operation.(leaking to notify Putin the “grift” was on? Why would they leak if it was a real mutiny?)


The mutiny started on Friday evening and dissolved the next day when Prigozhin accepted a Belarus-mediated deal with the Russian government. Wagner troops had entered the city of Rostov-on-Don and were on the move towards Moscow by the time the insurrection was aborted.


The national-guard commander said his troops were preparing for intensive battles outside the Russian capital, which would have been bloody encounters.


“At that point we were concentrating our forces at the outskirts of Moscow.If we dispersed them, [Wagner troops] could have sliced through like a knife through butter,” he recalled. (There was one truck video’d with Prigozhin and someone elsetraveling to Moscow, how could they have sliced through? This story gets crazier daily. They are admitting Moscow is unprotected? Ridiculous!)


Zolotov suggested that the experience proves thatguardsmen should have heavier weapons at their disposal, such as tanks.(oh, thats why he did this interview)


Wagner, which played a significant role in the special military operation against Ukraine, has tanks, anti-aircraft systems and even strike aircraft. The force will reportedly hand over these arms as part of the post-mutiny arrangement, which also requires any soldier that wishes to continue service to join the ranks of regular Russian units.


(This article is dramatically ridiculous to reinforce the narrative, me thinks!)

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 7:17 a.m. No.19083163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3203

27 Jun, 2023 10:34

Kiev explains slow counteroffensive – Politico

Ukrainian officials blame Russian air power, minefields, even bad weather for impeding its advances on the battlefield


Kiev has allegedly insisted that there have beenno purposeful delays on its partin regards to the much-heralded counteroffensive, as its Western backers have supposedly grown frustrated with the slow progress of the operation, Politico reported on Monday.


According to the outlet, Ukrainian officials have stressed that they wish their operation could move faster but pointed the finger at factors such as theeffectiveness of Russian aircraft, minefields and bad weatherin trying to explain why their armed forces have failed to make notable progress.


“We’re still moving forward in different parts of the front line,” Yuri Sak, an adviser to Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, told Politico. “Earlier it was not possible to assess the solidity of the Russian defenses,”he added, noting that “only now that we are doing active probing operations, we get a better picture. The obtained information will be factored into the next stages of our offensive operations.”


Nevertheless, Politico claims thatKiev’s backersin Washington and in Europeare unhappy with the slow paceof the operation and are allegedly demanding that Ukrainiantroops hurry upand make significant battlefield gains soon. (Down to the last Ukrainian is the true goal)


They have also reportedlycriticizedUkraine’s Armed Forces for being “too cautious,” waiting for the perfect weather and other factors to align before striking Russian positions.


The outlet also noted that a number of analysts have been warning for quite some time that despite all the Western training provided to Ukrainian commanders, itremains unlikely that Kiev will meet NATO fighting standardsand will continue tooperate with a strategy of attritionwithoutproperly employingcombined-arms operations, maneuver warfare and longer-range precision strikes. (That sounds really bad)


The prediction comes as Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba reiteratedKiev’s demands for more artillery systems and missiles, during a meeting of top EU diplomats on Monday. He also insisted onspeeding up the training of Ukrainian pilotson advanced fighter jets and called formore sanctionsto be placed on Russia.


Kiev and its Western backers have been assessing how to take advantage of the“window” of opportunity caused by the abandoned rebellion launched in Russia by Wagner PMC chief Evgeny Prigozhin over the weekend.


Officially, however, Washington has maintained silence on the Wagner mutiny. According to a report by Axios on Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reportedly demanded that his staff refrain from commenting on the incident and only say that the US is monitoring the situation.

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 7:23 a.m. No.19083203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3213


Has any anon ever seen a fighting force or country intentionally talk to the news telling the world of why they are failing at war? And complaining about it being other reasons like the weather etc? They are saying the West didn’t train to fight well. You would never see this released in a real war.


They’ve always been spotty terrorist with little to no enemies, just attacking civilians, who thought they could ever be a disciplined army?


Wasting billions there for money laundering for world leaders!

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 7:31 a.m. No.19083248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3360 >>3661 >>3708 >>3791

27 Jun, 2023 13:24

Ukrainian victory is ‘impossible’ – Orban

The nature of Western cooperation with Kiev during the conflict has been a failure, the Hungarian leader says


The idea that Western military aid would enable Ukraine to defeat Russia on the battlefield is wrong, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.


“I stand on the grounds of reality.The reality is that the nature of cooperation between Ukraine and the West is a failure,” Orban said in an interview with German tabloid Bild on Tuesday.


Suggesting that the weapons, funding and intelligence being provided to Kiev by the US and its EU allies would allow Ukraine to win “is a misunderstanding of the situation. That’s impossible,” he argued.


“The problem is that the Ukrainians will run out of soldiers earlier than the Russians, and this will be the deciding factor eventually,” the prime minister said.


He rejected the interviewer’s contention that all of Ukraine would have been captured by Russia without NATO aid, describing this as “a hypothesis to which there’s no evidence.”


According to Orban, aceasefire must be reached in the conflictbetween Moscow and Kiev as soon as possible or Ukraine will “lose a huge amount of wealth and many lives, and unimaginable destruction will happen.That’s why peace is the only solution at this moment.”


However, he saidfighting would not stop until Kiev’s main backer, Washington, decides that there should be peace.


“What really matters is what Americans want to do.Ukraine is no longer a sovereign country. They don’t have any money. They have no weapons. They can only fight because we in the West support them,” the Hungarian leader explained.


He criticized EU sanctions imposed on Moscow over the conflict, saying they failed in both “bringing Russia to its knees” and in achieving peace in Ukraine.“Sanctions have not worked. I am surprised thatwe turned out to be incapableof formulating them appropriately, “he said.


Budapest has been one of the few EU capitals to maintain business relations with Moscow because it was “good for the Hungarian people,” Orban said. “I’m fighting for Hungary. I don’t care about [Russia’s President Vladimir] Putin. I don’t care about Russia. I take care of Hungary.”


He also commented on thefailed revolt by the Wagnerprivate military company, which occurred in Russia last week.“I don’t see much significance in this event” because it has no effect on “the most important thing,” which is the prospect of achieving a ceasefire in Ukraine, he stated.


(Orban knows why Wagner was a non-event)

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 7:38 a.m. No.19083292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3360 >>3661 >>3708 >>3791

27 Jun, 2023 10:30

Wagner to hand over heavy weapons – Russian MOD

A planned transfer has been announced by the military in the wake of last week’s insurrection


The Russian Defense Ministry has announced preparations for the handover of heavy weapons from the Wagner private military company to units of the national Armed Forces.


A brief statement posted by the ministry on social media on Tuesday confirmed the plan but offered no further details on the arms transfer. The Wagner Group currently has many of the same weapons as regular troops, including tanks, anti-aircraft systems and attack aircraft. Some of them were used by the contractors during their short-lived mutiny last weekend.


Last Friday, Wagner chief Evgeny Prigozhin accused senior Russian military figures of treason and sent his troops towards major cities in Russia, including the capital, with the stated goal of having the officials removed from service. The mutiny ended the following day, when the businessman accepted a Belarus-mediated deal with Moscow, including immunity from prosecution for him and Wagner personnel.


The insurrection was not bloodless, as Wagner soldiersshot down several Russian military aircraft, while their convoy rolled down the M4 highway.Details on those losses remain murky, but President Vladimir Putin acknowledged the deaths of military pilots during in his address to the nation on Monday. There have beenunconfirmed claims that Prigozhin has offered to pay compensation to families of the slain service members. (Russia has never released pictures of any of the helos that were shot down, are they going to release the names of the dead pilots? Hmm details remain murky? How could that be?)


Putin has offered Wagner troops the choice of joining the Russian military or law enforcement agencies, retiring from active duty, or following Prigozhin to Belarus, which has agreed to host them.

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 8:03 a.m. No.19083426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3474 >>3499 >>3661 >>3708 >>3791

27 Jun, 2023 08:30

West plotting ‘color revolution’ in Serbia – Moscow

Foreign agents are seeking to destabilize the Balkan nation in the wake of two mass shootings, a top Russian senator claims


Western nations appear to be laying the groundwork for a ‘color revolution’ in Serbia, according to Valentina Matvienko, the speaker of the upper chamber of Russia’s parliament. She claimed that public anger is being whipped up following two mass shootings in the country.


“What we have today is a classic example of network-centric warfare, when net structures underWestern control use some hot-button issue to destabilize the situation, hoping it would serve as a trigger.Then they provoke mass demonstrations and deploy prepared local opposition,” she said in an interview with Sputnik Serbia on Monday.


Matvienko said thesame approachwas used during theArab Spring uprisings, as well as in Iran. In Serbia’s case, she added, theUS and its alliesare seeking tostir public anger over the two mass shootings, which took place in Belgrade and Mladenovac.


On May 3, a school shooting in Belgrade claimed ten lives, after a student used his father’s firearms to attack other children and staff. The following day, a 20-year-old man went on a shooting spree, killing nine across several locations.


The Russian lawmaker described theuse of those tragedies for political machination as “extreme, monstrous cynicism,” which shows “how far the West can go in its desire to quash Serbia and punish it for having an independent policy.” Any normal person should be disgusted by this, Matvienko added.


The Russian senator called for a thorough investigation into the Mladenovac case forpossible manipulation of the “psycho killer”on social media and the dark web.Western special services are “actively using methods of neuro-linguistic programming,” she claimed, referring to a method that purports to subtly influence people’s behavior.


Matvienko asserted that nations can withstand foreign-influenced coups, citing Syria and Belarus as examples of successful defense against Western attempts to topple a government. Serbia will also manage to resist, she stated, arguing that the recent memory of NATO bombings in 1999 gives Serbs resistance to “deception.”


(She explains perfectly the FF used to overthrow countries with a color revolution and manipulate the mentally ill!)

Anonymous ID: 50f656 June 27, 2023, 8:27 a.m. No.19083512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And the media says thats a “joke”. Who in the right mind would joke to a foreign leader they stole and sold state secrets? Would a world leader be uncomfortable and laugh? Of course, this is how the media makes up the lie. They use nervous laughing as someone got the joke. A leader would think thats crass and crude and he’s mocking the people of his country. Plus no one knows if Joe has a sense of humor because nothing he says is funny. Bongino says when Joe says its a joke, it’s always a lie, and Joe didn’t say it was a joke